The Progressive Era - Mrs. Widner

The Progressive Era
Unit Assessment
You have been learning about the Progressive Era. As your test grade for this unit, you will choose
ONE of the options below to complete and turn-in.
OPTION #1: Writing an Investigative Newspaper Report
As a muckraker, you uncovered alarming information about problems in American society at the
turn of the century. You will now expose what you learned to the American public by writing a
newspaper report that will stir your readers to action.
Your article must include the following elements:
An appropriate and appealing title.
A byline with your name and an appropriate date from the time period.
An introduction with a brief explanation of muckraking and an overview of what you plan to
expose in your article (choose the field site in which you investigated the most problems).
One paragraph describing each of the programs you uncovered at your field site. Use vivid
and shocking language. Each paragraph should have at least two sentences, including at least
three pieces of information from your Reading Notes.
A conclusion summarizing the reasons your readers should take action to address the
problems you uncovered.
A “photograph” from your investigation with a brief caption. This can be a drawing you
make or a copy of a photograph from a book or the Internet. It should depict something you
wrote about in the article.
Any other clever and creative touches that will make your article more realistic.
OPTION #2: Essay About the Progressives
Select one of the founding ideals below. Write and essay explaining whether the ideal was either
advanced or restricted during the Progressive Era. Your essay should include:
An introduction with a brief overview of the Progressive Era and the Progressives. Your
introduction should also include a thesis statement that identifies the ideal you chose and
states whether or not the ideal was advanced or restricted during the period.
One paragraph describing the ideal you selected. The paragraph should contain a clear topic
sentence, one or two pieces of evidence from your chart to support your thesis, and one or
two sentences that explain how your evidence supports or proves your topic sentence.
A conclusion.
OPTION #3: Use a Newspaper to Examine the Lasting Impact of Progressivism
Skim a newspaper to find an article about actions of today’s president or federal government that
reflect at least one progressive goal. Then do the following:
Highlight the details in the article that show the influence of the national policies of
Write a paragraph that summarizes the article.
Write a paragraph that explains how the article illustrates the on-going influence of
progressivism on national politics.