Academic U.S. & Virginia History Name: Mr. Briscoe/Mr. Null

Academic U.S. & Virginia History
Mr. Briscoe/Mr. Null
Name: _____________________________________
Progressivism & Imperialism Essay Outlines
Question: Why did the progressive reform movement emerge and how did it reshape American society from
1901 to 1920?
Introduction/Thesis: The Progressive Movement emerged in the early 1900s as a response to the problems of an
increasingly complex industrial society. As muckrakers drew attention to political, economic, and social
problems, progressive political leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson helped to bring about
major reforms that improved American society and expanded the role of the federal government.
Body Paragraph #1: Origins of Progressivism (include a topic sentence)
Problems of Industrial Society: ____________________________________________________________________
Muckrakers Focus Attention: _____________________________________________________________________
Movement/Goals: ______________________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph #2: TR (include a topic sentence, some background on TR, and then at least three of the following
four reform examples – Coal Strike of 1902, trust-busting/corporate regulation, consumer safety, conservation )
Example A: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Example B: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Example C: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph #3: Wilson (include a topic sentence, background on election of 1912, and then at least three of
the following reform areas – financial, corporate regulation, labor, social welfare, political)
Example A: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Example B: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Example C: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Question: How and why did the United States emerge as a “Great Power” by 1920?
Introduction/Thesis: U.S. overseas expansion in the late 1800s and early 1900s, alongside the growth of its
industrial economy and naval power, resulted in America’s rise as a Great Power by 1920. Although they took
very different approaches to foreign policy, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson both contributed to the
assertion of American power and diplomatic influence during their presidencies.
Body Paragraph #1: American Imperialism, 1850-1900 (include a topic sentence)
Motives of Imperialism: _________________________________________________________________________
Interest in Latin America & Pacific: ________________________________________________________________
Spanish-American War & Results: _________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph #2: TR’s Realism
TR’s Overall Goals/Approach: ___________________________________________________________________
Naval Power/Role in the Pacific: __________________________________________________________________
Role in Latin America: __________________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph #3: Wilson’s Idealism
Wilson’s Overall Goals/Approach: _________________________________________________________________
Handling of WW I (including 14 Points): ____________________________________________________________
Treaty of Versailles: ____________________________________________________________________________