Name _________________________________________ English 3A Lord of the Flies Persuasive Paper Directions: Choose one of the topics below and write a 2-2.5 page persuasive paper, typed and double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, using a proper heading. Your essay must be 5 paragraphs- intro, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion, and include THREE quotations (one per body paragraph). DO NOT USE “I” or “ME” IN YOUR PAPER. Argue your points by using examples and references to the novel and any other ideas we have discussed in class about the nature/psychology of evil and humanity. *You must also reference the critical article at the end of the novel by E.L. Epstein as it provides many insights into the novel and its deeper implications. *Do not summarize or write this as a reaction paper with your own opinions. Instead, analyze after giving examples from the novel and explaining the characters’ motives and behavior and society’s role in shaping the morals and values of the boys in the novel. Topic 1: Defending or Condemning the Boys’ Uncivilized Behavior in LOTF: When reading Lord of the Flies, it can be argued that each one of the boys’ actions (both good and evil) is nothing more than an attempt to survive under difficult circumstances. Perhaps the boys lost hope of ever returning home, and so the rules of society were thrown away because they were no longer valuable or necessary. In a persuasive essay, argue whether the boys’ actions were merely the result of the human survival instinct, or whether they were really uncivilized, evil, depraved children deep down all along. Consider what turned them savage over time. (Things to consider- their environment, the lack of adult presence, lack of rules/structure from a civilized world, etc.) Also take into consideration savage acts like the brutal killing and mounting of the sow’s head, Simon’s barbaric murder, and the tragic murder of Piggy, as well as any other key scenes that stand out to you. Use examples from the novel to make your argument clear. Topic 2: IS MANKIND INNATELY EVIL? Golding's novel Lord of the Flies reflects upon human society and shows how the evil held inside man can emerge from the depths of the soul in the most alarming and upsetting ways when under difficult circumstances. Can it be said that each and every individual has the power to commit evil deeds deep down when provoked? Is mankind essentially bad/evil? Use examples from the novel to demonstrate your arguments. Make sure you refer to the source at the end of the novel as well. Topic 3: RULES, ORDER, & CIVILIZATION In Golding’s novel, order and control within a society is the glue that holds the group together until the end of the story. Once the rules and order of the society were ignored, the civilization crumbled before Ralph and Piggy’s eyes. Can it be said that a society cannot function without rules, order, and a government of some sort? What is the impact of rules/order on people's behavior and actions? Persuade the reader why civilization and order is essential for maintaining a civilized society in Lord of the Flies. If you do not agree, prove what the main essence of any society truly hinges upon. Are innate moral values enough to keep a group of people in line with rules to enforce positive behavior? Use examples from the novel to prove your points. Make sure to refer to the source at the end of the novel as well. Persuasive Guidelines: 1. Attention getter: Start by bringing up the topic gradually before jumping into a discussion of the novel. Try relating the topic of uncivilized behavior or order and control in society to everyday life. Speak in general terms at first. Relate to humanity first, not the novel. 2. Necessary Information: Discuss the novel and how it relates to your overall topic that you chose to argue for this paper. State the author’s name, title of the book, and several sentences discussing the context of the book (set the scene but don’t summarize the whole book!). 3. Thesis Statement: It should be at the end of your intro paragraph and referenced again in your conclusion. When persuading, you must state your argument clearly. Be specific in your thesis statement and include a debatable argument that you can defend passionately later on. It must not only state an arguable position, but also use a phrase at the end of the sentence like: “this can be seen through…examples” or “this is evidenced by…. examples.” Make it clear HOW you will prove your points or WHY your argument is true. 4. Topic Sentences: Each topic sentence should state a clear, arguable position or main idea. It should be an assertion or claim, not an example or discussion of the novel. 5. Transitions: Use transition buzz words to signal a change within your essay’s direction at the beginning of body paragraphs, and also within the paragraphs as you go from one idea to the next. Transitions show me where your thoughts are going and redirect my attention to another idea. They also let me know if you are building off of another idea or stating a new idea. *Ex: In addition to this, furthermore, for instance, as evidence by, one can see, it is evident that, ultimately, all in all, etc. 6. Content of Body Paragraphs: Make sure that all of the main ideas that you mentioned in your INTRO paragraph are referenced throughout your paper. If you ever feel lost, go back to your thesis and ask yourself, “WHAT AM I TRYING TO PROVE, AGAIN?” 7. Support from Source: Make sure to reference some of the ideas and examples that you learned from the outside source from the end of the novel. Incorporate some of the other author’s ideas in at least one of your body paragraphs, and make sure to mention that author’s name, and an argument that will help you prove your own points. You must QUOTE and CITE that author within the text. 8. Counterarguments: Also show the opposing viewpoint that goes against your own views in at least one of your paragraphs. Counter-attack the opposing viewpoint(s) by using your own solid proof/examples to make your points seem more credible. 9. Persuasion: Make sure to use forceful language. Be confident about your views and your evidence that you will use to help you along the way. Remember, quotes are your friends, and so are examples from the novel. They will help you become credible and establish your arguments in a logical manner with solid proof. However, DO NOT STATE OPINIONS. NO PERSONAL REACTIONS or the use of “I”. 10. Conclusion: Your conclusion should not only wrap up your points, but also refer back to your thesis statement. It should be clear throughout the paper that you had a strong argument that you proved through examples, but make sure to reference the points you made earlier, restate your thesis argument and confirm how/why it is true. Persuasive Essay Organization & Brainstorming 1.) Choose your topic & decide what position you will take. What is your main idea? 2.) What are some main ideas/arguments you plan on exploring in your paper? (Think body paragraph main ideas here. These will later be turned into topic sentences) 3.) What proof do you have to support your main ideas? List several examples from the novel and points that support your main arguments. How will you prove your points? List some ideas here. 4.) What counterpoints can I point out in contrast with my arguments? How will I then prove them wrong using proof from the novel and/or my own analysis? 5.) How will you organize and structure your paper? Take your examples and main ideas about the topic and determine what order you plan on using to discuss each main idea in your three body paragraphs. Body Paragraph 1: Main idea: Body Paragraph 2: Main idea: Body Paragraph 3: Main idea: Rubric: You will be graded based upon the following: 1.) State the facts of your argument using support and logical ideas from the novel, 2.) Prove your thesis with strong arguments, 3.) disprove the opposing viewpoints’ arguments, 4.) Use of vivid, persuasive language, 5.) Unity and structure 6.) Grammatical correctness