Welcome to your weekly Newsletter for w/c 4th November 2013! What is coming up in school: Thursday 24th October- 3.15pm Break up for Half Term. Monday 4th November- 8.50am School re-opens. Tuesday 5th November- Year 3 trip to Egyptian exhibition at Manchester Museum Thursday 7th November- 5.00-6.30pm Night of Lights. Friday 15th November am- Individual/ sibling photographs- more details to follow Week Beginning Monday 18th November- National Anti-Bullying week. As it is the final week of half term, we celebrate our SEALS award winners. The pupils who received awards for our ‘New Beginnings’ theme were: Nursery- Gracie-Mae Birkett and Abdullah Qazi, Reception- Macy Bonnar and Scarlett Rushton, Year 1- Kio Anglin-Mckinlay and Jasmine Pullin, Year 2Ella Moss and Lexie Blair, Year 3- Mason Sunderland and Shaneya Kerns, Year 4- Kayleen Ward and Bennett Obas, Year 5- Dior Bhidey and Ben Sudworth, Year 6- Morgan Morris and Liam Murphy. Class Weekly Attendance stats: CLASSES- HIGHEST TO LOWEST ATTENDANCE FOR 21st OCTOBER to 24th ATTENDANCE OCTOBER YEAR 2 97.9% YEAR 1 96.3% YEAR 4 96.1% YEAR 5 95.8% YEAR 6 95.3% YEAR 3 95.0% RECEPTION 94.8% WHOLE SCHOOL 95.9% Attendance reminders: Holidays in Term time- Following Government guidance we are no longer able to authorise holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you wish to request a holiday please put your request in writing to the Head of School. There is a lot of illness around at the moment! -Please be aware that if your child is unwell with vomiting or diahorrea they will need to be absent from school for 48 hours after the last episode. If you send your child to school before the 48 hours has passed we will contact you to collect them from school. School starts at 8.50am! -Please make sure you arrive on time so that your child does not miss important information for the day ahead. Year 3- Perfect 10 Attendance Campaign-In the Year 3 perfect 10 attendance campaign we have 22 children who have 100% attendance and they are on target to win a prize. Well Done! Parent/Carer evenings: We had a high number of parent/carers attending our parent/carer evenings. Thank you for your positive comments and support. We will let you know the outcomes of the parent/carer survey after half term and what we will be doing to address the areas for development. Thanks again to the Friends of St Clements for serving the refreshments. Tesco bag pack: On Saturday 19th October, some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils along with Kelly, Linda and Jean from the Friends group, Mrs Parker and Miss Naylor, packed lots of bags over 4 hours! The children raised £315.36 to go towards their residential trips next year. Thanks to everyone who attended and to Tesco in Gorton for their support. We are all looking forward to a bag pack weekend at Morrisons, Higher Openshaw on 23rd and 24th November. Night of Lights: Thursday 7th November -5.00pm-6.30pm. The gates will open at 5.00pm and the fireworks display will start at 5.45pm. There will be variety of hot food and drinks available to buy on the night. A family ticket which consists of 2 adults and 2 children it will cost £6.00, an adult ticket will cost £3.00 and a child ticket will cost £1.00. Reception Class Welcome Service at St Cements Church Year 6 World War 2 trip to Tatton Park: We spoke to Rorra to find out more about the Year 6 trip to Tatton Park and what they did‘All the class got dressed up as evacuee’s so we could how they would have dressed at the time. When the siren went off we all had to run to the air raid shelter as they would have done at the time.’ ‘We all got to see and have a go at the jobs that people would have done on the farm when we visited Aunt Mary’s cottage. It was good to see how the horses worked on the farm and how they helped with jobs.’ ‘While in the air raid shelter we sung lots of songs as they would have done as it was not good to be silent in the air raid shelter’ ‘With us having gas masks and going in the air raid shelter it made it seem like it was happening now in Manchester and that made it seem very real’ ‘We all had lots of fun at Tatton Park!’ Manchester Fayre: Sausage themed lunch: Thursday 7th November. A number of children who don’t usually have a school meal joined us for our National Pasta day lunch last week and they really enjoyed it. Joanne, our cook, said that the pasta went down very well and there was nothing left over! We are having a sausage themed lunch on 7/11/13. The menu consists of Hot Diggedy Dogs, Halal Hot Diggedy Dogs or Quorn Hot Diggedy Dogs served with jacket potato wedges, sweetcorn and peas.. If your child usually has a packed lunch and would like to join us for the sausage lunch, then please complete the slip below and return it to school with the money, £2.26, by Monday 4th November. My child ____________________ would like a sausage dinner on 07/11/13.I enclose £2.26 Signed ___________________