Nomination for Student Senate Position

Nomination for 2014-2015 Class Officer
Circle your 2014-15 class:
Candidate Name_______________________ email_______________
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________
6. _________________________
7. _________________________
8. _________________________
9. _________________________
10. ________________________
Please submit your complete nomination form by April 25th, 2014 to:
 Incoming Student Senate Chair Mike Nagy DPH-2
 Or place in Student Senate Mailbox #16 (the metal ones located at
then end of the North hallway near room 1409, not the wooden
ones for all students).
Filling out this form will entitle you to run for class representative. You
will be asked to give a short speech after which a class vote will be
taken. The top vote getters will be named the Class President and VicePresident respectively.
Thank you for your interest in being a student representative.
If you have any questions please contact Mike Nagy
or John Lemke at (
a)Class President
Class Presidents act as organizers of events and spokespersons for their
respective class. Class Presidents represent their class in the Senate, and
may represent their class views to other classes, student organizations,
faculty, or the administration of the School of Pharmacy. The Class
President will organize and coordinate the Welcome Back Winter Bash
(DPH-1), the Fall Picnic (DPH-2), and the Spring Fling (DPH-3). The
President of the graduating class is responsible for coordinating the
traditional graduation class events, including the hooding and graduation
party. Class Presidents will select to serve on either the Senate Funding
Committee or the School of Pharmacy Student-Faculty-Staff Relations
b) Class Vice-President
Class Vice-Presidents assist the Class Presidents in carrying out their
functions. The Class Vice-President may assume the Class President's
functions in the absence of the President. The Class President and VicePresident serve as information conveyers in reporting Senate activities to
their class. Class Vice-Presidents will serve on the Senate Funding
Committee or the School of Pharmacy Student-Faculty-Staff Relations
Committee so as to ensure that each class is represented in both places.
2. Nomination
Annual nominations occur for these positions. The office of Class
President or Vice President is open to any student in the School of
Pharmacy professional program. Students interested in these positions
must complete a nomination form which requires the signatures of ten
pharmacy students from their class. Nomination forms must be turned into
the Senate mailbox by a specified date.
3. Election
Candidates are required to make a verbal presentation to their class stating
their reasons for wanting the office and their qualifications. Questions may
be addressed to each candidate by members of their class. Other
candidates must not be present during this presentation. The Class
President is elected highest point total (see below) derived from votes of
class members voting. The Vice-President will be the second point total if
there are two or more people running for President. Each class member
voting will vote for their top two candidates, with said votes worth 3 and 2
points respectively. In the event of a tie the candidate with the highest
number of first place votes shall break the tie. If the aforementioned tiebreaker does not resolve the tie, the senate chairperson shall resolve the tie
with affected candidates present via coin flip or another unbiased game of
chance (e.g. drawing straws in the event of a three way tie).