Brighton Beach Memoirs

Brighton Beach Memoirs
Essay Topics
Complete a five paragraph essay on one of the topics below.
1. All of the characters in Brighton Beach are in the process of going through
personal growth and maturation. Choose 3 characters and analyze their internal
conflicts and the moment that you knew they had reached their personal growth.
Remember, your three point thesis statement will be the three characters you
2. The theme is a recurring element throughout literature which offers the reader a
deeper meaning and understanding about fundamental ideas in life. Choose one
theme that we have discussed and analyze what that theme makes the reader
realize about the story and or life itself. Your three point thesis will tell the reader
what the analysis of this theme will reveal about the text, characters, and/or life in
general. For example, an analysis of the theme of betrayal in this novel provides
the reader with an understanding of the main character’s attitude, motive, and
Your essay will be approximately 1000 words (3-4 pages double spaced) Times
New Roman, size 12 font.
Marks will be deducted if your essay does not follow the proper formatting.\
Be sure your essay only has FIVE paragraphs.
Special Instructions:
Do NOT summarize the plot in your essay.
You will use direct quotations from Bright Beach to support your examples. You
must use a minimum of two quotations for each body paragraph (6 quotes in total)
Marks will be deducted if quotations are not included in your essay.
You will embed the quotation into your sentence and use MLA citation style.
EXAMPLE: Although Kate is a worrier, she proves to be an optimist during a
conversation with Jack by saying, “Don’t talk like that. Something’ll come up”
(Simon, 35).
You’re completed essay outline will be submitted along with your good copy.
This essay will be due on ________________ . A total deduction of 5% per day
will be applied to late assignments.
Name: _______________
Essay Outline
Use the space below to brainstorm and outline your ideas. Brainstorming various
supporting points and evidence (quotations) will help you arrive at your thesis.
Introduction (Paragraph ONE)
Begin with a broad/general statement about your topic.
BE EFFECTIVE! Make the reader interested in your topic.
Transition from your general statement into your
specific discussion about Brighton Beach Memoirs
End your introductory paragraph with a strong THESIS.
1st Body Paragraph (Paragraph TWO)
Point ONE: _____________________________________________________________
Support A: ________________________________________________________
Evidence (quote):
Evidence (quote):
Support B: ________________________________________________________
Evidence (quote):
Evidence (quote):
2nd Body Paragraph (Paragraph THREE)
Point TWO: _____________________________________________________________
Support A: ________________________________________________________
Evidence (quote):
Evidence (quote):
Support B: ________________________________________________________
Evidence (quote):
Evidence (quote):
3rd Body Paragraph (Paragraph FOUR)
Point THREE: ___________________________________________________________
Support A: ________________________________________________________
Evidence (quote):
Evidence (quote):
Support B: ________________________________________________________
Evidence (quote):
Evidence (quote):
Conclusion (Paragraph Five)
Summarize your argument and tie up any loose ends.
Restate your thesis. (Try not to sound repetitive; use different
words and sentence structure).
End your essay with a broad/general statement about your
topic. Do NOT just restate the statement you made in your
introduction. Make an interesting statement; one that might
leave a lasting impression on your reader.