Name: _____________ Period: ___ Date:________
Step 1: Brainpop on Digestion
1. Why do we need to break apart the food we eat?
2. How do enzymes like amylase help you digest your food?
Step 2: Enzymes help you live
Fill in the chart in your notes with the
Step 3: What are Enzymes?
Fill in the chart in your notes with the
3. What happens to a substrate after the chemical reaction?
4. Explain what happens to the enzyme after the chemical reaction has taken
5. Describe what the different enzymes in the video did to the shapes of
Milo: ____________________________________________
Larry: ___________________________________________
Step 4: Enzymes are sensitive
6. What are the subunits or building blocks of enzymes?
__________ ___________
Name: _____________ Period: ___ Date:________
7. What happens to an enzyme under harsh conditions?
8. What types of conditions can denature a protein?
9. What is meant by an enzymes optimum temperature?
10.Predict what the optimum temperature for your body’s proteins (Make sure to
include your units).
Fill in the chart in your notes with the
11.Describe the difference in the protein’s shape as it denatures.
Step 5: Amylase
12.The amylase enzyme found in ____________________ and breaks
___________________down into _____________________________.
13. How could our metabolism be affected if there were no enzymes?
Step 6: pH Review
14.Which is more acidic, stomach acid or tomatoes? ____________________
15.A substance with a pH of 8.7 is a(n) _______________________
Name: _____________ Period: ___ Date:________
16.Which substance is closest to neutral; black coffee (pH 4.8), human saliva
(pH of 6.9), baking soda (pH of 9) or oven cleaner (pH of 13)? The substance
closest to neutral is
17.Circle your answer: If a student measures the pH of stomach acid and the pH
of oven cleaner the pH of stomach acid would be (above / below) 7, but the
pH of oven cleaner would be (above / below) 7.
18.What is the weakest acid listed on the diagram? ______________________
19.What is the pH of the strongest base listed on the diagram? ____________
Step 7: Analysis
20.What temperature and pH does amylase work best at? Explain
21.Rain water has a pH of 5.8, is it acidic or basic? Explain your answer.
22.Using the pH, how does acid rain effect aquatic ecosystems?
23.The pH of pure water is 7. With that in mind, why do you think your bodily
fluids have a pH other than 7? For each fluid hypothesize why the pH isn’t 7.
Gastric Juice: ___________________________
Name: _____________ Period: ___ Date:________
Urine: ____________________________________
Blood: ________________________________
Step 8: So what is an Enzyme?
24.After all this please tell me in your own words: What is an enzyme?
25.Trym and Toby made the analogy that enzymes are like you and substrates
are like your presents. You can only open ones with your name on it. Can
you think of your own analogy to describe what an enzyme is and how it
works on a specific substrate?
26.Trym and Toby aren’t as smart as Tim and Moby and they made a mistake.
They said that the Key is the substrate and the Lock is the Enzyme. Explain
how this is a mistake. You may want to start my googling Enzyme Lock and
Key Model.
Name: _____________ Period: ___ Date:________
If you have extra time Try the game!
During the last 7 minutes, Log off
your computer & check it back in!
Homework Enzyme Shapes: Read and Answer the
Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in living cells. Enzymes are also very
“picky” molecules and only work on one substrate.
1. The substrate for a particular reaction is shown below. In the box labeled
“Enzyme,” predict the shape of the enzyme that will react with this substrate.
Draw the enzyme in the space provided.
2. Explain the significance of the shape of the enzyme that you just drew.
3. In the box below, predict the shape of the enzyme AFTER the reaction has taken
place. Draw it in the box below.
4. Explain your prediction:
5. In the box below, predict the shape of the substrate AFTER the reaction has
taken place. Draw it in the box below.
Name: _____________ Period: ___ Date:________
7. Explain your prediction: