Senior Tax Exchange Program - School District of Prescott

Senior Tax
Exchange Program
School District of Prescott
1220 St. Croix St.
Prescott, WI 54021
To enroll as a STEP volunteer, please return the
following enclosed forms to:
Penny Peterson
Prescott School District
1220 St. Croix St.
Prescott, WI 54021
STEP Agreement
- must be renewed each year
Volunteer Application
- only for new STEP workers
Background Check
- only for new STEP workers
We look forward to working with you!
Welcome to STEP!
Welcome to the School District of Prescott Senior Tax Exchange Program. The school
is very proud of being able to continue this program and hope you enjoy your association
with us. School is an exciting place to be, and I hope you enjoy being here as much as we
will enjoy having you volunteer your talents.
Feel free to give me a call at 715-262-5782 if you have any questions.
Roger Hulne
STEP is a program that began in Colorado and was first implemented in Kaukauna, WI in
1995. Prescott becomes one of the few schools in the state to offer this rewarding
Senior Citizens can become active participants in STEP. Our community members have a
wealth of talents to share that will enhance the education of our students. In this
program volunteers earn a tax credit of $7.25 per hour toward their school property
tax, with a maximum credit of $500 (69 hours) due to tax reasons.
Purpose of STEP
We look forward to this program being a highly successful one that benefits all who are
involved. STEP will:
assist students to learn more because of the expertise of
help students learn from the life experiences of others
assist staff with various projects i.e. correcting papers, organizing, etc.
increase community involvement in the school
provide a way for volunteers to utilize their skills and life
provide school property tax relief to residents
Payment of Tax Credit
The property tax credit will be dispersed via a two-party check made out to the worker
and appropriate treasurer in December and June. This is to ensure payment against
one’s school tax bill up to the amount of school taxes owed. For 2013-14 the maximum
number of hours that one can earn a tax credit for is 69. A person who volunteers more
than this number of hours cannot receive a larger tax credit.
Time Sheets
Time sheets are available at the school offices, or from Penny Peterson (in the
Community Ed. Office at the High School). Each STEP volunteer is required to keep
track of their own volunteer hours using the provided time sheets. School staff who
are working with the volunteer will also need to sign it. Completed time sheets can be
turned in monthly to any of the school offices or directly to Penny Peterson.
Guidelines & Procedures
 Who to Call: In the event that a STEP volunteer cannot work a designated day,
they should call the office of the building in which they are working and leave a
message for the staff person who they are to work with. High School – 715-2625389; Middle School – 715-262-5054; Malone Elementary 715-262-5463.
Questions can be directed to Penny Peterson at 715-262-4676.
 Reporting to Office: When STEP volunteers arrive at school they should check
in at the office. They should again return to the office and check out before
leaving the building.
 School ID Badge: Prior to volunteering, please stop in the District Office
(located in the lower level of the high school), so that Donna Waterson can make a
personalized school ID badge for you. Please wear this badge each time you
 School Calendar: Enclosed is a school calendar for the year. Occasionally minor
changes are made as the year progresses.
 Criminal Background Checks: For the safety and protection of our students, all
new STEP volunteers must complete the enclosed background check form and
pass a background check.
 A public school is considered a protective environment for children, and as such
information about specific students is considered confidential. We ask that
volunteers please respect the confidentiality of our students. It is fine to tell
your friends and neighbors about what you are doing in school, but please do not
talk about individual students in a manner that might identify them.
 Please do not engage in a personal relationship with any student – including
exchanging personal contact information and/or arranging to meet outside of the
school setting.
 We ask that if you have a question about something that is happening in school, or
if you disagree with what you see, that you speak to a school staff member about
it. Often there is a logical explanation; while, at other times, there may be
something happening that we need to know about so we can make improvements.
Emergency Procedures
 Accidents/Injuries: Please report any that occur to you as a volunteer or that of
a student.
 Emergency Drills: Each school building has their own emergency procedures to
follow. Please review with your cooperating staff member what these procedures
are, so that you can act/assist accordingly.
Continued on back
Emergency Closings: When there is a need to close school we announce the
closing on all major area radio stations. This is done by 6:00 a.m. If school is
open, but the weather is bad, please do not come into school if you feel
uncomfortable with road conditions. Just call and tell us you won’t be in.
Emergency Contacts: In the event of a medical or other emergency, we are
asking that you provide us with information about nearest
relatives/friends/neighbors whom we might contact if a problem arises here or if
we need to get a message to you and you are not at home.
Student Behavior
 We know that students enjoy the opportunity to have contact with a STEP
volunteer. Volunteers will find that most students are friendly and courteous.
Students are expected to be well behaved and respectful at all times. Friendly
reminders are the best ways to correct small problems; this is especially true
early on because students need to know what is expected of them. All discipline
matters should be referred to the cooperating school staff member.
 As a school we are also concerned about students who may be subject to physical
or emotional abuse. This is a tough area for us to deal with. If in the course of
working with a student you suspect something inappropriate is happening in the
life of a child, please refer the matter to a school staff member. A volunteer’s
job is to report it, but not to investigate it.
STEP Volunteer Selection Guidelines
In order to be considered for STEP, an interested volunteer must complete an
application. The following guidelines apply:
Volunteers must be senior citizens age 62 and older and a resident of the
Prescott School District.
Volunteers will be placed based upon a match of their talents and the needs of
the school.
Priority will be given to filling longer term needs first.
Work must be completed in the school setting, unless otherwise approved.
Staff should select volunteers based upon the skills and talents needed, not just
who the individual is.
Family members should not work with related staff members of the District.
The building principal will be informed of all STEP volunteers and assignments.
Volunteers who do not want their tax credit applied to their property may
request it be applied to that of another individual (anyone living within the
Prescott School District that is not currently a STEP worker) with prior
administrative approval.
The below signed volunteer agrees to participate in the STEP program during the
2013-2014 school year for a maximum of 69 hours. In the event of a change,
adjustments can be made.
The volunteer agrees that no direct compensation will be received, and that a two
party check issued to the treasurer in the school district governing
township/village shall apply up to the net property school tax which is due. The
volunteer also agrees to abide by all program and school district rules and
The school employee who will work with the volunteer agrees to have a regular
schedule of activities for the volunteer and to provide appropriate supervision.
Confidentiality of our students is of utmost importance.
The volunteer has read all of the Guidelines & Procedures and fully
understands them.
o The volunteer has read the Confidentiality section and will abide by
the guidelines.
Step Volunteer
Phone Number(s) : Home____________________ Cell_______________________
Email Address: ________________________
Would it be agreeable to send communications/requests/assignments/evaluations via
email to you? Yes No
Penny Peterson - STEP Supervisor
Cc: Building Principal(s) and Superintendent
Volunteer Application
Returning STEP workers, please complete the front of this form.
All new applicants need to complete front and back.
Age 62 or over, and are a resident of the School District of Prescott.
The School District of Prescott is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Name in Full: ____________________________
Date: _______________
Phone: _____________
Email address: ___________________________________________________
Township ______________________
Would you like to be paid twice (once by Dec. 30 and again in July) or paid once for the
whole year in July? _______________________________
During which months are you available? (Circle those that apply):
On which days are you available? (Circle those that apply):
What time of day are you available? ________________________________
At what grade level do you prefer to work?
 Elementary
 Middle School
 High School
Is there a particular area you would be interested in volunteering?
Previous Work: Please list paid or unpaid work you have done:
Type of Work
Volunteer Work: Please list any volunteer work, especially with children.
Type of Volunteering
Name of Organization
Why do you wish to serve as a volunteer?
THANK YOU for your interest
in the Senior Tax Exchange Program!
Evaluation by STEP Volunteer
Name: ____________________________________
Do you feel that the tasks you were assigned were useful/important?
If not, why?
Did you have adequate time with the staff member you were paired with to ask
questions, seek clarification of tasks, etc?
Did you feel appreciated?
On a scale of 1-10, please rate your experience with STEP:
Do you have suggestions for Penny Peterson, STEP Coordinator, on how to make the
program a better experience?
Would you like to be a STEP worker again next year? If so, would you like to do
the same sort of work you did this year, or would you prefer something
Any other constructive comments you’d like to share?
We truly thank you for your time and commitment
to the Prescott School District, our students and our staff.
Please return in the enclosed envelope.
Evaluation of STEP Program by Supervisor
Cooperating School Staff Member: _______________________________
Name of STEP Worker: ______________________________________
Was the volunteer:
Was the STEP program:
A. prompt/dependable
B. compatible w/staff
C. compatible w/students______
D. interested in tasks
E. energetic & cheerful ______
A. beneficial
B. manageable
C. communication w/Penny adequate
5. Do you feel at this time that you would be interested in a STEP worker again next
year? If so, would you prefer the same STEP worker, or a new one?
Please list any comments/suggestions for the improvement of the STEP Program:
Please Return to Penny Peterson - High School