HSB4M: Thesis Essay Outline The first step in writing a thesis essay is to formulate a thesis statement. A thesis statement must be an arguable statement that relates to your topic. Determining Your Focus In determining your thesis you need to do the following: Preliminary research- read up on your topic. Try to find aspects of your topic that are controversial. What are the challenging problems, important issues and main ideas surrounding your topic? What are the opinions of other authors? Once you have done this you need to determine your own point of view on your topic of study. Narrow down your topic by formulating questions from which a thesis can develop. Write out a tentative thesis statement. Be definitive in your statement. Make sure that you are not just merely arguing a statement of fact. There should be at least two sides to your statement. A good thesis statement should: 1. Take a stand. 2. Be arguable. 3. Be broad enough so that it can be researched. **Your research may push you to revise your initial thesis** Developing a Skeleton Outline Before you begin to record your research you must determine 3-4 ‘Main Points’ that you will argue. To do this you should record the main ideas around which your research might be focused. It is important to approach your argument from more than one angle to give it credibility. This will give your research direction and your essay a tentative structure. **If you can not come up with at least 3 main points you may need to revise/expand your thesis statement** Each of your main points should have at least three separate sub points. A sub point should support one particular aspect of the main point. You should refer to your preliminary research to determine specific sub points for each main point. You may need to further research to come up with a sufficient number of sub points. Each sub point should be supported by specific facts from your research. Creating a Skeleton Outline Once you have determined your ‘main’ and ‘sub’ points you can create a skeleton outline. This determines the structure of your essay and should be the guide for your research. This page should look like: OUTLINE Tentative Thesis: Main Point #1: Sub point Sub point Sub point Main Point #2: Sub point Sub point Sub point Main Point #3: Sub point Sub point Sub point A B C A B C A B C The skeleton outline is what you need to have prepared for the first checkpoint of the ISU process. This is what will be handed in and discussed with me. Once this has been evaluated you can begin to conduct in-depth research on your thesis essay. Evaluation for Skeleton Outline: Knowledge: Demonstrates thorough and insightful understanding of selected topic. Evidence of critical research. Thinking: Thesis and main points are the result of effective critical thought. Application: Thesis statement is debatable and main points clearly support the stated argument. Total 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /25 Recording Research Once the main and sub points of your essay have been evaluated by your teacher you need to begin to research. When you have found evidence that supports your essay you need to record it. This is what you should do: 1. Record your research on your computer or on a word processor. This will make writing the rough draft easier for you because you can organize your research efficiently! 2. For each main point you should have a separate file or page (3 or 4 in total). You will also need an additional file or page titled bibliography. Your page should look like this: Main Point #1: Sub point A: Write out your quotation or information that you have paraphrased here. (provide the APA citation in parenthesis) **See the APA document for format** Sub point A: “You will have a number of separate facts or supporting research that may fill more than one page. Be sure to keep all of your evidence organized.” You need to have a separate file or page for your bibliography. When you are researching any evidence you intend on using in your essay needs to be documented. Before handing in your Essay Outline you should organize the evidence for your sub points according to the way they will be presented in the essay. You may need to ‘cut and paste’ on your computer to do this.