NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School Mercy T. Cevallos and Ann Perham, Co-Advisors Student Information Sheet & Application NAME in full: ...................................... Assigned Number........... All the information I have provided is true and accurate. DATE ......................... Signature...................................................... Homeroom .................. Phone Number ............................................ E-mail ………………………………………….. DO NOT WRITE your NAME on any page of this application, nor detach this cover page from the packet. To ensure anonymity, we have assigned you a random number. The Committee members will not know whose application they are reviewing; the only ones who will have that information are Ms. Cevallos and Mrs. Perham, co-advisors to the Society, who do not have a vote. DIRECTIONS Please read ALL information thoroughly to ensure that your TYPED application is filled out completely and accurately, as required by the stated criteria, guideline questions and rubrics. CHECKLIST Cleared your calendar for the the deadline for this application: Thursday, December 17th at 2:45 sharp, Room N415 Have typed every section of this application to have it accepted Your number only, not your name, appears on all pages of this document Signed and dated this cover sheet Have consulted Ms. Cevallos in case of any doubts about any part of the application, at least TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE DEADLINE for submitting it Given 2 different on-site supervisors, from 2 different sites, the Rubrics and an addressed envelope (Ms. M.T. Cevallos, World Languages, Needham High School, 609 Webster Street, Needham, MA 02494-1196) Made on-site Supervisors aware of deadline for receipt of the Rubrics and need to omit your name Have typed (double-spaced) your Personal Essay according to the Rubric provided DUE DATE This application and all of its requirements must be submitted no later than Thursday, December 2 nd. Room 415, at 2:45 p.m. sharp. At that time, we will meet to record, and verify names and assigned numbers. The due date is non-negotiable; please make sure to clear 1 hour in your calendar in order to ensure your presence. Thank you for your interest in the National Honor Society. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School Mercy T. Cevallos and Ann Perham, Co-Advisors Student Application Assigned Number ................. DIRECTIONS I IA Please fill out accurately and TYPE the following sections. LEADERSHIP List the three elected or appointed leadership positions that you are most proud of, whether held in school, community or as part of work activities. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing and/or motivating others should be included, e.g., elected study body member, class or club officer, committee chairperson, team captain, newspaper editor, work manager or community leader. Junior Year Sophomore Year Freshman Year Activity / Organization Position & Responsibilities Hours/week, or Hours/activity IB List three activities which you are most proud of and in which you have participated during high school. Include clubs, athletic teams, musical groups and others, as well as major accomplishments in each. Do not repeat leadership positions filled in above. Junior Year Sophomore Year Freshman Year School-related Activity Hours/week, or Hours/activity Accomplishments Leadership Rubric: School-related Activities 12.25% Outstanding (7) Very Good (6) Good (5) Student has participated in school- Student has participated in school- Student has participated in schoolrelated activities and has been related activities and has mostly related activities but has been able to consistently contribute, as been able to contribute, as well as inconsistent in her/his commitment well as grow from her/his to grow from her/his experience. and growth. experience. Assigned Number ................. II COMMUNITY SERVICE IIA Once you have chosen the service sites, take the attached Rubrics to your on-site supervisors. You will return it directly to us in a sealed, signed, addressed envelope, provided by you. If the person needs/ chooses to mail it, make sure to put the correct postage on the envelope. Please impress upon her/him the deadline for receiving the completed Rubric, as outlined on the reverse side of the form. Late Rubrics will not be accepted, and will disqualify you from the application process. Students who cannot extend community service beyond the requirement hours should submit both forms to 2 different supervisors, from 2 different sites, where they have fulfilled their graduation requirements. In addition, these students must submit evaluations from two 2 different job supervisors. IIB First, read the attached rubrics and, then, answer the questions accurately. Choose the service activity to which you have committed 1/2 hours weekly, and which has felt like the best fit for you and your interests. It should be one of the activities outside of school, in which you have participated for the betterment of the community, i.e., a church, mosque, synagogue or temple group; also clubs sponsored outside of school, for example, the Boy or Girl Scouts or other volunteer groups. DO NOT INCLUDE activities such as the Boosters Christmas Tree Sales, which are required by your participation on a team or in an internship, or any other activity performed for credit, as Community Classroom Service. If your activity in the latter has been beyond the requirements, you may include those extra hours. IIB List the Community Service experiences you have chose, and be very accurate. Junior Year Sophomore Year Freshman Year Community Service Activity Hours/week, or Hours/activity Major Accomplishments Assigned Number ................. III SCHOOL AWARDS & HONORS List all school awards, which you have earned, including those outside of school. Do not include classroom awards. Who’s Who in America, or the Honor Roll. Years Junior Year Awards / Recognition Sophomore Year Freshman Year Years Junior Year OTHER Awards / Recognition Sophomore Year Freshman Year Awards & Recognition Rubric *CONSIDERED FOR BORDERLINE CASES ONLY. Borderline = 00.5 - 00.9 Outstanding (7) Very Good (6) Good (5) Student has earned 2 or Student has earned 1 Student has earned 1 or more more school awards & 1 school award & 1 or more departmental awards. or more departmental departmental ones. ones. IV PERSONAL ESSAY Please read the attached rubric and guidelines before typing your essay on a separate sheet of paper; the essay should be double-spaced, and carefully written, as you would any formal paper. Include assigned number at the upper, right-hand corner. Your essay will be evaluated using the rubric below, and it will be scored anonymously. Answer the following questions in an essay that is: Maximum of 2 pages Double-Spaced Times New Roman Font Size 12 1” margins all around Essay Question: What difference have you made at Needham High School? Why are you a strong candidate for induction? Please discuss the three goals of the National Honor Society in your essay: 1 Character What personal qualities do you possess that you are most proud of, and how have these qualities affected those around you? 2 Leadership How have you shown yourself to be a leader? 3 Service How has your work benefitted the Common Good? (Note: do not re-list your service projects; please discuss the impact of your work.) Scoring Rubric Content Character [5%] 7 Uniquely and effectively identifies personal qualities and their effects on others 6 Effectively identifies personal qualities and their effects on others 5 Does not effectively identify specific personal qualities and/or their effects on others Leadership [5%] Demonstrates exceptional leadership experience with detailed evidence Demonstrates sufficient Little evidence of leadership leadership experience with some experience evidence Service [5%] Explanation of the Common Good shows thorough understanding of the term; student is clearly aware of the connections between his/her efforts and the effects on others; detailed evidence Gives a good explanation of the Common Good but is not thorough in making connections between his/her efforts and effects on him-/ herself and others. Some evidence, some detail Style [5%] Tone is engaging and there is awareness of reader; uses the English language creatively to persuade the audience; arguments developed logically Tone is neutral; uses the English Tone is dry; use of English language mechanically rather language is mechanical, trite; than creatively; arguments arguments not well developed. developed logically Mechanics [5%] No errors in spelling, grammar, Very few errors in spelling, structure. grammar, structure Explanation of the Common Good is not thorough or is somewhat confusing. Student does not fully understand connections between his/her effort and the effects on him-/ herself and others; few details Several errors in spelling, grammar, structure; an unacceptable effort for an NHS applicant NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School Supervisor’s Assessment: Leadership Rubric (12.5%) Student Number................ Supervisor’s Name in Full:.......................................... Contact #: ...................... …………………… Position........................................................................................................……………………………… Name of Agency ..............................................................................................…….…………………… Nature & length of Community Service .................................................................…………………… Briefly describe student’s work with you. ........................................................……………………. How long has student been working with you? ..........................................................….…………… The other side of this sheet is a confidential form which must be filled out by the person most familiar with the student’s performance on-site. We have advised students to ask for a recommendation from those with whom they have worked for 5 months or longer. Please do not refer to the candidate by name. All characteristics must be checked or circled to best describe the applicant; should any not apply to the candidate, please write NA next to the corresponding description. Should any questions arise, please contact Co-advisor, Ms. Cevallos (781 455 0800 Ex 2415) or e-mail her at Descriptive paragraphs will not be taken into consideration. ENVELOPE: Please SEAL and TAPE the envelope and SIGN your NAME across it in the BACK to discourage any tampering. Thank you for your assistance. Please Do Not Write Here. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School Supervisor’s Assessment: Leadership Rubric (12.5%) Assigned Number.............. DATE FILLED OUT: ......................... CATEGORIES Ability to Lead Outstanding (7) Good (6) Competent (5) Always Inspiring in words and actions Frequently inspiring in words Sometimes inspiring in or actions words or actions Always sets a very good example for others and maintains high standards Frequently sets a good example for others and maintains standards Sets a good example for others and maintains standards Always demonstrates a keen Frequently demonstrates a Sometimes demonstrates a sense of how to encourage sense of how to encourage sense of how to encourage others to contribute others to contribute others to contribute successfully successfully Responsibility to the program Consistently acts as a liaison Frequently acts as a liaison Occasionally acts as liaison between the director/coach between the director/coach between the director/coach and group members and group members and group members Always stays with project until completion and follows up where necessary Frequently stays with project until completion Does not always stay w/project until completion Always recognizes program goals and maintains momentum and commitment towards their achievement Frequently recognizes program goals and maintains momentum and commitment towards their achievement Sometimes recognizes program/project goals and works towards improving the program/project Structural & Organizational Always maintains order and Frequently maintains order Sometimes maintains order Skills provides direction for the and provides direction for and usually provides group the group direction for the group Always recognizes Frequently recognizes Sometimes recognizes program’s structural needs program’s structural needs program’s structural needs and finds ways of providing stability Ability to Use and Share Skills Learned Always shows ability to learn Frequently shows ability to and grow on-site learn and grow on-site Sometimes shows ability to learn and grow on-site Always acquires new skills & Frequently acquires new skills & assumes some masters them through persistent effort responsibility Sometimes acquires new skills & assumes little responsibility Always shares attained skills Frequently shares attained with other members skills with other members Sometimes shares attained skills with other members NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School Supervisor’s Assessment: Community Service Rubric (12.5%) Assigned Number............ Supervisor’s Name in Full:.......................................... Contact #: ...................... …………………… Position........................................................................................................……………………………… Name of Agency ..............................................................................................…….…………………… Nature & length of Community Service .................................................................…………………… Briefly describe student’s work with you. ........................................................……………………. How long has student been working with you? ..........................................................….…………… The other side of this sheet is a confidential form which must be filled out by the person most familiar with the student’s performance on-site. We have advised students to ask for a recommendation from those with whom they have worked for 5 months or longer. Please do not refer to the candidate by name. All characteristics must be checked or circled to best describe the applicant; should any not apply to the candidate, please write NA next to the corresponding description. Should any questions arise, please contact Co-advisor, Ms. Cevallos (781 455 0800 Ex 2415) or e-mail her at ENVELOPE: Please SEAL and TAPE the envelope and SIGN your NAME across it in the BACK to discourage any tampering. Thank you for your assistance. Please Do Not Write Here. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY/ Needham High School Assigned Number.............. Supervisor’s Assessment: Community Service Rubric (12.5%) DATE FILLED OUT: ......................... CATEGORIES Attendance & Punctuality Outstanding (7) Always punctual Good (6) Frequently punctual Competent (5) Not always punctual Always phones phones Almost always receives Does not always call in re. supervisor re. attendance & good comments from direct attendance/latenesses latenesses supervisor re. attendance & latenesses Stays longer hours or comes Sometime stays longer in extra days during the hours week Misses no more than 2 assigned days of service Work Habits Collegiality New Skills Learned Does not stay longer hours Misses 2-4 assigned days of May have missed 5-6 days service of assigned service Shows initiative & leadership Able to follow directions Follows directions w/aid from supervisor Always stays with project until completion and follows up where necessary Stays with project until completion & sometimes follows up Does not always stay w/project until completion Exceeds expectations of original goal(s) Accomplishes original goal(s) Accomplishes most of the goal(s) Displays comfort in working Works effectively w/others w/others Has some difficulty working w/others Takes direction well Most often takes direction well Does not take direction well on occasion Takes criticism w/ease Takes some criticism Does not take criticism well at times Always shows ability to learn Frequently shows ability to and grow on-site learn and grow on-site Sometimes shows ability to learn and grow on-site Always acquires new skills & Frequently acquires new masters them through skills & assumes some persistent effort responsibility Sometimes acquires new skills & assumes little responsibility Always shares attained skills Frequently shares attained with other members skills with other members Sometimes shares attained skills with other members NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School JOB Supervisor’s Assessment: Leadership Rubric (12.5%) Student Number................ Supervisor’s Name in Full:.......................................... Contact #: ...................... …………………… Position........................................................................................................……………………………… Name of Agency ..............................................................................................…….…………………… Nature & length of Community Service .................................................................…………………… Briefly describe student’s work with you . ........................................................……………………. How long has student been working with you? ..........................................................….…………… The other side of this sheet is a confidential form which must be filled out by the person most familiar with the student’s performance on-site. We have advised students to ask for a recommendation from those with whom they have worked for 5 months or longer. Please do not refer to the candidate by name. All characteristics must be checked or circled to best describe the applicant; should any not apply to the candidate, please write NA next to the corresponding description. Should any questions arise, please contact Co-advisor, Ms. Cevallos (781 455 0800 Ex 2415) or e-mail her at ENVELOPE: Please SEAL and TAPE the envelope and SIGN your NAME across it in the BACK to discourage any tampering. Thank you for your assistance. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School JOB Supervisor’s Assessment: Leadership Rubric (12.5%) Assigned Number.............. DATE FILLED OUT: ......................... CATEGORIES Ability to Lead Outstanding (7) Good (6) Competent (5) Always Inspiring in words and actions Frequently inspiring in words Sometimes inspiring in or actions words or actions Always sets a very good example for others and maintains high standards Frequently sets a good example for others and maintains standards Sets a good example for others and maintains standards Always demonstrates a keen Frequently demonstrates a Sometimes demonstrates a sense of how to encourage sense of how to encourage sense of how to encourage others to contribute others to contribute others to contribute successfully successfully Responsibility to the program Consistently acts as a liaison Frequently acts as a liaison Occasionally acts as liaison between the director/coach between the director/coach between the director/coach and group members and group members and group members Always stays with project until completion and follows up where necessary Frequently stays with project until completion Does not always stay w/project until completion Always recognizes program goals and maintains momentum and commitment towards their achievement Frequently recognizes program goals and maintains momentum and commitment towards their achievement Sometimes recognizes program/project goals and works towards improving the program/project Structural & Organizational Always maintains order and Frequently maintains order Sometimes maintains order Skills provides direction for the and provides direction for and usually provides group the group direction for the group Always recognizes Frequently recognizes Sometimes recognizes program’s structural needs program’s structural needs program’s structural needs and finds ways of providing stability Ability to Use and Share Skills Learned Always shows ability to learn Frequently shows ability to and grow on-site learn and grow on-site Sometimes shows ability to learn and grow on-site Always acquires new skills & Frequently acquires new skills & assumes some masters them through persistent effort responsibility Sometimes acquires new skills & assumes little responsibility Always shares attained skills Frequently shares attained with other members skills with other members Sometimes shares attained skills with other members NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School JOB Supervisor’s Assessment: Community Service Rubric (12.5%) Assigned Number............ Supervisor’s Name in Full:.......................................... Contact #: ...................... …………………… Position........................................................................................................……………………………… Name of Agency ..............................................................................................…….…………………… Nature & length of Community Service .................................................................…………………… Briefly describe student’s work with you. ........................................................……………………. How long has student been working with you? ..........................................................….…………… The other side of this sheet is a confidential form which must be filled out by the person most familiar with the student’s performance on-site. We have advised students to ask for a recommendation from those with whom they have worked for 5 months or longer. Please do not refer to the candidate by name. All characteristics must be checked or circled to best describe the applicant; should any not apply to the candidate, please write NA next to the corresponding description. Should any questions arise, please contact Co-advisor, Ms. Cevallos (781 455 0800 Ex 2415) or e-mail her at ENVELOPE: Please SEAL and TAPE the envelope and SIGN your NAME across it in the BACK to discourage any tampering. Thank you for your assistance. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY/ Needham High School Assigned Number.............. JOB Supervisor’s Assessment: Community Service Rubric (12.5%) DATE FILLED OUT: ......................... CATEGORIES Attendance & Punctuality Outstanding (7) Always punctual Good (6) Frequently punctual Competent (5) Not always punctual Always phones phones Almost always receives Does not always call in re. supervisor re. attendance & good comments from direct attendance/latenesses latenesses supervisor re. attendance & latenesses Stays longer hours or comes Sometime stays longer in extra days during the hours week Misses no more than 2 assigned days of service Work Habits Collegiality New Skills Learned Does not stay longer hours Misses 2-4 assigned days of May have missed 5-6 days service of assigned service Shows initiative & leadership Able to follow directions Follows directions w/aid from supervisor Always stays with project until completion and follows up where necessary Stays with project until completion & sometimes follows up Does not always stay w/project until completion Exceeds expectations of original goal(s) Accomplishes original goal(s) Accomplishes most of the goal(s) Displays comfort in working Works effectively w/others w/others Has some difficulty working w/others Takes direction well Most often takes direction well Does not take direction well on occasion Takes criticism w/ease Takes some criticism Does not take criticism well at times Always shows ability to learn Frequently shows ability to and grow on-site learn and grow on-site Sometimes shows ability to learn and grow on-site Always acquires new skills & Frequently acquires new masters them through skills & assumes some persistent effort responsibility Sometimes acquires new skills & assumes little responsibility Always shares attained skills Frequently shares attained with other members skills with other members Sometimes shares attained skills with other members NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Needham High School Description of Need to Work Assigned Number............ Student’s Name in Full:.......................................... Contact #: ........................ Briefly, please describe the situation which warrants your working fifteen (15) or more hours, and which has prevented you from doing community service or performing other activities, which are required for those applying to the National Honor Society.