Study Guide for Test on Renaissance and Reformation

Study Guide for Test on Renaissance and Reformation
We will have a review day in class, but you need to fill this out before coming to class on
review day. During the review day I will check your study guide and go over it with you.
If you do not complete it, we will have a hard time discussing it!
People: What major thing did each of the following do? Look at your vocabulary lists
and in the book for each of the following (except where noted).
William Tyndale
Ignatius Loyola
Henry VIII
Francis Xavier
Ulrich Zwingli (look at the powerpoint for this one)
Martin Luther (95 theses)
John Calvin
Desiderius Erasmus
Miguel de Cervantes
Albrecht Durer
Vocabulary: Look at your vocabulary sheets for these
Counter Reformation
Humanities (what was primarily studied during this time)
Protestant (who were they and what did they not support?)
Silk Road
Indulgence (why did this anger people?)
Painters: Answers found on Michelangelo and Da Vinci Worksheets and powerpoints
Michelangelo- What are his famous works?
What did he base his Sistine Chapel paintings off of?
Da Vinci- What are his famous works?
What else is he known for (inventions, etc.)?
Shakespeare: Found in Shakespeare biography and powerpoint
Who was he?
What is he known for?
Know that he wrote Othello, Julius Caesar, and Romeo and Juliet
Besides plays, what else did Shakespeare write (begins with an S!)?
Machiavelli: Look on Machiavelli Worksheets
What advice did Machiavelli give about being armed? Before all, be armed
What advice did he give about fear and love?
What is a nation state?
Printing Press: Look on Printing Press and Gutenberg worksheets
Who invented it?
How did it change Europe?
What books were printed from it first?
How did it work?
How does it affect us today?
What was the 30 years war? King of Bohemia forced everyone in his kingdom to
become Catholic so war broke out
Who were the Medici’s? Why were they famous?
What is a vernacular language (Spanish, English, French, and Italian)?
Who were the protestants? Know that they did not support the Catholic Church.
Who were the Anabaptists? What did they believe?
What was the Council of Trent? What were 2 major ideas that came from it?
What are some of the most important ideas from the Renaissance period (inventions,
ideas, etc.)? Be able to name and explain the importance of at least 3 of them
What were the important Italian trade centers? 4 of them