Calgary Co-operative Memorial Society Minutes of Board meeting

Calgary Co-operative Memorial Society
Minutes of Board meeting
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
McInnis & Holloway Park Memorial Chapel
5008 Elbow Dr SW, Calgary, AB
1. Call to order by Diane Walker at 7:06 p.m.
Directors for 2009:
Alan Jessop
Diane Walker
Nellie Morf
Monique Rigole
Ian Sandilands
Pat Parker
Membership Manager:
Adina Lyon
Laurie Mills
George Melnyk
Margaret deVries
Terri Geib
Sylvia Kasper
Elvyra Krausas
Mary-Etta Tutty
Mary-Etta Tutty, Adina Lyon
Introduction of new Directors:
 Diane Walker welcomed our newly elected Directors, Monique Rigole and Terri Geib. She then
introduced Laurie Mills, who assists our CCMS as advisor and as needed in negotiations with our
Service Providers. He gave the new directors some valuable information about CCMS and our
Service Providers here in Calgary and in Southern Alberta. Pat Parker and George Melnyk were
re-elected as Directors.
2. Agenda presented for approval/revisions:
 Add to Agenda: re: lack of attendance of Mary-Etta Tutty: at the April 15, 2008 Board
meeting the Board Chair, Diane Walker stated that any Director, who misses more than
2 meetings without informing the Board, will be excused as a Director on the CCMS
Board. As Mary-Etta has not attended a meeting since June 2008 (or made excuse),
Diane will write a letter informing her of this ruling. (Note here that a vacancy will be
created by this dismissal, Nellie has a suggestion for nomination).
3. Minutes of Board meeting December 2, 2008:
 Motion made by Margaret to accept the minutes as received, 2nd Sylvia. Carried.
AGM minutes: thank you to Terry Geib for stepping in at the last minute and doing the
minutes for the AGM. Motion by Alan to accept the AGM minutes as received, 2nd Ian.
4. Treasurer & Membership reports:
 See attached Treasurer’s report. Suggestion by Alan that the motion that was made in
the Dec 2 meeting Item #4 (discussion of the $83,000.00 liability fund , adjustment to
be made - $30,000.00 to be kept in the liability fund & the balance to go into the
discretionary fund), that it would be a yearly transfer and it would be left until year end.
Terry suggested that this fund could be used in a smarter way to advertise the Society –
discussion tabled until next meeting.
 Motion by Alan to accept membership #’s 31082 - 31483 inclusive, 2nd Elvyra. Carried.
 Alan stated that an invoice had been received for the Gerontology scholarship and
moved to pay it. Amendment to the motion by Terry to increase the scholarship from
$1500 to $2000, 2nd Ian. Carried.
5. Correspondence:
 Thank you letter from the Old Y for those who had volunteered at the Casino.
 ACCA newsletter.
6. Committee Reports:
(a) Service Providers – Elvyra, Margaret, Sylvia & George – new brochures are available for all
providers. A request that the service providers will continue to investigate “green burials”.
(b) Administrative Liaison – Mary- Etta Tutty, Elvyra, Diane –do we have a responsibility to
follow up on returned membership letters? Terry will get info on a public service
announcement for change of address (re: 1500 returned letters), notice for change of
address is to be posted on website as well.
 Business cards – Adina is to go ahead with ordering 500 business cards WITH no changes
as discussed and voted on by the Board (May, 2008) and the December 2, 2008 meeting.
(c) Advertising & Presentations – Nellie, Ian, Sylvia –report included with minutes. Motion
made by Nellie that we would reconsider an advertisement in the Alberta Planned Giving
magazine and suggested that Terry would create a ¼ page ad, 2nd Ian (price would be $450).
 Telus yellow page ad has wrong address & website – Nellie will continue to check on
7. Old business:
(a) business cards – see above.
(b) AGM comments – standing committee volunteers: Monique, Margaret & Pat, to investigate
a new venue with wheelchair access, easy access to public transport, lots of parking (last
AGM cost $560 for rental & food).
8. New business:
(a) Election of officers:
 Chairman – Diane Walker was nominated by Sylvia, 2nd Margaret
 Treasurer – Alan Jessop by acclamation
 Vice Chair – Sylvia Kasper by acclamation
 Secretary – Pat Parker by acclamation
(b) Signing authority – no changes (2 out of 3; chair/vice chair/tres)
(c) Standing committees:
i –Service provider – George, Sylvia, Elvyra, Margaret
ii – Advertising – Terry will do this with Nellie’s help; presentations to be handled by Nellie, Ian,
and Sylvia, Monique has volunteered to help.
Iii – Administrative liaison – Sylvia will chair, Elvyra, Diane & Margaret
Iv – Ad hoc nominating – Pat
v – Legislative watch – Diane will see if Verna would be interested in volunteering on this
vi – Website – Verna & Alan
vii – Policies & procedures – Diane, Alan & Pat
viii – Mission/vision - tabled
(d) Decision’s by e-mail are to be avoided if at all possible
(e) AGM notifications & implications – the new standing committee to investigate a cheaper way to
notify members (cost was $9800 this year).
9. Next meeting :
 Wednesday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m.
 Motion to adjourn at 9:05 by Ian, 2nd Alan
Signed by Pat Parker
Board secretary