RACISM Scenes and characters that show the theme Quotes and

Scenes and characters that show the theme
Quotes and language techniques to
support scenes/characters
Separate buildings for separate races – particularly
“Negroes worshipped in it on Sundays and
white men gambled in it on weekdays”
White people forming a mob and lynching a black man in
order to hang him in a public forum
Black people have to give up their places/seats/space to
white people – for example, when the trial was taking
Jury convicts Tom Robinson of being guilty despite
obvious evidence to the contrary (i.e. withered limb).
“In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word
against a black man’s, the white man always
“I wants to know why you bringin’ white chillun
to a nigger church”
Lula (Negro woman at the black church) accosts
Calpurnia and asks why she is bringing white children to a
black church.
Maycomb’s attitude towards Negro folk in general and
particularly Tom Robinson after the trial was over
When the jury convicts Tom Robinson – the community
knows Bob Ewell’s reputation and Tom’s clean reputation,
yet Tom is still convicted.
Calpurnia has to normally use the back entrance as
Negroes were not considered to have the same status as
white folks. Calpurnia bangs on the front door to warn the
Radley’s when the mad dog appears in the street.
Bob Ewell is one of the most unsavoury characters of all –
he is an alcoholic who barely takes care of his children
and there is allegations that he abuses his eldest child
both physically and sexually yet he feels he has the right
to be racist to others.
Aunt Alexandra shows racism when she tells Atticus that
Calpurnia is a bad influence on the children, in particular,
“Tom Robinson was as forgotten as Boo
“I shut my eyes. Judge Taylor was polling the
jury: Guilty . . . guilty . . . guilty”
“But in the secret courts of men’s hearts,
Atticus had no case. Tom was a dead man the
minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth and
“She’s supposed to go round in back,” I said.
Significance to the text as a whole
Maycomb’s white folk consider gambling to be a sin, yet are
quite happy for the less savoury members of their society to
gamble in a sacred place of worship when it belongs to Negroes.
(It also outlines how hypocritical white people are in the novel)
Negroes are allowed into the courthouse but are made to stand
only, on the top floor of the courthouse. Scout, Jem and Dill join
the Reverend Sykes to watch the trial highlighting their
innocence and freedom from the prejudice of the town.
Tom Robinson never had a chance to be proven innocent – this
shows that black people are considered automatically guilty in
the eyes of white people.
Tom Robinson never had a chance to be proven innocent – this
shows that black people are considered automatically guilty in
the eyes of white people.
Scout inadvertently has taken on the attitude of Maycomb
county showing the insidious nature of racial prejudice.
“I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin’ on my
“I don’t want anybody sayin’ I don’t look after
my children”
The quote shows how much Calpurnia cares about the Finch
children and is a proud woman. Aunt Alexandra’s estimation of
her character is clouded by the fact that Calpurnia is a black