DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSITĀTE KARĪNE LAGANOVSKA VOLFGANGA BORHERTA DAIĻRADES MĀKSLINIECISKĀ PASAULE KÜNSTLERISCHE WELT IM SCHAFFEN VON WOLFGANG BORCHERT WOLFGANG BORCHERT'S ARTISTIC WORLD OF PROSE PROMOCIJAS DARBA KOPSAVILKUMS FILOLOĢIJAS DOKTORA GRĀDA IEGŪŠANAI LITERATŪRZINĀTNES NOZARĒ CITTAUTU LITERATŪRAS VĒSTURES APAKŠNOZARĒ Daugavpils 2004 WOLFGANG BORCHERT'S ARTISTIC WORLD OF PROSE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DOCTORAL THESIS Research topicality. The Second World War that was unleashed by Nazi Germany developed not only into a tragic world catastrophe, but it also caused a catastrophe that deeply touched upon the German nation. The shock caused by the war rent human consciousness and led to annihilation of the national socialist system and ideology. The shock developed into the process of public fault admission. The writers who stayed in the motherland (internal immigrants), exile writers sought for their own niche in literature, as well as a new generation of writers (junge Generation), who protested against nonpolitical spirituality and inclined to authentic reflection of reality. However, initially there was a thematic split between these three groups of writers, each tendency had specific issues. Special literary contribution was made by the new generation of writers, who perceived the situation after 1945 as the time when their unrealized dreams and talents should come true. The readers paid attention to the works of W.Borchert, H.E.Nosak, VShnure, H.Bell, V.Kepen. V.Kolbenhof, A.Andersh, H.V.Rihter felt relevant to this writers' generation. Many representatives of the new generation of writers were involved in the war as Nazi army soldiers. Therefore, having returned to their motherland, they openly wanted to speak about their emotional experience caused by war, reposing on hatred, being collected in their consciousness for years. The representatives of new radical literature completely denied the former language use. They stated the former its application inadmissible. The correct forms of the German language seemed suspicious and insecure to many writers, as these forms had been used in the Nazi propaganda. The second trend in literature preserved traditional literary features that had already been determined before the Nazi regime in Germany. These were mainly expressionism elements used by inner emigration writers as well as exile writers who returned from abroad and hoped to take up their literary activities. Some new generation writers also used them. The theme of a soldier returning home gained topicality and W.Borchert (1921 -1947) wasn't the only writer who wrote about it at that time. In prose as well as in poetry a prospective writer voiced a protest against national socialism, but his main merit was that historical issues of universal values were raised from everyday point of view to a political aspect. Popularity of radio staging and drama was determined by the revelation of post-war Germany. There was reflected W.Borchert's personal life experience: war, persecution, reiterated arrests, imprisonment and serious illness. Just the illness facilitated his professional growth in literature, as he as well as many other young writers-soldiers didn't have the other way of self-expression. At the end of 1930s and at the beginning of 1940s W.Borchert was influenced by F.Helderlin, KM.Rilke, he got acquainted with banned lyric poetsexpressionists G.Trakl, G.Benn. W.Borchert became well known among the wide circles of readers in January 1946 by his story "Hundeblume". In April 1946 doctors informed the young writer that only a year was left to live. His further lifetime resembled a competition with the approaching death. He had written 24 stories till the end of the year. The collected stories "Hundeblume" were published in April 1947. In January 1947 the most popular drama "Draußen vor der Tür"in post war literature was written (in 8 days period). Afterwards he wrote 22 more stories. In November 1947 he died (at the age of 26). The next selection of stories" An diesem Dienstag" was published already after the writer's death. The stories drew attention of the post-war society, but the drama's issues shocked. In February 1947 the drama was broadcast as a radio staging. The resonance was tremendous as the drama's main image revealed the fate of the German youth. W.Borchert received letters of thanks as well as criticism. On November 21, 1947 in Hamburg's Theatre took place the drama's first-night. Unfortunately, the author didn't see it. Today W.Borchert's contribution into literature has a little more than halfa-century old history. Time and distance attach additional significance to his prose heritage. Attitudes towards his creative personality have been different. Evaluating Borhert's prose we could call the short period of his literary work as a time of self-consciousness, because after the war writers were looking for possibilities of their identity growth. W.Borchert is considered to be a post-war writer, who was engaged in a political struggle. He was the first who gave the new generation of German writers a literary trend. W.Borchert was the first writer who tried to untie a knot of Nazi ideology, human fate and a real situation in the wartime and post-war state. Although W.Borchert's prose is sometimes characterized as too sentimental, emotional, even tearful, and thus not corresponding to the literature demands of that period, it's worth emphasizing that the thematic codes he used in his literary works, can be found not only in the post-war literary works of other German writers but also in the literature of the 1960s and 1970s. Looking for the truth and justice W.Borchert voiced a protest against the war, opposed the existing order in the state. With his works V.Borhert evoked great resonance as the theme of his prose shocked the readers of that time. The theme of W.Borchert's prose is a key to the all West German post-war literature. Some time later nobody wrote on the theme. W.Borchert's prose has become the evidence of the contemporary historical time and the author was considered a brilliant representative of the post-war literature, who became a symbol of his generation. There have been absolutely contrary opinions on W.Borchert's creative work that proves the topicality of the theme and interest about his works. Though there is an opinion that there are more literary investigations of W.Borchert's prose than the works, the proposed research material is an attempt to supplement the available research focusing on a new aspect of contextual analysis. The theme of the doctoral dissertation is W.Borchert's artistic world of prose. The object of the doctoral dissertation is literary structure and semantics of W.Borchert's artistic world. The objective of the doctoral dissertation: The goal of the dissertation is to obtain the description of W.Borchert's prose structure and semantics in order to review it in the context of historical literary development. The task of the doctoral dissertation is to analyze literary paradigms of W.Borchert's artistic world of prose - space, time, man, emphasizing the writer's significance in the West European historical literary development. Methodological basis of the doctoral dissertation is a synthesis of historical and structural approaches provided for the analysis of W.Borchert's prose significance and value (artistic and aesthetic conceptions, language and style). CONTENT OF THE DISSERTATION Chapter 1."Space and time in W.Borchert's prose". 1.1. Returning home. Space is three-dimensional in W.Borchert's artistic world. One of these three component parts is a man's space that is given more specifically. Home as well as city is a protagonist's existential center, because the reflection of this micro space relates to a complicated transformation of war events. W.Borchert does not give a detailed home description, but it can be reconstructed using the stories where the writer mentions some home dimension. The protagonist's way as space is reflected linearly. It is an uninterrupted flux of events. The opposition of external and inner space finds expression in a mythic and real space transformation. W.Borchert's protagonist imagined that his parents' house was a separated and confined place that had saved the past years and had not changed at all. He hoped that everything that had happened in this space was everlasting. He hoped that his life could continue from the moment he had left the home. Returning to the sacred parents' home symbolizes the returning to the pre-war life. At first the protagonist does not realize that his home is not his home any more. He can't accept that strange people live there. Thus, he cannot return home, as it does not exist any more. Returning from war, the protagonist doesn't stay at home, he lives outside home - in the street. Almost every story contains a city theme. Thus, returning home means returning to the native city. Some stories are devoted to Hamburg. The description of the city suburbs attaches peculiar coloring to his prose. Space in W.Borchert's artistic world is formed as a city space, where the main structural unit is home. W.Borchert's city is presented as a macro world, but home - as a micro world. The city street resembles a way that leads the protagonist through the city to nowhere. The direction of the protagonist's wanderings is not circular. It is linear. It is impossible to return to the start point, as this point does not exist any more. The protagonist moves away from the city and home. Nostalgia is identical to the wish to return to the past. 1.2. The river Elba. In W.Borchert's fiction space the river is an integral part of city. The Elba is a second most significant element of space structure. This literary image comprises some character features of W.Borchert's mother, however, the writer avoids the personification. Thus, the image's appearance is not specified, as inner essence is more important. The mother personifies human birth, the beginning of life, and the Elba personifies death. Therefore. the protagonist decides to die in order to return to original point. His attempt of suicide is an attempt to find out the way out of the situation. River warns him that his hopes to return to paradise are delusive. The Elba fulfills a mythic resuscitation function. River was passive until the moment when it throws out the protagonist to the bank. Therefore, River loses a passive role of observer. River's activity also changes the drama's plot, as death is an unconvertible process in real life. The way to the Elba is always full of lights, contrary to the dark city streets. The way to the river symbolizes the way of light that gives a chance to leave the dark city. The river is never static. The Elba symbolizes life and constant development. Water according to W.Borchert's philosophical views symbolizes a free being in time and space, as the river flow denotes the cyclic and irretrievable movement of time. There is a mythic time space that exist parallel real world. The Elba is considered to be a link between real and unreal time space in W.Borchert's artistic world of prose. 1.3. God and Death. God and Death images create mythic atmosphere in W.Borchert's drama. He uses these images in untraditional literary way - he personifies abstract images. The images resemble human beings by appearance. Death and God meet in the drama's introduction. Contrary to traditional image of Death, it has become husky and cheerful and it is always in good mood. The image of God is an exact opposite to the common one. Here could be mentioned the following stories: "An diesem Dienstag", "Gespräch iiber den Dächern", "Generation ohne Abschied", "Gottes Auge", "Jesus macht nicht mehr mit". The appearance of both counter-forces is not a mutual fight for the spheres of influence in this temporary world. The God came to the earth in order to mourn helplessly over his being's grave. W.Borchert tries to understand why the post-war society turned away from Christian God and at the same time denied human values. In the post-war literature the man's death is accepted as a norm, because the wars have weakened the God's power. The Death has become so powerful and strong that not only man but also God himself is unable to change the world. 1.4. Time. During the first post-war years writers avoided to write about future. They suffered the past. The prevailing time category in W.Borchert's prose in accordance with the protagonist's negative perception of the world is night or evening. Darkness symbolizes the initial chaos, war, and death. The light symbolizes order, peace and life. Night unites the homeless. At night they hear the voices of the dead so they cannot sleep. They are frightened. The shadows of the dead are a part of the past. The alive are realities of the present. The fear limits the protagonist and makes him not free. The night does not allow the man to move freely in space. The protagonist does not perceive himself as a human being, he feels as a ghost. The man-ghost is a part of darkness. He belongs to night. In the darkness and night the protagonist looks for the light coordinates in order to overcome the fear. Light-emitting bodies - the stars, the moon - as well as lantern, window give the man a feeling of safety. The sun is the most significant and powerful source of light. The rear use of the sun's image indicates that the protagonist has lost the belief in light. The sun symbolizes the end of night and the beginning of day. Not only the sun, morning, lantern and love emit the light, but also snow does it. This time space is real and unreal simultaneously, because in the next moment it can disappear. Though the image of snow is used as an opposition to the darkness, it is not solely white and light. The darkness and snow have also a common feature-inconstancy. The acoustic elements being used in the stories emphasize the awful night silence and the day full of life and excitement. Wind lamentation, noise of waves, rushing along the streets, screaming, women's laughing, music, crunching of burning house interrupt a monotonous course of time. W.Borchert mainly abstracts the course of time. The rhythm of time is attained by contrasting change of darkness and light. This process is constant: night supersedes day, the day supersedes the night in its turn, darkness - light, light - darkness. 1.5. Dream and reality. Considering real and unreal threads of W.Borchert's artistic world it is possible to conclude that space and time are not homogeneous. It particularly refers to the drama, where unreality of time and space is presented by the images of the Elba, God and Death. Therefore, the question appears - where there is verge between a real world and mythic world, and what can be accepted as reality, and what -as a dream. Special attention is paid to the writer's main work - drama, its architectonics, composition, and analysis of plot. The drama's characters can be divided into real ones (Beckman, Girl, Colonel, Cabaret director, Mrs. Cramer) and allegoric images (God, Death, Other, Elba, One-legged). The protagonist is the only one who meets all the drama's characters. The image of Other unites the mythic and real images. The image of Other personifies hopes that create a positive perception of world and short - lived feeling of safety. The drama's conflict makes us to perceive life as absurd. The analysis of the drama's architectonics gives proof that the point where reality begins is not indicated. Real facts mix up with unreal events. It is impossible to say exactly where the dream starts and at what moment it ends. The main function of unreal images is to interrupt the uniformity of drama. The drama's text is formed as a flood of consciousness. The protagonist tries to cross the reality boundary: being drowned in the Elba, in his dream and retelling the Colonel the nightmares. Chapter 2. "Man in W.Borchert's prose". 2.1. Soldier and Other . The main literary character in W.Borchert's prose is an image whose problems were widely reflected in post-war mass media, newspapers, magazines, on the radio, in films. This man is a soldier. He is too young to get involved in war. He is a representative of the lost generation, the soldier who does not find his way home and therefore, he dies. W.Borchert's prose ("Die Kuchenuhr", "Generation ohne Abschied", "Die Krahen fliegen abends nach Hause", "Die Nachtigall singt", "Der Kaffee ist undefinierbar", "lm Mai, im Mai scrie der Kuckuck") emphasizes that soldiers who returned from the war have neither home, nor family. A man by the window is dissatisfied with his place in a post-war society. Therefore, he wants to escape the real life. His location in the room limits and depresses him, but he is not ready to leave it in order to go out to the city, because he cannot accept the city's order. He does not feel a part of this society and he is not ready to integrate into it. The man by the window is not decisive. He is standing at the symbolic boundary between life and suicide, on the halfway between heavens and ground. A man by the door is life-orientated in the post-war situation. Contrary to the man by the window, this man is emotionally stable and well balanced. He is an optimist. The men spend a day after day in the room thinking of death and life. They come to conclusion that birth and death are two boundaries, and the human life passes between them. It is worth emphasizing the significance of the text ending. It differs from the usual solution to the problems in W.Borchert's prose, where suicide is the only way out of the situation. The man by the window, in spite of his bad experience caused by war, in spite of the situation that he considers hopeless, decides in the life's favor. The striking example of the man by the window is Beckman, who is standing between life and death. He reproduces the type of a man who lost his Motherland. His return to home is unsuccessful. At first he tries to be a rebel who does not keep to the new order, but at the end he does not endure psychological pressure. He gives up, loses and finds a solution to his problems in suicide. The image of Other is an alternative to Beckman. He and the protagonist are two different men, although they have much in common. Other is Beckman's personified life will. As an image, Other is Beckman's guide. Beckman always argues with Other. Other is a man who always looks for new possibilities in hopeless situations. The protagonist is not idealized. He is a man who suffers physical and mental load: hunger and cold loneliness, fault consciousness, attitude of the society towards him as well as further existence with no perspective. There is a certain misunderstanding between an individual and society. The individual realizes that he is a stranger in the society. The soldiers who returned home differ from the rest. They are marked by their participation in the war. They are unstable in their judgments. They feel not only as victims of war, but also as guilty in other people's death. 2.2. System of characters. The protagonist has to restore relationships with the post-war society. People moved away from each other so far, that their rapprochement is out of question due to the passive position of both sides (for instance, "Die Hundeblume", where people do not want to change their usual way of treatment.) In the story "Die traurigen Geranien" one man is ready to get free from isolation, while the other is passive. Only in some stories there is a mutual contact between two people (for instance, "Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch"). In W.Borchert's creative works there could be distinguished three states of human existence according to the influence of society on the human harmonious existence. The models of formation of interrelations are used as matrix, with the help of which the similarities and differences are stated. Interrelation model 1 characterizes the initial state of man, when he is at the harmonious virtually endless safety (as it seems to him) stage, because in reality it turned to be short-lived. This model finds reflection in the following stories: "Hamburg", "Die Elbe", "Die Kirschen", "Gottes Auge", " Marguerite" , "Liebe blaue graue Nacht", "Schischyphusch". These stories uncover the individual's harmonious existence in society, where he feels in certain safety. Interrelation model 2 characterizes the state of protagonist who is at the disharmonious stage of estrangement. There should be mentioned the following stories "Die Hundeblume", "Mein bleicher Bruder", "Stimmen sind da - in der Luft in der Nacht", "Generation ohne Abschied", "Eisenbahnen, nachmittags und nachts", "Billbrook", "Die Kegelbahn", "Vier Soldaten", "Der viele viele Schnee", "Jesus macht nicht mehr mit”, "Die Katze war im Schnee erfroren", "Die Nachtigall singt", "Radi", "An diesem Dienstag", "Der Kaffee ist undefinierbar", "Die Küchenuhr", "Unser kleiner Mozart", "Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch", "Er hatte auch viel Ärger mit den Kriegen", "Im mai, im Mai schrie der Kuckuck", "Die lange lange Straiße lang", "Das ist unser Manifest" a.o. In these stories the protagonist is shown as an outsider in the post-war society. Interrelation model 3 is one of the most important ones, because the protagonist can realize the opportunity of returning to the society with the help of other characters. Model 3 mainly refers to the following stories "Das Holz für Morgen", "Die Krähen fliegen abends nach Hause", "Stimmen sind da - in der Luft in der Nacht", "Generation ohne Abschied", "Die drei dunklen Konige", "Der Kaffee ist underfinierbar", "Die Küchenuhr", "Das Brot" a.o. Interrelation model 3 also concerns the drama's images. The drama's main character is not a man of crowd. His goal is to confront with different life positions that are presented by his contemporaries (Colonel, and his family, Mrs.Cramer, cabaret director). The model also characterizes the relations between the protagonist and his parents, who are the most significant and necessary people for him. Family is a symbol of coziness. Father and mother are people who have a positive attitude towards their son-soldier who returned from the war. With their help he could integrate harmoniously into society. Family ties and coziness for the soldier associate with woman who he could get acquainted with and stay with her for life. Woman is reflected as a symbol of warmth, coziness, loneliness, a symbol of fear overcoming. According to W.Borchert's philosophy, she could be the man's allied, mollify his sadness. She could protect the soldier from fear. The writer emphasizes that war and love are two incompatible notions. 2.3. Man conception. W.Borchert considers a man as a value. In post-war society a man is not a value any more. Material values prevail over spiritual ones. The mechanism of order forms a basis of human relations. The consciousness of fault contributes to the work of this mechanism. Nobody can free a man from the consciousness of fault. Only a man himself can do it. Although not all the characters obey the order principle, they are also not free in their choice. They are dependent on their welfare. These people do not want to speak about their consciousness of guilt, as they see, hear and understand only the things that re profitable. These are mainly men of crowd, who judge and blame others in order to save their seeming innocence. They do not support the protagonist's views. They change their political views as often as it is necessary for them. W.Borchert tells about the spiritual tragedy or German nation, paying special attention to individual's personal misfortune caused by historical conditions of that time. W.Borchert stresses the following idea in his creative works: the future life of German nation depends on how the present generation will transform the information to the new generation. Chapter 3. “The system of viewpoints". Artistic value of creative works to a great extent depends on the author's style: ideas, themes, composition, images, and language. The writer expresses his opinion on actual processes at concrete time and space, using the means of language. The system of viewpoints comprises objective and subjective spheres. Outside these spheres of viewpoints there is author's viewpoint. The author creates a text, its structure, and logical connections. The author's opinion, his world view are expressed in his creative works. The language, peculiarities of style, characters' behavior express the author's opinion. The rhythm of prose also helps to understand the author's viewpoint. The analysis of rhythm is much more complicated than the analysis of the rhythm of poetry. There are not definite meters in prose. The opposition of short and medium-long sense-groups produces the rhythm in W.Borchert's prose. Alternation of short and medium-sized sense-groups attaches dynamics and challenge to the intonation system. Sentence structure also influences the rhythm of W.Borchert's prose. The majority of his sentences are extended sentences or unextended declarative sentences. Sometimes the structure of these sentences does not correspond to the rules of German grammar. The shortest sentences are elliptical sentences. They consist of one lexical unit, a noun or a verb. It is worth emphasizing the rich language material Emotional experience is expressed with the help of differences in quantity of the same phoneme. W.Borchert avoids being wordy. This writer describes the things as he sees hears and feels them. Thus, W.Borchert tries to be maximally concrete, precise and expressive. Conclusions. W.Borchert accepts the historical reality. The actual events of that time create W.Borchert's artistic world. W.Borchert's works testify to the influence expressionism and existentialism trends in literature. It is worth emphasizing the double revaluation of values. At first, it happened when national socialists came to the power and destroyed the former culture and traditions, forcing their ideology. Then, when this ideology was destroyed. The supporter of this ideology could be anyone who believed in new ideals. Thus, W.Borchert chooses the image of German soldier, for whom it is very important to make clear the illusions of the pre-war past in order to revaluate the former ideals and values. While speaking about the human essence and existence W.Borchert is ironical and serious at the same time. New time and life conditions facilitated the development of a new artistic form (inner dialogue, different levels of time and space in one work). Evaluating the way of artistic expression that W.Borchert had chosen in order to uncover a deep essence of the issues, readers and researchers should take into consideration the fact that he was a witness and an active participant of the historical events of that time. The list of sources, literature and quoted writings are added to the dissertation.