Why did the English Civil War break out in 1642

Why did the English Civil War break out in 1642?
Civil war began in 1642
Not just one reason to explain the war
Civil war caused by a number of reasons
The main issues were …..
Put this title at the
top of the essay
Do NOT put the paragraph
number at the top of each
paragraph. It is only given
here to help plan the essay!
Paragraph 1
What sort of character was Charles 1?
Did he have the makings of a good king?
Use the spider
diagram and the
sources coded positive
and negative
Paragraph 2
One issue was money
How did this make relations between Charles and Parliament more
Paragraph 3
Another important issue was religion
How did this make relations between Charles, Parliament and the
people he ruled more difficult?
Use your notes, the arrow, the
 Why were people suspicious about him?
road map and the venn
diagram to complete
Paragraph 4
paragraphs 2 to 4
Behind these two arguments was the issue of who should run the
What did Charles believe?
What did Parliament want to do?
Why did they want to do this?
Paragraph 5
You need two sides to start a war
I think that Charles / Parliament was mostly responsible because
Level 4
You can describe a number of reasons as to why the Civil War broke out
in 1642. You can support these reasons with some information. Work is
organised into paragraphs.
Level 5
You begin not only to describe but explain some of the important reasons
as to why the Civil War broke out in 1642. These reasons are supported
with appropriate information. You are moving away from describing to
explaining reasons. Written work is carefully structured into paragraphs.
Level 6
You explain a number of important reasons as to why the Civil War broke
out in 1642. You begin to explain why some reasons are more important
than other reasons. These reasons are supported with a wide range of
information which shows a clear understanding of why the Civil War broke
out in 1642.