Hamlet - csimmonds

Act Questions
Act I
Scene i
1. A portent is a sign of something that is about to happen.
appear in this scene?
What portents
What does Horatio think these signs mean?
2. From what you have seen of Horatio, why do you think Marcellus has
confided in him and asked him to come and watch for the ghost?
3. How does Shakespeare secure our attention in this scene and hold it?
4. What is the techicnical term for an opening scene of this nature and
what is its purpose?
5. Describe the state of affairs in Denmark and give Horatio’s reason for
the impending war.
6. What was the nature of the conflict between King Hamlet and King
7. What strange belief was held respecting the quiet of the Christmas
Scene ii
1. In his soliloquy, Hamlet uses the image of an unweeded garden.
is Hamlet comparing to a garden?
What are the weeds? Who is
responsible for tending the garden?
2. If Hamlet were the chief gardener, how do you think he would go about
restoring the garden?
3. Give the three main points in the King’s long opening speech.
4. What has been the cause of the conflict in Norway and what is his way
of terminating this conflict?
5. What is admirable in the King’s attitude towards both Laertes and
6. What words of wisdom does he offer Hamlet?
7. What does Hamlet mean with his speech that begins, “Seems, madame!
Nay, it is; I know not seems.”
8. Do you believe Hamlet’s estimate of Claudius is fair?
Why or why not?
9. Are Hamlet’s feelings about marriage justified? Explain.
Scene iii
1. Summarize Laertes’ advice to his sister.
2. Was Laertes justified in the comments he made about Hamlet?
3. Was Polonius justified in the comments he made about Hamlet?
4. How would you describe Laertes’ and Polonius’ attitude towards Ophelia?
5. How does Ophelia react to the advice?
their relationship?
What does she tell us about
6. Summarize Polonius’ advice to Laertes.
7. Comment on Polonius’ values concerning: love, money, friendship, clothing
and entertainment.
8. Some critics feel Polonius’ advice is more didactic than affectionate.
9. Is Ophelia deeply in love with Hamlet?
10. Discuss the meaning and the significance of the following lines:
“To thine own shelf be true,
And it must follow as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”
Scene iv
1. What elements make this scene very dramatic?
2. What evidence is there of Hamlet’s intense excitement?
3. Paraphrase Hamlet’s speech (lines _____ - ____)
4. What does this scene contribute to the play?
5. Why does the ghost not make his revelation in the presence of Hamlet’s
6. “Carrying the stamp of one defect”… has Hamlet’s estimate of Man’s
defects any relationship to himself or the play?
7. Give your opinion of the character of Hamlet at the end of this scene?
8. Define hamartia.
Scene v
1. What does the ghost do or say to incite Hamlet to action?
2. What instructions does the ghost give Hamlet about Gertrude?
3. Why might the ghost be concerned about Hamlets reaction to Gertrude?
4. Compare Hamlet’s First response to the ghost’s call for revenge (lines
____ - ___) with his statement at the end of the scene (lines ___-___).
How do you account for the differences between these two responses?
5. What lines in the ghost’s recital show (a) its horrible state, (b) its
eloquence, (c) its detestation of Claudius and its love and regard for
6. What two oaths are Hamlets friends compelled to swear?
7. What does hamlet mean by putting on “an antic disposition”?
he now be able to do?
What will
Find a good example of a simile and a metaphor in this scene.
Act II
Scene I
1. Clearly explain the mission given to Reynaldo and the methods he is to
use to accomplish his mission.
2. What does this reveal about Polonius’ character?
3. Critics disagree about Hamlet’s strange behaviors in Ophelia’s room.
Some say he was putting “an antic disposition” on as he had promised
at the end of Act I.
Others suggest his agitation is real.
of these interpretations do you agree?
Support your choice.
With which
4. How does Polonius explain Hamlet’s behavior towards Ophelia>
5. What is your opinion of Polonius as a parent?
Support your answer.
Scene ii
1. What task does Claudius give to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
2. Explain the settlement arranged with Norway.
3. What different explanations of Hamlet’s behavior do Gertrude and Polonius
4. How does Polonius plan to verify his theory?
5. What doe his conversation with Polonius add t our information regarding
Hamlet’s character?
6. Which qualities of Hamlet’s character seem apparent when we look at
Hamlet’s speech that begins on line__________?
7. Select two quotes that show the depth of Hamlet’s depression.
line references.
8. What does Hamlet ask the actors to do in their performance the
following night?
9. Quote the lines at the end of the scene that reveal Hamlet’s plan.
10. Of what does Hamlet accuse himself in his soliloquy at the end of this
11. Identify:
 Danskers
 Here’s my drift
 Drabbing
 Windlasses and assays of bias
 Reynaldo
 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
 Tedious old fool
 Jephthah
 Priam
 Hecuba
 Pyrrhus
 Murder of Gonzago
 Arras
12. Who or what is compared to a (a) prison, (b) sterile promontory, (c)
13. What parallel can be drawn between the story of Priam and Hecuba and
the plot of Hamlet?
Scene I
1. “With pious action we do sugar o’er the devil himself.”
and the meaning.
Give the speaker
How does this apply to both Polonius and Claudius?
2. Summarize Hamlet’s soliloquy. (page _____)
3. What words and actions of Hamlet cause Ophelia
“blasted with ecstasy”?
to say that he is
4. What do the King and Polonius conclude from their observation of Hamlet
with Ophelia?
What course of action do they decide to take?
5. What words of Claudius and of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern suggest
that they suspect Hamlet is not really mad?
6. Does Ophelia love Hamlet?
Scene ii
1. Explain what a “dumb-show” is, and outline what is revealed in the dumb
2. Why does Hamlet admire Horatio?
3. Quote lines to support your answer.
4. Why does Hamlet tell the King the played is called the “Mouse Trap”?
5. Paraphrase Hamlet’s soliloquy. (page ______)
6. Prove that this scene is the crisis or the turning point of the play/
7. Prove that Hamlet is still not a man of action.
Scene iii
1. What is the state of the King’s conscience?
Quote lines to support your
2. Do you feel any sympathy or contempt for Claudius as he prays?
3. What is Hamlet’s reason for not killing Claudius
what do you suspect is
the real reason for his delay?
4. Paraphrase Hamlet’s soliloquy. (page _____)
5. What is ironic about the situation as it is revealed at the end of this
Scene iv
1. Describe the events leading up to Polonius’ death.
2. How did Hamlet feel when he discovered whom he had killed? Provide a
quote to support your answer.
throughout this scene.
Consider Hamlet’s descriptions of Polonius
Are his adjectives accurate?
3. Why does the ghost reappear in this scene?
4. Contrast the words Hamlet uses to describe his father with words he
uses to describe Claudius.
5. What does Hamlet know about his future and what is his attitude towards
his future?
6. At the conclusion of this scene, how do things stand between Hamlet
and his mother?
7. Identify or explain the following:
 ecstasy
 orisons
 fardels
 crisis
 primal eldest curse
 hyperion
 king of shreds and patches
 hoist with
his own petar
Act IV
Scene i
1. Describe two ways Claudius proves himself to be a man of action.
2. How sincere is Gertrude?
3. What evidence is there of Hamlet’s deepening “Insanity”?
Scene ii
1. What is the reason for Hamlet’s arrest?
2. Quote two “wise” remarks made by Hamlet in this scene.
Scene iii
1. What are Claudius’ plans for Hamlet?
2. Quote two different insults Hamlet directs at Claudius in this scene.
3. Explain lines _________.
Scene iv
1. Explain the importance of the meeting between Fortinbras and Hamlet.
2. What points of contrast can you see between Fortinbras and Hamlet?
3. Paraphrase Hamlet’s speech on page _____.
4. Quote lines from Hamlet’s speech that proves he is a procrastinator and
a person who contemplates too much.
5. “Rightly to be great
Is not to stir without great argument,
But greatly to find quarrel in a straw
When Honour’s at the stake.”
Give the meaning of these lines.
Do you agree?
Scene v
1. List four things that Claudius has to worry about.
2. How does Laertes’ action over the death of his father contrast with
3. What effect has Ophelia’s second entrance in this scene?
4. Contrast Ophelia’s insanity to Hamlet’s.
Scene vi
1. Describe the contents of Hamlet’s letter.
2. How would you describe Hamlet as he now appears?
Scene vii
1. Give two reasons why Claudius has not taken action against Hamlet.
2. Summarize Hamlet’s letter to the King.
3. What two plans does Claudius devise to ensure Hamlet will die?
4. Who is Lamrod and what part does he play in this story?
5. Hamlet and Laertes have a similar predicament to deal with; namely, the
death of a father.
How do they differ with their respective problems?
6. Do you sympathize with or condemn Laertes?
7. Could Ophelia’s death be considered a suicide?
8. Identify or explain:
 the sponges
 eggshell
 Switzers
 fennel
 columbine
 rue
 rosemary
 pansies
 daisies
 high and mighty
 unction of a mountebank.