DOCĒTĀJA CV PARAUGS (ne vairāk kā 2 lpp

Maritas Zitmanes
(curriculum vitae)
09/2006 to date
09/2001 to 06/2003
09/1997 to 06/2001
Doctoral study programme in Communication Science
University of Latvia
University of Latvia Department of Communication Science
University of Latvia Department of Communication Science
Academic degrees:
Professional experience:
Master of Social Science in Communication science
Bachelor of Social Science in Communication science
Researcher at Advanced Social and Political research
institute, University of Latvia
Lecturer in Department of Communication Sciences,
University of Latvia, Faculty of Social Sciences
 Kārļa Ulmaņa 60. dzimšanas diena – lokālās preses mediju notikums. Grām.: Zelče, V. (proj.
vad.). Agora 6: Reiz dzīvoja Kārlis Ulmanis .... Rīga: Zinātne, 2007. 369.–387. lpp.
 Political Advertising on Television During the 9th Saeima Campaign: Frames, Narratives,
Archetypes. In: Latvijas Republikas 9. Saeimas vēlēšanu kampaņa: priekšvēlēšanu publiskā
telpa (The 9th Saeima Election Campaign of the Republic of Latvia: The Public Arena During
the Campaign Period). eds. Zelče, Vita, Brikše, Inta. Riga: Zinātne, 2007. P. 272. –290.
 Woman’s (non)attendance in 1905 year’s revolutin. In: Agora 4: Timegap: The fifth year. Ed.
Zelče, Vita. Riga: LU Akademiskais apgads, 2006. P. 267.–283.
 Advertising and its messages: changes in functions and roles. In: Information Environment in
Latvia. Beginning of the 21st Century. Ed. Brikše, Inta. Strategic Analysis Commision under
the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia. Riga: Zinātne, 2006. P. 239. –257.
 Patērniecības ziņojumi bērnu un jauniešu žurnālos “Mērķis” un “Sīrups” 2004.gadā. Grām.:
Zelče, V. (red.). Agora 5: Patērniecība Latvijā: tendences un alternatīvas. Rīga: LU
Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2006. 103.–116. lpp.
 Transformations in Advertising Processes in Latvia, 1985–1995. University of Latvia articles
volume no. 683. COMMUNICATION. Communication: Discourse of Culture and History.
LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2005. P. 270.–288.
 Parliamentary elections LSSR in 1990: Discourse about gender equality and involvement in
political life. In: University of Latvia articles volume no. 655. COMMUNICATION. Gender
studies. Zinātne. 2003. P. 60–75
Advertisements in Latvia, 2007. Visual Expression and Archetypes in the Printed Advertisements
of Local Products. International Conference: Baltic Futures. University of Latvia Faculty of
Social Sciences Institute of Advanced Social and Political Research. Riga. November 23–24, 2007
The 1990 Election of the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR: the Discourse about Gender
Equality and Political Involvement. International Scientific Conference: AFTER EMPIRE:
Gender boundaries as the border of nations. European Humanities University. Vilnius. June 28–
30, 2007
Image communication in printed beauty products advertisements. Analysis of lifestyle
magazines in Latvia 2006. 65th scientific conference of University of Latvia. University
of Latvia. 2nd – 23rd of February 2007
Political Advertising on Television During the 9th Saeima Campaign: Frames, Narratives,
Archetypes. International Conference Uncertain Transformations: New Domestic and
International Challenges. University of Latvia. 9–12 November 2006
The Female Gender in Political Discourse. Election Campaigns in Latvia’s Daily Press. 6th
European Gender Research Conference Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context.
University of Łódź, Poland. 31st August – 3rd September 2006
Advertising environment in Latvia: messages and specifics. International
interdisciplinary conference Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities, Riga,
November 9-12, 2005.
Consumerism discourse in magazines for children and adolescents in Latvia. Analysis of
publications in 2004. Interdisciplinary conference Consumerism in Latvia: tendencies
and alternatives. Riga, 11th March, 2005
Construction of gender roles in magazines for children and adolescents in Latvia. 6th
International Scientific Conference of State University of Belarus “Journalism - 2004”;
December 2, 2004
Representation of women gender role in Russian daily newspapers in Latvia. Discourse
analysis of newspapers publications from 2000 till 2003. 62nd Scientific Conference of
University of Latvia; February 27, 2004
FHM – new magazine, new man. 62nd Scientific Conference of University of Latvia;
February 20, 2004
Gender discourse in 8th Parliamentary election campaign in 2002. Second Baltic Nordic
Conference on Women’s studies and Gender Research. Gender in Fostering of Social Dialogue.
Šauļi, Lietuva; 2003. gada 7. marts
Gender discourse in 8th Parliamentary election campaign. 61st Scientific Conference of
University of Latvia; February 12, 2003
 “Opening the labour market for women” project supported by the European
commission initiative, EQUAL. Implemented by Resource Centre for Women
"Marta". Position – expert of gender equality; policy analysis and promotion of the
relevant legislative initiatives. Project’s duration: March 2006 – June 2007
 “Improving generic and professional communication of Doctoral graduates across
Europe” project of the 2005 Researchers in Europe Initiative. University of Latvia
doctorate team member and assistant of team leader. 2005
 “Mass Media in (Re) Distribution of Power”. Project’s owner: Ministry of Welfare of
Latvia and European Commission, Employment and social affairs DG. Position –
project assistant. Project’s duration: December 2003 – February 2005
Member of Baltic Association of Media Research (since 2005).
 NorFa PhD Nordic-Baltic-Northwest Russian research seminar, “Gender Equality and
Men’s Practices in European Welfare Regimes: Comparative and Interdisciplinary
Perspectives” (25th of June – 3rd of July 2003), Jurmala, Latvia.
 The Eighth International Summer School on Gender Studies: Gender and Nationalism
by The Kharkov Center for Gender Studies (26th of August – 18th of September, 2004),
Foros, Ukraine.
 Granada Doctoral School within the framework of the European project, Improving
Generic and Professional Communication of Doctoral Graduates across Europe,
hosted by the University of Granada (26th of September – 2nd of October 2005),
Granada, Spain
 Marie Curie Fellowship Gender Graduates: Interdisciplinary PhD Training in Gender
& Women’s Studies in University of Lodz
 NOISE Summer School Transforming Gender and Power: Mediating Science/Fiction
& History/Memory. Utrecht University Department of Women's Studies, The
Netherlands. 5th – 15th September 2006.
 Nordic Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Academic and Creative
Writing in Gender Studies: Epistemologies, Methodologies, Writing Practices.
University of Lódz, Poland. June 18-20, 2007