Project Pipeline: May 2014
2910 ALBATROSS STREET VACATION – Process Five – Bankers Hill/Park West – Public
Right-of-Way vacation of a portion of Albatross Street. The project location is 2910 Albatross
Street north of West Palm Av3enue in the RS-1-2 zone: AAOZ, FAA Overlay Zones.
Notice of Application dated 31 Dec 2013; Assessment Letter/Cycle Issues dated 13 Feb 2014
Any other property owners and lots that may be affected due to the proposed vacation should
also be part of the street vacation request or consent to it. The vacation cannot conflict with
current or future access to parcels within the street vacation. Applicant must dedicate a sufficient
turn around area for the street.
There is a potential to land lock Lot E; the owner of Lot E must be included as co-applicants for
this project and a variance may be required. Proposal may create make adjacent lots nonconforming; which would require a variance. The frontage of one adjacent lot may be reduced to
30 feet, while 50 feet is required by code – would need a variance.
A fence over three feet in height on the property’s front setback will require a variance. The
existing Improvements on the eastern half of the proposed street vacation do not belong to the
applicant, and can only be removed with the property owner’s approval.
Applicant must demonstrate infeasibility of potential construction development of Albatross Street,
north of West Palm Street; as well as make appropriate findings. The existing driveway needs to
be reconstructed to code.
Municipal Code Finding Requirement: "(a) There is no present or prospective public use for the
public right-of-way, either for the facility for which it was originally acquired or for any other public
use of a like nature that can be anticipated; continued below: (b) The public will benefit from the
action through improved use of the land made available by the vacation; (c) The vacation does
not adversely affect any applicable land use plan; and (d) The public facility for which the public
right-of-way was originally acquired will not be detrimentally affected by the vacation."
“The Uptown Community Plan identifies this portion of Albatross Street as public right-of-way
(ROW) within community plan-designated open space (Arroyo Canyon).
According to the Open Space and Recreation Element of the community plan, street rights-of-way
should be vacated only if the following findings can be made that the ROW will not be needed in
the future:
- For public access to individual parcels or to public open space;
- To provide parking;
- To provide open space for public use; or
- To maintain views of open space from public rights-of-way
At present, the existing ROW would not be needed for public access to individual parcels as all
parcels within the immediate street have direct access from improved streets. No access
currently exists nor are there any existing informal trails through this portion of Albatross Street.
At present, future access into the Arroyo Canyon would be dependent on the removal of an
existing wall and existing vegetation including bamboo and large mature trees.
The proposed ROW would not be needed in the future for parking as this is a predominantly
single-family residential neighborhood with available on-street parking. ]
The proposed vacation of this portion of Albatross Street would not affect the continuity of plan
designated open space in Arroyo Canyon.
The community plan does not identify any public views on this portion of Albatross Street.
4189 ALBATROSS DRIVE (GABRIELLI VARIANCE) – Process Three - Mission Hills – Variance
(setbacks) for an addition of a bedroom, a playroom, and bathroom on top of an existing garage;
RS—1-7 Zone; Transit Overlay Zone; FAA Part 77;
Notice of Application dated 1 Apr 2014.
4373 CLEVELAND TENTATIVE MAP – Process Three – University Heights – Tentative Parcel
Map to demolish two detached single family residences and construct four residential
condominiums on two existing lots (0.16 acres) located at 4373 Cleveland Avenue. The site is in
MR-1500 zone; Parking Impact Overlay Zone; Residential Tandem Parking; Transit Area; Fire
Hazard Severity Zone.
Distribution Form dated 19 Aug 2013; Notice of Application dated 3 Sep 2013.
Site Plans: four residential units; three stories; two buildings: (2@2 bedrooms: 2@3 bedrooms);
5,950 sq. ft.; eight parking spaces required, eight parking spaces provided.
Assessment Letter dated 14 Oct 2013; Cycle Issues dated 14 Oct 2013; two existing structures
need historic review; a third unit is an illegal conversion and should be removed. Historic stamp
on sidewalk must be preserved.
Geotechnical reconnaissance report requested; waste water quality study; and grading plan
showing water run-off. Project condition will be the reconstruction of the alley back of the site.
Utilities will need to be undergrounded unless waiver granted.
Project requires eight parking spaces; project will provide eight spaces within four garages.
RESIDENCE”) – Process Five – Mission Hills -- Application for a public right- of- way vacation for
a portion of Goldfinch Street fronting 3116 1/3 Falcon Street and 3101 Horton Avenue; Site
Development Permit (SDP) for deviations; Tentative Map with a subdivision of the parcel into two
lots, and construction of two single family residences (3,014 Sq. ft. and 3,543 sq. ft.) at the
southeast terminus of Goldfinch Street. Project incorporates a roof-mounted photovoltaic system
consisting of solar panels sufficient to generate at least 50% of the project’s projected energy
consumption (potential LEED Silver Certification). The vacant 16,600 foot lot is located at 3116
1/3 Falcon Street (temporary address) in the RS-1-7 and RS-1-2 zone; Airport Environs Overlay
Zone (AEOZ), ALUCP Noise Contours, AAOZ, FAA Part 77.
Notice of Application dated 9 Apr 2013; Assessment Letter dated 19 Feb 2014; Cycle Issues
dated 23 Apr 2014.
Street Vacation:
Planning staff objects to the vacation of only ½ of the ROW of Goldfinch Street, and requests the
full portion of the ROW be vacated; and requests that applicant provide documentation that the
west side Goldfinch property owner has been notified of the proposal. If the vacation results in a
substandard street for the adjacent property, a SDP must be filed for the adjacent property as
The Street Vacation may result in a lack of street frontage for the adjacent property to the west.
The adjacent lot has additional frontage on Horton Ave, however, this frontage shall be at least 50
feet in order to comply with the RS-1-7 zone regulations. Provide an exhibit showing the adjacent
lot and show that the lot has legal access from Horton Ave and has frontage of at least 50 feet.
If the adjacent lot does not have legal access from Horton Ave and at least 50 feet along that
frontage, the project will require a discretionary permit to deviate from the development
regulations. That permit shall be processed concurrently with this project.
The Open Space and Recreation Element of the community plan further identifies the area
of the proposed parcels within Urban Design Area 2 which is a transition zone designed to
preserve the open space character of the neighborhood and afford public views. Development
intensity within this zone should be very low density 3-4 dwelling units per acre.
According to the Open Space and Recreation Element of the community plan, street rights-of-way
should be vacated only if the following findings can be made that the ROW will not be needed in
the future:
- For public access to individual parcels or to public open space;
- To provide parking;
- To provide open space for public use; or
- To maintain views of open space from public rights-of-way
The vacation of this particular portion of the Goldfinch "paper street" would not preclude access to
individual, privately owned parcels, directly adjacent to the east and west sides of the street as
these parcels make up the southern terminus of the street and would have direct access to the
improved portion of Goldfinch Street.
The portion of the Goldfinch Street proposed for vacation connects with Reynard Canyon
containing developed properties designated as open space within the community plan. ]
The portion of Goldfinch Street proposed for vacation is currently undeveloped and would not
provide parking in the future since Goldfinch Street already terminates as an improved cul-desac.
The portion of the Goldfinch Street proposed for vacation is contiguous to private property.
No public views are identified or current proposed from this southern terminus of Goldfinch
Grading associated with development associated with the Urban Design zone should be reduced
Proposed landscaping should consist of native and/or drought tolerant plant species instead of
turf lawn areas.
Should the proposed lot split meet the minimum requirements per the existing zoning for lot size,
one single-family dwelling unit would be allowed on each lot.
Deviations Requested:
- Parcel #1 and 2 lot depth of 90.19' and 90.27' respectively where 95' is the minimum
- No street frontage on Parcel #1 where 50' minimum is required
- Over height retaining walls.
The project contains fences and walls that exceed the allowable height. Structure height is
measured to the top of the highest appurtenance, including the photovoltaic panels.
Because the project has been submitted as a Sustainable Buildings Project, the project may
utilize a Process Four SDP to request deviations from the development regulations.
The retaining walls are not listed as deviations on Sheet T-1.0. Please revise to include as a
deviation. In addition, the submitted findings and justification do not address the deviation
request. The over height retaining walls occur on Parcel 2 at the western property line. The
maximum height allowed is 6 feet at this location. The justification does not explain why the
deviation results in a superior project. Please expand on the justification.
Please include a cross section which demonstrates what measures would be implemented to
reduce the visual impacts of the retaining walls, such as color and texture, landscaping that would
be utilized to screen the walls from public view, or other means to reduce visual impacts to below
a level of significance. Please provide the type of material to be utilized for the retaining walls.
This information will help staff in better determining whether a potential visual quality impact
would result.
Interior parcel setbacks and balconies need to be redesigned to comply with code. The allowable
FAR is reduced if more than 50% of the property is steep hillsides.
Steep Slopes:
The entire project site appears to be located on steep hillsides, and will be subject to the design
standards contained in the City’s Steep Hillside Design Standards. Documentation needs to be
submitted to show if the “steep trail” indicated on the site plans was built according to code.
Site may contain sensitive biological resources; a biological resources survey must be done. A
biological report submitted date 6 Mar 2014.
Environmental review cannot be done until more information provided.
The predominant trees in this established neighborhood are a variety of pines. Please remove
proposed trees,Lagerstroema, Ceridium and Tipuana. Replace with pines and existing trees in
the area. The landscaping proposed indicates group plantings of single-species plant material
and is inconsistent with the more natural look of the surrounding properties.
The project is located in the 65 to 70 decibel (dB) 1990 Community Noise Equivalent Level
(CNEL) as depicted in the ALUCP. The ALUCP requires new residential uses above the 60 dB
CNEL provide noise attenuation to ensure an interior noise level of 45 dB CNEL for all habitable
The project is within the Airport Approach Overlay Zone (AAOZ) and is below the AAOZ
surfaces; FAA no hazard determination letter must be obtained; and applicant sign an aviation
Four – Site Development Permit & Vesting Tentative Map to consolidate lots, demolish an
existing restaurant & construct 37 residential condominium units in a 124,255 sq. ft. residential
bldg. with deviations to sight angle & street wall setbacks at 2604 Fifth Avenue & no development
at 406 Maple Street. The 0.69 acre site is in the CV-1 & NP-1 zones.
Distribution Form dated 5 Nov 2013; 9th Assessment Letter/Cycle Issues dated 24 Apr 2014
Eleven story multi residential development with 37 residential condominiums units, request for
deviations, on a 0.60 acre site.
Setback Deviations
There is only a one-foot setback on the north side of the property line for the entire height of the
building; the city requires a 15-foot setback above 36 feet for light and air. A shade study was
provided by the applicant; to show that intent of zoning was met: planning staff requests an
explanation how the intent of the ordinance was met.
It is not clear that the project will meet the maximum area of vision glass or reflective spandrel
construction required by code.The amount of area of the facades that are vision or spandrel glass
appear to be much more that the percentages indicated on the diagrams; all vision glass and
reflective spandrel construction shall be of material which is no more than 30 percent in
“LDR-Planning supports the following six (6) proposed technical deviations to the development
regulations of the MCCPDO CV-1 zone for meeting the purpose and intent of the regulations:
1. To have varying setbacks from the west property line of 11 to 15 feet above a height of
36 feet where a 15-foot setback is required above a height of 36 feet from all property
lines that are shared with another parcel.
2. To have varying setbacks from the north property line of 1 to 11 feet above a height of
36 feet where a 15-foot setback is required above a height of 36 feet from all property
lines that are shared with another parcel.
3. To have 55.27% of the area of the east facing facade be vision glass or reflective
spandrel construction where a maximum of 50% of the area of the facade is allowed to
be vision glass or reflective spandrel construction.
4. To have varying setbacks from the base of the street wall on the east facade of the
building of 0 feet to 10 feet 8 inches above a height of 36 feet where a 15-foot setback is
required above a height of 36 feet from the base of the street wall on at least one facade
facing a street.
5. To not have the required 6 offsetting planes with an average horizontal difference
between planes of 3 feet on the east facing facade.
6. To not have the required 5 offsetting planes with an average horizontal difference
between planes of 3 feet on the south facing façade;”
The applicant should consider measures to offset the appearance of the building's height, bulk,
and scale considering pedestrian oriented measures such as: - Incorporating upper-story step
backs above the 2nd or 3rd floors to break up the scale of the building - incorporating different
Provide an explanation of the design features that the project incorporates to address building
scale transitions with adjacent structures. That applicant is encouraged to consider other
screening measures or architectural features to further articulate the 2nd and 3rd floors where the
parking is located such as niches for public art, faux windows, vegetated screening, etc.
Driveway & Parking:
Site distance from the driveway to the corner of Maple Street and Fifth Avenue; No obstruction
including landscaping or solid walls in the visibility area shall exceed 3 feet in height. Project
cannot claim lack of setback will remove need for adequate sight distance.
The total net gain or loss of the number of on-street parking spaces should be called out including
the break down for each of the fronting streets in a table on the title sheet. Further, any metered
spaces should also be identified.
“The average weekday trips (ADT), with 18 AM and 20 PM peak hour trips. Please identify the
size of the existing restaurant which will be removed on this site to estimate the trips associated
with that use. A traffic impact analysis is not required. Minimum parking requirement for the
proposed 37 two bedroom multifamily residential units is 6;parking spaces based on the rate of
1.75 parking spaces/2 bedrooms unit for projects within a transit area overlay zone per SDMC
Table 142.05C. Project proposes to provide 74 on-site parking spaces with 20 spaces”
Above Grade Encroachments: The City Engineer allows above grade encroachments above 8
feet in height may occur at a 1 to 1 ratio not to exceed a four foot horizontal encroachment into
the public right-of-way. Revise the Development Plans to adhere to the SDMC and the City
Engineer determination.
Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Owner/Permittee shall assure, by permit and
bond, to construct current City Standard curb, gutter and sidewalk, maintaining the existing
sidewalk scoring pattern, adjacent to the site on Maple Street and Fifth Avenue, satisfactory to
the City Engineer.
The Subdivider shall reconstruct the existing curb ramp at the northwest corner of Maple Street
and Fifth Avenue, with current City standard curb ramp Standard Drawing SDG-130 and SDG132 with truncated domes.
“The Summary of Findings on Page 1 of 8 of the Noise Analysis for the Regent on Fifth, City of
San Diego dated July 11, 2013 revised March 6, 2014 and prepared by Mestre Greve Associates,
indicates that the proposed building would be exposed to a combined exterior noise level of 65
CNEL and states that the project would be "Compatible" in noise environments as high as 65
CNEL (continued) (New Issue) 16 This is not consistent with the General Plan which indicates
that exterior noise levels at 65 CNEL would be would be "Conditionally Compatible" and must be
attenuated to an indoor noise level of 45 CNEL. Closing windows is not sufficient”.
The project manages increases in runoff discharge rates and durations that are likely to cause
increased erosion, silt pollution generation or other impacts to beneficial uses and stream habitat
due to increased erosive force.
The project is outside of the 60 decibel (dB) 1990 Community Noise Equivalent Level(CNEL) as
depicted in the adopted 2004 Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) and the Airport
Environs Overlay Zone. )
Airport Approach Overlay Zone: The AAOZ surface cross the property at a 7:1 slope. At the
southwest corner, the AAOZ surface is approximately at 370 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL)
and it increases to approximately 395 feet AMSL at the northeast corner of the property. The
proposed project does not exceed the AAOZ surface as demonstrated on the submitted AAOZ
Neighborhood Development Permit Amendment to construct one 3,453 sq. ft. two –unit
residential building with garage and carport, and one 5,284 sq. ft. four-unit residential building
with a carport and garage on a 8,500 sq. ft. lot. The site is located at 2730-2732 First Avenue,
Mid-City Planned District MR-1000.
Distribution Form dated 14 Apr 2014.
1410 LINCOLN STREET TENTATIVE MAP – Process Three – University Heights – Tentative -Map to create eight residential condominium units on an 11,043 square foot site with the street
address of 1410 Lincoln Street;
Notice of Application dated 12 March 2013.
Site Plans dated 17 Jan 2014; three story residential project; eight residential units allowed on
site; eight will be built. Three existing lots; will be consolidated into one lot.
Cycle Issues dated 17 Mar 2014; Assessment Letter dated 18 Apr 2014.
There are existing overhead facilities in the abutting public right-of-way, which are required to be
placed underground. If believe to be qualify for a waiver, submit a letter requesting a waiver in
accordance with the Municipal Code, section 144.0242.
Damaged sidewalk section must be replaced; and new curb and gutter installed that conforms to
current code; new driveway at different location being installed. Landscape plan needs to be
provided with tentative map.
3645 SIXTH AVENUE (“FACTORY LOFTS TENTATIVE MAP”) – Hillcrest – Process Four -Tentative Map to create five residential condominium units, under construction, on a 7,000 sq. ft.
site at 3645 Sixth Avenue in the MR-800 Zone.
Distribution Form dated 28 Feb 2014; Notice of Application dated 13 Mar 2014.
Assessment Letter/Cycle Issues dated 14 Apr 2014
Construction permit issued 20 May 2013; cycle issues indicated “project not yet finalized.”
Tentative Map needs to be revised to show additional setback. Floor area, and land use overlay
zones. Parking Information: “In table format provide a parking count table (Type of unit, number of
type, parking required per unit, total per type)”.
Overhead utilities will need to be placed underground, unless a waiver is granted.
666 UPAS STREET (“VERIZON – SAN DIEGO ZOO PDP”) – Process Four -- Hillcrest -Planned Development Permit (PDP) to modify an existing wireless communication facility under
Project No. 193202 to add a generator in the alley for backup power; in the MR-400 zone.
Notice of Application dated 28 Sep 2012, indicating it was a Process Three project; Distribution
Form dated 17 Jul 2013.
Assessment Letter/Cycle Issues issued 16 Sep 2013, indicated concern over the noise impact of
the two generators on residential building. Acoustical report prepared.
Process Two Projects
(Reviewed by Staff; Potential Appeal to Hearing Officer)
3200 BLOCK DOVE STREET NDP (“DOVE HOUSE NDP) – Process Two -- Mission Hills –
Neighborhood Development Permit to construct an approximately 3,400 sq. ft. single-family
house with garage on a vacant 5,725 sq. ft. lot. The site is zoned RS-1-7.
Notice of Future Decision dated 7 Oct. 2013.
Cycle Issues dated 15 Nov 2015. Project is located on 5,725 sq. ft. undeveloped site. Within Fire
Brush Management/Very High Fire Hazard/300 foot buffer; environmentally sensitive lands and
steep hillsides; 385 cubic yards of cut will be exported off-site.
Project is a 3,378 sq. ft. single family dwelling with a garage. Neighborhood development permit
required because of steep hillsides and sensitive lands. The 3,378 acres is the maximum FAR;
all steep slopes and environmentally sensitive lands must be left in their natural state.
Height will be determined by the angled building envelope plan.
A biological report must be submitted that conforms to city requirements. A brush management
plan must be prepared; a water pipe for the project cannot run through city owned land.
Misc. Projects
(May not be Subject to Uptown Planners Review)
3902 NINTH AVENUE (“HILLCREST FIRE STATION # 5”) -- Hillcrest – Neighborhood
Development Permit to replace Fire Station #5 with a new Fire Station. The project will demolish
the existing structure and construct a new two story Fire Station with various site improvements.
The station will house a crew of eight and one battalion chief and accommodate one engine, one
aerial truck and one battalion chief vehicle; the project is located at 3902 Ninth Avenue within the
CN-1A Zone, FAA 77 Noticing Area, and Transit Area Overlay Zone. (UP; 4 Dec 2012;
Presentation on new exterior color)
Distribution Form dated 14 Sep 2012; Notice of Future Decision dated 28 Sep 2012.
Applicant made informational presentations to Uptown Planners at its November 2011 and March
2012 meetings.