Uptown Area Project Pipeline

Project Pipeline: May 2012
3232 GOLDFINCH STREET PUBLIC ROW VACATION – Process Five – Mission Hills – Public
Right of Way Vacation to vacate a portion of Goldfinch Street at 3232 Goldfinch Street in the RS1-7 Zone; FAA Part 77, AAOZ, AEOZ; NCCD #137941 (May 1, 2012)
Letter of Request from Marengo Morton Architects, Inc. dated 23 Nov 2011; vacation involves
southern most portion of Goldfinch which has a 20-foot curb to property line; northern end of
Goldfinch has a five foot curb to property line. Southern section of Goldfinch Street may have
been originally planned as a broader, through street.
Street vacation would place garage at Canive Residence at 3232 Goldfinch Street and likely
several other structures in compliance; provide same 5 foot to curb line to property line right-ofway for all of Goldfinch Street.
Distribution Form dated 3 Feb 2012; Notice of Future Decision dated 17 Feb 2012.
Assessment Letter/ Cycle Issues dated March 24, 2012:
Applicant’s Letter of Request indicates a portion of entire right-of-way in front of several lots will
be vacated; submitted drawings only show a vacation request for one property along Goldfinch
Street. Plans need to be submitted showing the vacation on both the entire area of the requested
Utilities would need to be relocated. City would recommend vacation apply to rest of block and
both sides of the street.
Transportation Planning Staff cannot support a partial street vacation. If applicant can show
excessive right of way, then the vacation should be for the entire length of Goldfinch Street on
both sides to provide symmetric property line to curb line. This would require a request by all the
property owners along the block. Plans detailing the lines and any possible improvements need to
be submitted.
Area in front of vacation to be red curbed.
Uptown Plan states streets should be vacated if only if the public right of way will no longer be
used for
+Public access to individual parcels or to public open space;
+To provide public parking;
+To provide open space for public use;
+To maintain views of public open space;
Long Range Planning Comment: In this case the vacation appears being sought to bring an
existing garage into compliance with curb to property line requirements; none of the adverse
findings could be made, and public access to existing lots and off-street parking would be
General Services: Roadway: Oppose right-of-way vacation as the area is needed for future street
improvements such as reconstruction of sidewalks and driveway to conform to ADA
4080 GOLDFINCH STREET (“MISSION 8 MAP WAIVER”) – Process Three – Missions Hills –
Map waiver application to waive the requirements of a Tentative Map to create eight residential
condominiums (under construction) on a 0.23 acre site at 4080 Goldfinch Street in the MR-1000
Zone; FAA Part 77.
Distribution Form dated 8 Mar 2012; Notice of Application dated 29 Mar 2012.
Assessment Letter and Cycle Issues dated 9 April 2012; eight residential units under
construction. Process three map waiver required; a Lot Consolidation Map needed prior to public
hearing. Underlying zoning allows 10 units; a total of 16 parking spaces provided, consistent with
code. Drive indicated to be 13 feet wide; code requires 14 feet.
– Mission Hills – Application for a Conditional Use Permit for an existing wireless facility located
at 836 West Pennsylvania Avenue. This WCF consists of twelve antennas and one microwave
dish completely concealed inside tow rooftop cupolas, painted and textured to match the existing
building. The equipment associated with this project is located on the first floor inside the
building, not visible to the public.
Notice of Application dated 6 Feb 2012.
Points/ Middletown -- Conditional Use Permit for Transitional Military Housing in an existing;
46,926 sq. ft. acre site at 2121 San Diego Avenue in the MCCPD CL-6 Zone; AAOZ; FAA Part
77, North Bay Redevelopment Area. (UP, 3 Apr 2012, May 1, 2012)
Distribution Form dated 31 Oct 2011; Notice of Application dated 15 Nov 2011
Assessment letter dated 20 Mar 2012, A site special fault hazard investigative report is required;
prior to environmental review being completed; existing city seismic maps indicated site is along
Rose Canyons Fault Zone, so may be potentially active faulting. Report must contain opinion of
geotechnical expert whether an active or potentially active fault trace passes under the project
site. The opinion must be supported by adequate data.
The 40 bed facility will have 27 full time staff, and there will be 7,664 feet of tenant office space; a
total of 237 average daily trips will take place, involving residents and staff.
Assessment letter dated 29 Nov 2011; project is transitional military housing; there will be 40
beds on site; 26 staff will provide a range of programs including occupational therapy, vocational
rehabilitation and psychological and social work services. The residents will be armed forces
Question if the 93 parking spaces sufficient to meet needs of project; and indication there will be
45 cubicles for a staff of 26; also a copy of a geotechnical report is requested to address issue of
potential fault under property- which is necessary for CEQA review.
As no additional height is proposed, does not require FAA notification, and is exempt from AAOZ.
Present CUP is for a law school; new CUP would need to supersede it.
Project not required to go to the Planning Commission, under Process Five can be heard directly
by the City Council Requires a CUP for a Transitional Housing Facility of more than seven
persons. Findings must be made in accordance with SDMC 126.0305.
Pursuant to city code, the 40 bed facility is expected to generate 160 average daily trips The site
has a total of 139 parking spaces; information needed on the use of the remaining 46 spaces.
Engineering request all on street parking be removed from site plans.
Responses by applicant dated 31 Jan 2012: Geotechnical Report submitted to cit; other change
made to site plan as requested.
Amount of full time employees increased to 27; the VA has an option to expand its lease to the
upper two floors; and half of bottom floor, for a total of 37,510 sq. ft. VA has an additional right of
first refusal to an additional 7,664 sq. ft.
“Offices of the VA Hospital in La Jolla are crowded and the VA would like to be able to reserve
the potential use of 7,664 sq. ft. of the first floor for administrative office functions for the hospital.
These uses would not be related to the Transitional Housing Facility and would not include
clinical uses that would provide direct client services. The 7,664 sq. ft. area in site plans will be
indicated to be “Future Office Use- no clinical related.”
CUP for Transitional Housing Facility requires 1 off-street parking space for each employee, and
every seven beds. The project has 27 employees; so minimum parking requirement is 33
spaces. Additional 7,664 sq. ft. option would require 23 additional spaces. “The Transitional
Housing Facility will occupy 83% of the building and be assigned 114 spaces; the 7664 sq. ft.
area will be assigned other 24 spaces. None of the spaces will be available to the other office
tenants of the building.
Closest bus stop is located 0.6 miles to the southeast at Washington & India Street; trolley also in
vicinity. A shuttle service will be provided on an as-needed basis to the La Jolla Veterans
Administration facility.
2900 SIXTH AVENUE SDP (“PALM STREET PROPERITES”) – Process Four -- Bankers
Hill/Park West – Site Development Permit to construct two 150 ft. high buildings with 145 for-rent
residential units and a 56-room extended stay hotel and relocate an existing historically
designated building on a 1.33-acre site at 2900 Sixth Avenue in the CV-1 and MR-400 Zones;
FAA Park 77, Transit Area Overlay Zone, Residential Tandem Parking Overlay Zone. (Feb 17,
Applicant made informational presentations to Uptown Planners at its February 17, 2012 meeting.
Distribution Form dated 17 Feb 2012; Notice of Application dated 5 Mar 2012
First Assessment Letter and Cycle Issues dated 28 Mar 2012
The project consists of a 58,240 sq. ft. development on a 63,082 sq. ft. city block; there will be
three floors of underground parking with 362 parking spaces.
Landscaping: 50% of street yard on residential area (east side) must be planted area; 30% on
commercial area (west side). If palm trees used, must have 20 feet of brown trunk to count for 69
points each. If used for street tree requirement in right-of-way there must be one palm tree per
20 feet; would be 15 palms on Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue, and 10 palm trees on Quince
Street and Palm Street. All palm trees must be have 10-feet of brown trunk. The palms in the
right-of-way may not be used to meet street yard requirements. Existing trees on Sixth Avenue
are heritage trees, and may not be removed.
Street trees should match existing trees, on Palm Street would be mix of jacarandas and queen
palms; existing trees should be retained wherever possible.
Project is outside of the AAOZ and existing ALUCP; must be FAA 77 determination.
Traffic Impact Analysis required; and water technical report.
Historic resources staff must review proposed relocation of historic structure; since it is relocation,
a Site Development Permit must be obtained through a Process 4 review. A historic consultant
must prepare a Treatment Plan to be submitted before an environmental determination. Existing
historic stamps must be preserved.
A total of 314 are required; and 362 provided. The 314 parking spaces required include 226
residential; 88 commercial; residential is 2.1 spaces per one bedroom;
Parking; 226 parking spaces required, including 56 spaces (1.25 for one bedroom units and 1.75
for two bedroom; 2.1 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft of commercial; and 56 for each hotel rooms; project
in the Transit Overlay Zone. There needs to be detailed information on location of motorcycle,
bicycle and visitor parking spaces. Should be bicycle racks on Fifth Avenue.
Should attempt to place valet parking and loading zones onsite, instead of on the street; existing
on street parking should be indicated on plans, as well as net gain or loss of on street parking
spaces. Proposed driveways should be drawn showing curb cuts, and not curb returns. Driveway
should be at least the width provided in city code, but not exceed 30 feet.
Setbacks: There is a 0’ yard setback on Quince Street, where a 15-foot setback is required in the
Uptown Community Plan; Quince Street I designed a view corridor to Balboa Park in the Uptown
Community Plan Alternative triangular lot proposal is not supported by city staff.
Uptown Community Plan calls for 10 foot setback from property line along Sixth Avenue; resulting
in an overall setback of 30 fee from the curb.
Staff recommends there be entry points every 50 - feet along Sixth Avenue; as is part of the
development of pedestrian-friendly environment development. Deviation must be show
consistent with the purpose and intent of the regulation. Needs five required architectural features
listed in Section 1512.0304(b).
North Tower does not comply with the requirement that at 36 - feet in height there must be at
least a 15 foot setback. Need to show compliance with transparency requirements and exterior
private space minimum area requirements.
Interim Height Limitation: Project deemed complete on February 17, 2012; would not be subject
to the IHO, which will not go into effect again until March 18, 2012. Property is zoned for high
density commercial/residential housing. With building height being an issue in Uptown, planning
staff recommends applicant consider measures to offset the buildings height, bulk and scale –
such as (1.) setting back the building after the second and third floors; and (2.) incorporating
different building materials, colors and architectural styles to differentiate the lower from the upper
stories of the building.
Traffic calming should be considered for incorporation into the project in the form of traffic signals,
crosswalks and pop-outs. Applicant is encouraged preserve street trees and plant canopy trees.
Process Two Projects
(Reviewed by Staff; Potential Appeal to Hearing Officer)
3930 FIFTH AVENUE (“DBAR DESSERTS SIDWALK CAFÉ“) – Process Two – Hillcrest -Neighborhood Use Permit for a 409 sq. ft. sidewalk café at 3930 Fifth Avenue in the CN-1A Zone;
FAA Part 77, Transit Area. (May 1, 2012)
Distribution Form dated 27 Mar 2012; Notice of Future Decision dated 13 Apr 2012.
Assessment Letter/Cycle Issues dated 18 April 2012; a “clear path” required of eight feet between
the sidewalk café and any obstruction; the project has a 7.6 feet clearance; needs to be revised
to conform to the eight feet requirement.
Misc. Projects
(May not be Subject to Review)
3902 NINTH AVENUE (“HILLCREST FIRE STATION # 5”) -- Hillcrest – The existing fire station
will be replaced with a facility that will house nine fire personnel, and be approximately 10,500
feet in size. Project will include two and one half bays with mechanical exhaust system; 18 crew
parking spaces in fenced secured area; and three public parking spaces, including one ADA
compliant space. (
Applicant made informational presentations to Uptown Planners at its November 2011 and March
6, 2012 meetings.