Mrs. Cordeiro - 1 - How to Write a Comparative Essay Step 1: Brainstorm Major themes and issues Important conflicts Essential elements of plot The effects of the plot on the meaning of the story Parallel plots or concepts in the texts Elements that are very different from each other, but still comparable Text A:________________________________ Text B:__________________________________ Step 2: Compare/ Contrast Look at all of the elements of the “stuff” you have written down and group them into two categories: similar or different. You may think of some more things at this point. Feel free to write them down as well Try to write down as many ideas as you possibly can Ignore the box to the left for now, which is labeled “Idea #” Idea # Similar (Comparable) Text A Text B Ex// In Cinderella, she In Snow White, she becomes the victim of becomes the victim an evil stepmother who of an evil witch aims to hurt her witch who is jealous emotionally because of her beauty she is more beautiful than her daughters. Idea # Different (Contrasting) Text A In Cinderella, she has a Fairy-Godmother who is her aid, and guide who grants her wishes Text B In Snow White, she has a group of elves who take her in to protect her and let her stay with them Mrs. Cordeiro - 2 Text B Text A Text B Text A Text A Text B Text A Text B Text A Text B Text A Text B Text A Text B Text A Text B Text A Text B Text A Text B Step 3: Grouping Go back to the chart you just created and look at all of your ideas. Mrs. Cordeiro - 3 Use numbers to group them into similar ideas. What makes them similar? Give the grouping a one or two word name. We will call these arguments to avoid confusion. Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 4 If you end up having more than three groups, try to eliminate one by either manipulating your idea, or dropping one. Consider if there are two that are overlapping. Go back and change your number in the chart if you have to in order to account for your three groups Step 4: Big Idea What do your three groups have in common? Brainstorm some ideas to come up with the Big Connecting Idea. The result will be your essay topic. If you find yourself having trouble. Try looking back at your original brainstorm chart about your two texts. How does this relate to what you have written down now? My Final Main Topic Is: ________________________________ Step 5: Determining Your Stance What is your position on your topic? How does your topic relate to the meaning of your book? How do you feel about the meaning of your book? What is the result of the book? What happens at the end of both texts? How does this relate to your topic? How do you feel about your topic in general? Keep asking yourself the “So What” question, until you can’t answer it any more. That usually leads you to your position on your topic. My Position on my Topic Is: __________________________________________________ Mrs. Cordeiro - 4 Step 6: Creating Argument Outlines Use the organizer below to outline your ideas for your paragraphs. Use Steps 2 and 3 for this chart. Leave “Proof” empty for now. Arguments Point Proof 1) 1) Group 1: Topic/ Argument Sentence: 2) 2) 3) 3) 1) 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) 1) 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) Group 2: Topic/ Argument Sentence: Group 3: Topic/ Argument Sentence: Mrs. Cordeiro - 5 Step 7: Format There are essentially three ways you can write a Comparative Essay. “Arguments” refer to your argument groupings from Step 3. “Points” refer to your ideas from your compare contrast chart from Step 2. You can either choose to write your essay in three bulk paragraphs or six smaller paragraphs. See chart below to help you. Method One Method Two Method Three Argument 1: Point 1 Text A Point 1 Text B Point 2 Text A Point 2 Text B Point 3 Text A Point 3 Text B Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Argument 1: Point 1 Text A Point 2 Text A Point 3 Text A Point 1 Text B Point 2 Text B Point 3 Text B Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 Argument 2: Paragraph 2 Point 1 Text A Paragraph 2 Point 1 Text B Paragraph 2 Point 2 Text A Paragraph 2 Point 2 Text B Paragraph 2 Point 3 Text A Paragraph 2 Point 3 Text B Paragraph 2 Argument 2: Point 1 Text A Point 2 Text A Point 3 Text A Point 1 Text B Point 2 Text B Point 3 Text B Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4 Argument 3: Paragraph 3 Point 1 Text A Paragraph 3 Point 1 Text B Paragraph 3 Point 2 Text A Paragraph 3 Point 2 Text B Paragraph 3 Point 3 Text A Paragraph 3 Point 3 Text B Paragraph 3 Argument 3: Point 1 Text A Point 2 Text A Point 3 Text A Point 1 Text B Point 2 Text B Point 3 Text B Paragraph 5 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 Paragraph 6 Paragraph 6 Argument 1: Point 1 Text A Point 2 Text A Point 3 Text A Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Argument 2: Point 1 Text A Point 2 Text A Point 3 Text A Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 Argument 3: Point 1 Text A Point 2 Text A Point 3 Text A Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3 Argument 1: Point 1 Text B Point 2 Text B Point 3 Text B Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4 Argument 2: Point 1 Text B Point 2 Text B Point 3 Text B Paragraph 5 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 5 Argument 3: Point 1 Text B Point 2 Text B Point 3 Text B Paragraph 6 Paragraph 6 Paragraph 6 Paragraph 6 I Am Going to Use Method # _______________ Step 8: Proof Go back to Step 6 and identify a proof for each point from both texts. Write the page number that you found it on and indicate the appropriate text. You may want to do a larger version of your quotes on a separate sheet of paper. Step 9: Outline Make an essay outline for you to use for your final draft based on the method that you chose. Do this on a sheet of paper or using a graphic organizer of your choice. Ensure you have a strong thesis and good topic sentences. Use the Intro Organizer on the next page. Mrs. Cordeiro - 6 Introduction Organizer: Paragraph 1: Hook: Background Info: Topic: Stance: Link: Arg 1: Arg 2: Arg 3: Final Thesis: ___________ Step 10: Write! Go ahead and write your essay. Don’t forget about the stages of writing, and ensure that you leave time for thorough editing!