COBRA MEETING MONDAY 23rd JANUARY 2012 Present Joan Moore Ann Gaunt Jennifer Gordon Richard Beith Alan Moore Vice-Chairman Treasurer Secretary Apologies - Neil Gaunt; Hilary Charles Absent – Cllrs Murray Lyle and Tom Gray ACTION 1. Welcome – As Vice-Chairman, Joan welcomed all those attending. Apologies – noted above. 2. 3. Minute of Meeting on 21st December 2011 were approved by circulation. Matters Arising: Infrastructure Committee feedback – Jennifer had circulated the relevant text of the Minute. It was agreed that COBRA had had good coverage at the meeting but no further progress would be made until Transport Scotland was consulted again. Contact with MEPs – Ann/Neil to enlist the advice and assistance of George Lyon as to whether COBRA should forge a link with a similar rural campaign in Europe with the aim of dovetailing strategies. P&K Funding – Alan had investigated this but COBRA is not eligible Contact with Blackford Primary School – Joan had visited the School and spoken to the Head Teacher, Margaret McMillan, who was interested and would plan a rail and road project. She would organise some publicity for this. A COBRA Committee JOAN member to be asked to speak at the school. Joan to progress this. Contact with Newburgh Station Action Group – Richard had ANN/NEIL invited representatives to attend the AGM. It was agreed that COBRA would send them a copy of our response to the 2012 Consultation. 4. Rail 2014 submission for 20th February. COBRA not being credited in “Interested parties” – Jennifer had raised this and was assured this would be rectified in future publications. Those present ran through the Questions – this draft document to be attached to the Minute for further discussion. 5. JENNIFER 2012 AGM Speakers – Les Montgomery, H Spring – agreed Steve Montgomery, First ScotRail – No, prior diary commitments Elaine Murray MSP – No, but contacting colleague – No from colleague Frazer Henderson from Transport Scotland – No Jennifer had contacted Colin Howden, Director of Transform Scotland on 17th January but had no response to date. Jennifer to pursue. JENNIFER John McCormick of SAPT also to be contacted. JENNIFER It was suggested that Ann and Alan should do a 10 year update on COBRA and the future. Pat Graham to be invited to speak too. ANN/ALAN Bruce Fummey still to confirm if he can be MC again. Richard to undertake publicity for the AGM – Jennifer to send him list of media contacts. 6. Chair’s Report – not covered 7. Treasurer’s Report – not covered 8. Secretary’s Report – not covered 9. AOCB – There was none. Joan closed the meeting by thanking all for attending and also Richard and Margaret for their hospitality. JENNIFER DATE OF NEXT MEETING – SUNDAY 5th FEBRUARY at the earlier time of 1900. To be held at Arcadia Cottage 2