2014 CAP-21 members

2014 Members
Dora Burnett
Edith & David Brady
Jean Down
Judith Slater
Friends $35
19th Green Motel
Gallery @ 3040
Marie Adams
Joseph & Mary Artessa
Ralph & Karen Artuso
Geraldine Brodock
Brynilsen Viking Housekeeping
Keith & Joyce Butters
Arthur & Juleen Delaney
Mary Denn
David & Mary Durfee
Mike Farmer
Dr. Saul Finer
Richard Gloo
Wanda Goodrow
James & Michele Greenfield
Letty Haynes in memory of Arthur
Herron Reality
Jane Johngren in memory of Peter
Miriam Kashiwa
Don & Naomi Kelly
June & Charlie Kiefer
Yvonne & William Kinney
Frances Knorr
Katherine Maltman
Mary & Marlin Markusson in memory
of John I Miller
Peg & Doug Masters
Dennis & Karen McAllister
Elizabeth McDowell & W. Floyd
George & Lorraine Mitchell
Gail & Randy Murray
Thomas Nut-Powell &Bonnie Randall
Dave & Bonnie O'Donovan
Otter Lake Association
Penny & Tom Smedley
Souvenir Village
George & Madelyn Spoll
Edward & Heather Stafford
Robert & Maureen Van Slyke
Dr Mark & Susan Webster
June & Clark Wellman
John & Christine Zimmer
Guiding $36-$100
Guiding – cont’d
Adirondack Bank
Adirondack Homes
Allen’s Fine Jewelry, Gifts & Repair
Pat & Dave Benedetto
Jack & Margo Boylan
Sam & Pauline Brookfield
Burkhard-Evans Insurance
Camp Mark Seven
Christy’s Motel
Community Bank, NA
Barb & Doug Criss
Donna & David Curtis
John & Barbara DeBevoise in memory
of Betty Stem
Lynn & William Faro II
Friends of the Polar Bears
Linda Folsom
Duane & Kristin Frymire
Jane Frymire
Douglas & Barb Gentile
George & Theresa Graziadei
Helen Hemmer in memory of William
B Hemmer and Bernard & Mary
Katie & John Huther
Douglas Johnson
Mark Kavouksoria
Bob & Linda Kennerknecht
Dave &Gisele Kress
Jack Lyon in memory of Ethel R Lyon
Lucy Nolan
Mountain Greenery
John & Debra Munyan
Okara Lake Assoc.
Old Forge Library
Old Mill Restaurant
Marion & George Oswald
Robert & Pat Palmer
Kathy & Alan Pfeil
Kerry & Mary Jane Rogers
Tom & Lynn Rourke
Timothy Schofield, Esq.
Mike & Suzanne Schnittman
Kenneth & Joanne Strike
Robert & Christine Teesdale
Carolyn & Fred Trimbach
Symeon & Shelli Tsoupelis
Turner Camps
The Waldheim Inc.
Timm Assoc.
Richard & Martha Widdicombe
Moore & Hart CPA
Margaret & Bob Huskins
Mary Jane Lasher
Richard H Lutz Building &
Mechanical, Inc
Old Forge Hardware
Rivett’s Marine Recreation & Service
Victoria & Mark Oliva
Mrs Owen & Jeff Owen in memory of
Milton J Owen
Lavern Phillips and Linda Frank
Thomas & Peggy Quinn
Nick & Cindy Rose
Mark & Pat Salsbury
Soper Point Homeowners Assoc.
Charles & Ann Walker
James & Leilani Ulrich
Sustaining $101-250
Ellie & Robert Cohen
Mark & Eileen Durham
John & Lucy Douglas
Enchanted Forest/Water Safari
Foley Law Firm
David Hunt
Visioning $251-499
Adirondack League Club
Clark’s Beach Motel
Community Transportation Services
(CTS Van)
Katherine Findlay
Foley Law Firm
Bradford& Eugenie Gentry
Mark & Page Hannah
Town of Indian Lake
Major $500Central Adirondack Association
A. Richard Cohen Family Fund
Marilee Keller
Anna & Jim Rehnquist in memory of
Grace & Gabriel Genovese, Michael
The Perkins Foundation
Town of Inlet
Town of Webb
Members In-Kind& Volunteers
Moore and Hart CPA
Heather Caufield
CAP-PY Duck Derby Donors
Adirondack Bank
Adirondack River Outfitters
Benny’s Ice Cream
Big Moose Inn
Enchanted Forest Water Safari
Ferris Studios
Foley Law Firm
McCauley Mountain/TOW
Meyda Lighting
Mountain Man Outdoor Supplies
Nutty Putty Miniature Golf
Old Forge Hardware
Strand Theatre of Old Forge
Woods Inn