Art 1 Study Guide 4 GREECE Art 1 study Guide 4 Greece Chronology Geometric Orientalizing Archaic Early Classical (Severe) Classical Late-Classical and Hellenistic 1 900 – 700 BCE 700 – 600 BCE 600 – 480 BCE 480 – 450 BCE 450 – 400 BCE 400 – 30 BCE (Roman conquest of Greece) Geometric Krater, Dipylon cemetery, c 749 BCE Mantiklos Apollo, bronze, c. 700 BCE Lady of Auxerre, limestone, c. 650 BCE Kouros of Anavysos (Kroisos), marble c. 530 BCE Peplos Kore, Athens, marble, c. 530 BCE, Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy, c. 550 BCE Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, Greece c. 530 BCE detail of frieze of Battle of Gods and Giants, Gigantomachy c. 530 BCE The Greek Orders Exekias, Ajax and Achilles Playing Draughts, Vulci, Italy, c. 540 BCE. Andokides Painter, Achilles and Ajax Playing a game of Dice, Orvieto, c. 525-520 Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece c. 500-490 BCE. west pediment: archaic dying warrior, 500-490 BCE east pediment: classical dying warrior, 490-480 BCE Doric Temple of Zeus at Olympia. c. 470-456 BCE (Temple of Hera II, Paestum, c. 460 BCE) Kritios Boy, Athens, marble ,c. 480 BCE Myron, Diskobolos , Roman marble after bronze original, 450 BCE. Polykleitos, Doryphoros, Roman marble from Pompeii after bronze original, 450 BCE. Iktinos and Kallikrates, Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens 447-438 BCE Erechtheion, Acropolis Athens c. 421-405 BCE Grave Stele of Hegeso, Athens, marble c. 400 BCE Polykleitos the Younger, Theater, Epidauros, Greece c. 350 BCE Theodoros of Phokaia, Tholos, Delphi, c. 375 BCE [Corinthian capital] Lysippos Weary Hercules, Roman marble, signed Glycon of Athens after bronze, c. 320 BCE Barberini Faun Rome, marble, c. 230 BCE Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, Turkey 157 BCE [reconstructed in Berlin] Athena Battling Alkyoneos, detail of Gigantomachy frieze Dying Gaul. Roman marble copy after bronze from Pergamon, Turkey, c. 230-220 BCE Old Market Woman, marble, c. 150-100 BCE Battle of Issus, Pompeii, mosaic, copy of Greek, c. 320 BCE Essential concepts: humanism, anthropomorphism, panhellenism Study Questions: Who were Odysseus, Perseus, Herakles, Dionysos, and Medusa. Identify briefly and give one specific, dated example of her or her occurrence in art. Art 1 Study Guide 4 GREECE If on a Greek pot you read “Andokides made me” what exactly does it mean? Give a dated example. 2 Who was Polykleitos? When did he live? Point out the significance of his work in the context of Greek ideas about art. Compare with the preceding period if that is helpful. The issue of chaos and cosmos was a recurring one in Greek culture. What does it mean? Give one specific dated example of its representation in the visual arts. Supply date. Why were there interior columns in some Greek temples? Clarify with some specific dated examples. What is meant by the so-called “optical refinements” or “optical illusions” of the Parthenon? What was their assumed effect and function? What were the technical innovations introduced by Red-Figure vase painting? What aesthetic effects did they have? Give one specific, dated example. What are considered among the most important sources of influence on the creation of the Doric temple? Select a single piece of sculpture that you believe best reflects the stylistic principles of Classical Greek art. Date it and describe those principles. How does the work reflect them? Essay Questions. DEVELOP YOUR ESSAYS USING SPECIFIC DATED EXAMPLES. Discuss the Egyptian influence on Greek Architecture and sculpture. When did it occur, what forms did it take and how did the Greek art depart from this source of influence? Use one or more specific, dated examples in each category. Compare the conception of the individual human being in Greek society and in the earlier societies of the ancient Near East. What effect did these beliefs have on the art produced by each? Discuss with the help of specific dated examples. Compare the Parthenon frieze with the Pergamon altar frieze. Describe the items and discuss their differences in style, composition, content and relation to the society that produced them. What respective message are they sending? Give date and location of each. Compare the Geometric vase painting to Attic Black-Figure vase painting in terms of aesthetic principles, decorative repertory and technique of painting. Describe well at least one example of each style, with a date. What is meant by the Orientalizing period in Greek vase painting? When did it occur, what novelties did it introduce and how did it differ from the preceding style? Describe with some concrete dated examples. Art 1 Study Guide 4 GREECE Describe the development of Greek freestanding sculpture from the archaic through the Hellenistic period. Select for your discussion a few dated works, both male and female that represent the different stages and specific concerns of the artists during those centuries. Discuss the essence of Greek Hellenistic sculpture by describing carefully form, style and content of three specific examples. Analyze what makes them typical for their period. Supply dates. Go to this website to print out a page of Greek pot profiles. You can print the images but not save them. Terms Fluting Abacus Metope, triglyph Caryatid Wet drapery style Stylobate Krater, Kylix, Amphora Doric, Ionic, Corinthian Humanism Gigantomachy Horror vacuii Dipylon area Centaur Hubris Bilingual vase Stoa agora Anthropomorphism Peripteral Praxiteles Attalos II Kouros, Kore Entasis Prostyle Hippodamus of Miletos Aegina Hellenistic In antis Skopas, Lysippos, Polykleitos 3