English - Hasan Baktir

Erciyes University
English Language and Literature Department
ELL 213 17th Century English Literature
2008-2009 Fall Semester Course Syllabus
Instructor: Dr. Hasan BAKTIR, Lecturer
Phone : 90 352 4374937 / 33406
: 90 352 4374933
Email : hbaktir@erciyes.edu.tr
Erciyes University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Department of English
38039-Kayseri / TURKEY
ELL213 English Literature is two-credit required course.
Course Content:
ELL213 English Literature introduces students of English Language and Literature
with literary works produced during the 17th century England. The works includes
different literary genres like fiction [novel], drama and poetry.
A text from 17th century and earlier English Literary periods will be read each
week. Significant characters and texts will be analyzed and background of
Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment will be referred as represented in
the literary texts of the periods.
Students are responsible to read and critically explain selected texts of the 17th
century English literature.
Course Objective:
The aim of the present course is to introduce students with literary narratives
such as prose, drama and poetry that are produced before and during the 17th
century English Literature. It is an intermediate literary course to the literary and
critical reading of the related texts which prepare the second year students for the
advance-literature courses in the following semesters of the English Language and
Literature Department. Students taking ELL213 will be familiar with and learn
about Post-medieval and Renaissance, Reformation, and Early-Enlightenment
world of English Literature.
Student Responsibility:
Students of English Language and Literature department taking 17th Century
English Literature are responsible to read the related text[s] before the class-hour
and they have to attend the class discussion during the semester.
Speaking in English during class is required. Improvements will not be made
without doing so. All students should/must participate in class-discussions.
Additional Information:
Extra-reading material will be given and provided by the Lecturer during the
semester to intensify students’ understanding and critical reading-writing ability.
The instructor has right to change the content and time-line of the syllabus.
1. Participation, 2. Oral Quizzes and presentation, 3. Midterm and 4. Final
will determine the performance and grade of each student in ELL213.
Introduction of the course syllabus.
1. First Week:
2. Second Week:
3. Third Week:
4. Fourth Week:
Culture and Literature in the Medieval and Renaissance England.
Geoffrey Chaucer, Medieval Drama, Humanism and Reformation,
Thomas More [Utopia: Marriage Custom], Christopher Marlowe
[Dr. Faustus], Sir Walter Raleigh [From the History of the
World: That Man Is, As It Were, A Little World…]
Sir Philip Sidney [Defence of Poesy], William Shakespeare
[Hamlet: Passage “to be or not to be”]
5. Fifth Week:
Introduction of 17th Century English Culture and Literature
[1603-1660]. John Milton: When I consider How my Light is
Spent, On Shakespeare, On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
6. Sixth Week:
Metaphysical Poetry and Cavaliers: John Donne [The
Undertaking, The Sun Rising, The Flea, The Indifferent, Holy
Sonnets 5,10, Meditation 17].
7. Seventh Week:
8. Eighth Week:
9. Ninth Week:
Robert Herrick; Delight in Disorder, George Herbert; Time,
Richard Crashaw; I am the Door, Andrew Marlow; To his Coy
Mistress, Ben Johnson; Still to be Neat, Though I am Young
Prose of the Seventeenth Century. Francis Bacon; Of Truth, Of
Marriage and Single Life, Of Superstition, Of Negotiation, The
Advancement of Learning [The Abuses of Language].
Mid-Term Exam
10. Tenth Week:
Robert Burton; Love Melancholy. Thomas Hobbes; Leviathan:
The Artificial Man, Chapter 1. Of Sense, Of the Natural Condition
of Mankind …
11. Eleventh Week:
Lady Anne Halkett; The
Character of Oliver Cromwell.
12. Twelfth Week:
John Locke; Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Sir
Isaac Newton; Theory about Light and Colors.
13. Thirteenth Week:
Review of the Semester