MONDAY, February 1, 2010 FORECAST Vol. 1 Issue 1 NEWSLETTER Malcolm becomes Scotland’s new king Friday: By LENNOX ABERDEEN It was the second coronation at Scone in as many months, only this time the attendance was fuller and the crowd was less suspicious of their new king. Thunderstorms Yesterday, Malcolm, the Prince of Foul Cumberland and eldest son of Duncan (the predecessor of Macbeth), claimed Saturday: the crown as people continuously cheered, “hail, King of Scotland”! “I have big plans for Scotland,” announced Malcolm. “And one of my main priorities right now is to have a Sunny proper funeral for my father.” Fair Duncan was stabbed to death by Macbeth while sleeping – something Sunday: that caused both Malcolm and his brother, Donaldbain to flee to separate countries. “Harmony will be restored to Mix of Sun and Scotland and those who helped with the Cloud rebellion against Macbeth will be Foul & Fair rewarded,” promised the new king. Two of these helpers, Macduff and the Thane of Ross, received their rewards during coronation. Macduff, also the Thane of Fife, received the title Thane of Glamis, and as for the Thane of Ross, he is now also the Thane of Cawdor. “Serving someone as fair as Malcolm instead of the foul Macbeth is gratitude enough for me,” laughed Macduff. “But I’m really excited to be the new Thane of Glamis. It’s a huge surprise.” Malcolm also expressed his gratitude Present this coupon towards England for its contributions in to any Swordsman helping him defeat Macbeth as well as location to get 20% his desire to strengthen Scotland’s ties off your next with England. “There is nothing Scottish sword! Scotland and England can’t achieve when working together,” Malcolm INDEX proclaimed. “Our victory against Macbeth is just the beginning. They Front Page 1 have a lot of great warriors like Siward, News 2 and their king is one of the most Sports 3 generous people I’ve ever met. They are an invaluable alliance, and I look forward to working with them in the near future.” Malcolm, who had rumors floating around him just after the death of his father, is now being looked up to by many as a hero. “Malcolm is a lot like his father; his leadership skills are without equal and he treats everyone with a lot of respect,” said 65-year-old Gergory Fergus, the Thane of Ross’s father. “When Macbeth ruled, everything was foul – even the animals and the weather were acting strangely. But I believe that with Malcolm becoming king, Scotland will become fair once again.” The coronation itself took place at Edinburgh Castle at around noon, and not one nobleman missed seeing Malcolm take his seat upon the Stone of Scone, also known as the Stone of Destiny. After the coronation, all guests were invited to Malcolm’s palace at Forres for a banquet. “It was a great banquet,” voiced Donaldbain. “There were no ghosts and no one got stabbed, so that’s always a plus.” NEWS Monday, February 1, 2010 2 The deaths of the Macbeths Macbeth slain by Macduff at Dunsinane By BRANON SEAVER On Wednesday afternoon, Macduff got his wish; he avenged his family by killing Macbeth. At 2 p.m., the Scottish rebels and English army approached Macbeth’s castle at Dunsinane. Each soldier carried a bough from Birnam Wood in order to conceal their numbers from the tyrant, Macbeth. “It was Malcolm’s idea for everyone to carry a branch,” explained a triumphant Macduff. “It worked really well too. From what I hear, though, Macbeth thought the forest was moving towards his castle. That goes to show that not only was Macbeth mad, but clay-brained as well.” The saddest part of the battle against the one-manarmy, Macbeth was when young Siward was killed; Macbeth stabbed him in the throat. But, Siward, the father of young Siward, took a fair outlook on this The tyrant, Macbeth (left) battles the warrior, Macduff (right). foul event. “My son died a soldier’s death – fighting like a man, rather than running away. He is in heaven now, so he’s not worth any sorrow.” Soon after, Macduff came faceto-face with Macbeth. “It was a long dual,” said Macduff. “He was really confident, thinking he could kill any man who was of woman born. After I told him I was untimely ripped from my mother’s womb, he got really nervous. We both kept swinging our swords at each other as hard as we could. But, the last time he swung at me, I ducked and then had an easy swipe at his legs. Then I severed his head as well, which everyone can see stuck on a pike just outside of his castle.” “It’s sad to see such a great warrior turn into an ugly monster,” said Lennox of Macbeth. “I just hope we won’t see any more monsters anytime soon.” Lady Macbeth stabs herself with a dagger By MACK MULLIGAN It was 1:30 on a Wednesday afternoon when Lady Macbeth died from stabbing herself with a dagger. “I heard a scream,” sobbed a nurse. “And immediately I knew Lady Macbeth had hurt herself. She seemed to be mentally ill ever since Macduff’s family was killed.” “One night, I observed Lady Macbeth saying bizarre things while walking around nude in her sleep,” added Dr. Logan Roberts. “She was crying about not being able to wash blood clean from her hands, even though her hands were spotless. What was even more interesting was that she said the blood was from an ‘old man’ – I assume she was referring to Duncan. I had a feeling she might commit suicide so I tried to remove her from all means of annoyance, but obviously I didn’t do a good enough job.” More people are actually celebrating the death of Lady Macbeth though, rather than mourning over it. “Lady Macbeth was a fiendlike queen,” declared Malcolm after learning about Lady Macbeth’s death. “I think it’s fairly clear why she killed herself: after being involved in the murder of my father she couldn’t handle the guilt, and she got what she deserved.” Macduff showed no sympathy for Lady Macbeth either. “She is just as guilty as Macbeth,” he said. “Had she not killed herself, I would’ve done it for her.” SPORTS & PUZZLES Monday, February 1, 2010 HORSERACING ON SUNDAY THE TOP 5 HORSERACING LEADERS WILL BE RACING FOR PRIZE MONEY AT FORRES! COME CHEER ON YOUR FAVORITE RACER AND FEEL FREE TO MAKE A BET! KING MALCOLM IS ATTENDING! HORSERACE LEADERS CROSSWORD PUZZLE NAME: RANK: Agar, Alister 1 Macnevin, Fraser 2 Kennard, Murdock 3 Owen, Bretton 4 Sullivan, Tavin 5 3 Solution to the Crossword Puzzle: Picture References: Flag of Scotland: Forecast/Weather Pictures: Malcolm claims the crown at Scone: Sword: Macbeth battling Macduff: Horseracing Logo: