Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet Final Exam
Mrs. Hart
Name: ________________________________________ Class period: ___________
Directions: Read all instructions before answering any questions. You may write on this test. Good Luck!
I. Multiple Choice: circle the best answer to complete the following statements.
1. Benvolio urges Romeo to attend the Capulet feast because
a. he hopes Romeo will see other girls and forget about Rosaline.
b. he knows Romeo will meet Juliet there.
c. Lady Montague asks Benvolio to take him.
d. he knows Romeo will get into a fight.
2. Tybalt recognizes Romeo at the feast by his
a. clothing.
b. face.
c. voice.
d. sword.
3. After the feast, Juliet stands at her window lamenting Romeo’s
a. age.
b. boldness.
c. family name.
d. lack of interest in her.
4. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet
a. as a special favor to Juliet.
b. because he must honor all requests.
c. because he feels confident that the couple’s love will protect them.
d. because he feels the marriage might end the feud between the two families.
5. When Romeo interferes in the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio
a. Benvolio defends Mercutio.
b. Tybalt, under Romeo’s arm, stabs Mercutio.
c. Benvolio, under Romeo’s arm, stabs Tybalt.
d. Capulet defends Tybalt.
6. Romeo is banished from
a. Mantua.
b. Verona.
c. Lawrence.
d. Paris.
7. Juliet tells Friar Lawrence that rather than marry Paris she will
a. run away to Mantua.
b. kill herself.
c. tell her father she is already married.
d. have Paris killed.
8. Romeo does not receive word about Juliet from Friar Lawrence because
a. town officials believed Friar John had come in contact with an infectious disease and would not
let him enter the town.
b. Friar Lawrence forgot to give the letter to Friar John.
c. Friar John was mugged by bandits.
d. Romeo could not be located in Mantua.
9. Paris tries to apprehend Romeo in the cemetery because
a. Romeo had attacked him earlier in the day.
b. he thinks Romeo killed Juliet.
c. Romeo is wanted by the police.
d. he thinks Romeo is going to do something terrible to the Capulet tomb.
10. Minutes before Juliet awakens,
a. Romeo and Paris fight and kill one another.
b. Romeo dies and Paris poisons himself.
c. Friar Lawrence arrives in time to save Romeo.
d. Romeo kills Paris and then poisons himself.
II. Character Matching: Match each description to the character it describes.
_____ 11. Escalus
a. servant to Romeo
_____ 12. Paris
b. Juliet’s cousin
_____ 13. Montague
c. sells poison to Romeo
_____ 14. Capulet
d. Juliet’s mother
_____15. Juliet
e. sent to deliver a letter to Romeo
_____ 16. Nurse
f. Price of Verona
_____ 17. Mercutio
g. closer to Juliet than her mother
_____ 18. Benvolio
h. servant to Juliet’s nurse
_____ 19. Tybalt
i. asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage
_____ 20. Friar Lawrence
j. dies by drinking poison
_____ 21. Friar John
k. Romeo’s father
_____ 22. Romeo
l. marries Romeo and Juliet
_____ 23. Lady Montague
m. killed by Tybalt
_____ 24. Lady Capulet
n. married before her 14th birthday
_____ 25. Baltahsar
o. Romeo’s cousin
_____ 26. Peter
p. hosts a feast that Romeo attends
_____ 27. Apothecary
q. dies as a result of grief
III. Vocabulary: Fill in the blank with the word that best fits the definition.
round characters
dramatic irony
dramatic foils
28. extreme poverty ________________________________________
29. of a sickly, pale-yellowish complexion ________________________________________
30. worthless, cheap, low ________________________________________
31. clever, slyness ________________________________________
32. injustice, complaint________________________________________
33. characters with many personality traits ________________________________________
34. wrongdoing, sin ________________________________________
35. distressing, sin ________________________________________
36. a lengthy speech by a single actor ________________________________________
37. noisy fight ________________________________________
38. banish ________________________________________
39. changeable ________________________________________
40. contradiction between what a character thinks/says and what the audience knows to be true
41. characters who bring out the personality traits of another character __________________________
42. tomb ________________________________________
43. long journey ________________________________________
44. causing gloom and misery ________________________________________
45. small bottle containing medicine or other liquids ________________________________________
IV. True or False: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Circle the best answer.
46. Most of Shakespeare’s plays were performed in the Globe Theater.
47. Women could perform onstage during Shakespeare’s time.
48. Romeo and Juliet is set in the city of Verona.
49. Juliet’s last name is Capulet.
50. Juliet is happy about her marriage to Paris.
51. A tragedy is a play where the outcome is usually catastrophic.
52. Mercutio is killed by Romeo.
53. The families decide to resolve their feud at the end of the play.
54. Juliet dies before Romeo.
55. Blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter.
56. Shakespeare wrote only five sonnets.
V. Sequence of Events: Number the following events in the order in which they occur in the play.
57. _____ Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet hoping to end the feud between the families.
58. _____ Romeo and Juliet spend their wedding night together.
59. _____ Juliet stabs herself.
60. _____ The nurse finds Juliet “dead.”
61. _____ Romeo is banished from Verona.
62. _____ Romeo kills Tybalt.
63. _____ Romeo encounters Paris in the tomb of Juliet.
64. _____ The Capulets host a party where Romeo and Juliet meet.
65. _____ Romeo and Juliet confess their love for each other and exchange vows to be married.
66. _____ Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead.
67. _____ The servants from both houses fight, resulting in the Prince threatening the families.
68. _____ Lord Capulet moves the date of Juliet’s marriage to Paris from Thursday to Wednesday.
V. Paraphrase: Read the following passage from Romeo and Juliet. Rewrite the passage in your own
words. Then, discuss what Juliet is saying.
O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris.
From off the battlements of any tower,
Or walk in thievish ways, or bid me lurk
Where serpents are; chain me with roaring bears,
Or hide me nightly in a charnel house,
O’ercovered quite with dead men’s rattling bones…
Things that to hear them told, have made me tremble
And I will do it without fear or doubt,
To live an unstained wife to my sweet love.
69. Paraphrase in your own words:
70. What is Juliet’s meaning in this passage?
VI. Short Answer: Answer the following questions as completely as you can. Please use complete
sentences and examples from the story. Use your own paper if necessary.
71. What role does haste (great speed, especially in situations where time is limited) play in this story?
What do you think Shakespeare might be saying about haste?
72. Explain how Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. Are Romeo and Juliet tragic figures? Why or why not?
73. Who or what is most to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? Be sure to give an explanation.
74. Suppose you could have stepped into the action of the play for exactly one minute. When would you
have stepped in, and what would you have said or done to change the course of events?
VII. Extra Credit: One point for each correct answer.
1. How long will the Friar’s potion make Juliet sleep? ___________________________________
2. What day of the week do Capulet and Paris decide on for the wedding? ______________________
3. Besides Romeo and Juliet, name one of the two other plays considered to be Shakespeare’s most
popular. _________________________________________________
4. How many syllables does a line of blank verse normally contain? ____________________________
5. What musical is based on Romeo and Juliet? __________________________________
6. How old was Shakespeare when he died? ___________________________________
7. How many plays did Shakespeare write? ____________________________
8. How many children did Shakespeare have? ___________________________
9. How old is Juliet? ___________________________
10. What does Peter ask the musicians to play? _____________________________