_____________________________________ Poisons Act 1972 Instructions and Guidance to Applicants _____________________________________ Please read the instructions and guidance notes and complete the attached application form. Return this form with the fee to:London Borough of Lewisham Licensing Services 4th Floor Laurence House 1 Catford Road London SE6 4RU Tel: (020) 8314 6400 . POISONS ACT 1972 FORM OF APPLICATION by a person to have his/her name entered in a local authority's list of persons entitled to sell nonmedicinal poisons included in Part II of the Poisons List Applicant details Title: Forename(s): Surname: Telephone Number: Hereby apply to have my name entered in the list kept in pursuance of section 5 of the above Act in respect of the following premises, namely Name of Business (Trading Name): Address of Premises: Type of business Telephone Number: As a person entitled to sell from those premises non-medicinal poisons included in Part II of the Poisons List. I hereby nominate: Title: Forename(s): Surname: Title: Forename(s): Surname: To act as my deputy (deputies) for the sale in accordance with Rule 10 (1) of the Poisons Rules 1982 Usual Signature: Notes Please return this form, completed and signed with the fee to: Licensing Services 4th Floor Laurence House 1 Catford Road London SE6 4RU (tel: 020 8314 6400) Cheques should be made payable to the London Borough of Lewisham. If you wish to pay by debit card, credit card or cash please contact the office first before submitting the form. The fees payable are as follows: First registration/New: Renewal of registration: Alteration: £63 £63 £36 LONDON BOROUGH OF LEWISHAM Sale of Poisons Introduction The retail sale of products containing poisons by shopkeepers, garden centres, agricultural merchants etc. is governed by the Poisons Act 1972. Typical examples of such products include: 1. Descalers (Kay Dee Fast Acting, Kleenoff) 2. Sanitary Fluids (Elsan, Racasan) 3. Drain Cleaner (Brillo Clearway, Drainfree) 4. Strong Disinfectants (Scrubbs Ammonia, but not Sanizal now) 5. Weedkillers (Gramoxone, but not Weedol) A list of products is enclosed (Part II Poisons List) which contain poisons. This is not a comprehensive list and is for guidance only. If in doubt examine the container, all poisons should be marked with the name of the active substance. If the active substance is included in the Poisons Part II list, and the commodity is not exempted (see List B), then the product is probably a poison. The sale of poisons which have wholly or mainly a medicinal use is controlled by the Pharmaceutical Society. Registration A retailer who wishes to sell poisons must register with The London Borough of Lewisham and a registration form is available for this purpose. The retailer must provide details of his name and the addresses of all premises from which he wishes to sell poisons. Certain poisons (those marked “yes” in column 2 of Part II list) may only be sold by the retailer or his nominated deputies. The form provides for the nomination of not more than two responsible deputies If any of the registration details change (e.g. names of deputies) you should inform the Council immediately. A registration is not transferable to another individual or company; a new registration must be made. A new registration should also be made for a change of address. Registrations are annual though you should be sent a reminder. FEE PAYABLE First registration/New…………..……£ 63 Renewal of registration……………...£ 63 Alteration……………………. …….…£ 36 Storage Poisons must be stored sensibly, out of reach of children and away from foodstuffs. There are more stringent requirements for certain poisons (those marked “yes” in column 2 of Part II list), these must be stored:(a) in a cupboard or drawer reserved solely for storing poisons; or (b) in a partitioned off area to which customers do not have access; or (c) on a shelf reserved solely for storing poisons provided no food is kept below the shelf. Restrictions on Sales Some poisons may only be sold to persons having special occupations or needs. These are shown in column 3 of List A. For the poisons marked “yes” in column 2 of List A the buyer must: 1. 2. be known to the seller as a person to whom poisons can be legally sold, and sign the Poisons Book, or, give the seller a signed order stating his name, address, trade, purpose of use, quantity required. In emergencies the buyer may supply the signed order within 24 hours. Note: These notes are produced for guidance only and should not be regarded as a complete interpretation of the law. If you require any further information please contact Licensing Services.