#1 August 20 – 24, 2012 Fourth Grade Footnotes Next week we will

August 20 – 24, 2012
Fourth Grade Footnotes
Next week we will begin having all subjects. This means that the children will have a Spelling
Test on Monday. They should have a list of their spelling words in their binder or you can find
the Unit 1 Week 1 Spelling Words on my website which you can find by going to the district
website and clicking on Middle School then Hemberger.
I want to be able to keep you informed on a weekly basic about upcoming tests and events within
our classroom. In order to do this I need you to contact the middle school and make sure our
secretary has all of the e-mail addresses,that you would like to receive school information, so
that I can assure you get my e-mails. Please do this soon so that you do not miss out on
important information.
Parents, I want you to know that it is never too early to start preparing your child for the I.S.A.T.
tests. You child and utilize a program for home called “STUDY ISLAND.” To go to this
website you child will need to type in http://www.studyisland.com/ . Here they can begin to
practice for the fourth grade I.S.A.T. tests that will be coming up this spring. The child’s user
name is the first two letters of their first name, then their entire last name, with no spaces, then
the at sign followed by CUSD10. The CUSD must be in all caps. For example, my first name is
Tricia and my last name is Hemberger so my user name would look like this
trhemberger@CUSD10. Their password is the child’s lunch account number. If your child is
new to the district the password is trojans. When they log in they will need to change their
password to their lunch account. This site will definitely help them perform better on their
The children have also been asking me how to find out if a book is A.R. (Accelerated Reader) or
not. If you would like to know whether or not a book is an A.R. book you can search the
following url, http://www.arbookfind.com. Remember to use my website to help you with useful
Our school is once again collecting Box Tops for Education. Please send all of your Box
Tops to school. The money collected from the Box Tops goes right back to your child’s
education. Thank you for your help!!!
Dear Parents and Students, this is just a reminder that after Labor Day I will begin
deducting points for late work, students with no name on their paper, the first letter of a
sentence not being capitalized, no end punctuation, and words not spelled correctly when
they are on the paper. It is my sincere hope that this will teach the children to be
careful and recheck their work.
We need to wish Aaron a Happy 10th Birthday!!!!! Aaron tuned 10 on August 14th.
Aaron, we all hope you had a spectacular birthday!!!
On August 19th Carter turned 10 years old. We would all like to wish him a very HAPPY
10th BIRTHDAY!!! Welcome to double digits, Carter.
As discussed at “Meet the Teacher,” your child will be taking a selection test every Thursday on
the computers at school. I will be printing of these tests for you because I wanted you to be able
to see your child’s score. I will let you know that due to budget constraints, I will be unable to
print off these tests every week. However, you can keep track of your child’s test scores simply
by going to www.pearsonsuccessnet.com and logging in using your child’s name and password.
You can find your child’s user name and password in their binders located in the reading section.
Simply go to www.pearsonsuccessnet.com enter your child’s name and password, as it appears
on the paper. Then you will go to another screen. From there you will need to click on
“Parents.” In the box that says “View Student Progress” you will need to choose Mrs.
Hemberger-Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. Here you will be able to keep track of your
child’s reading test scores.
If you are sending in cash for lunch money it needs to be sent to school in an envelope with the
students name on it, their lunch account number, and my name. When cash gets put in the
envelope the secretary does not know who it comes from and which account to credit. Thank
you for your help with this matter.
Grandparents Day will be Friday, September 7th. Your child was given a form, on
Wednesday of this week, for their grandparents to fill out if they would like to come to
lunch on that day. The cost will be $2.85 per person. Please make sure that your child
has the form filled out and returned to the office by Friday, August 31st. The fourth
graders eat lunch time is from 11:40 – 12:15.
Picture day is coming up on Wednesday, September 5th!!! Be prepared to smile, students!!!
Speaking of smiles…check out this fantastic looking group of kids I get to spend this entire year
Keep in mind these upcoming dates:
Friday, August 24th - Don’t forget to look at your child’s papers in the “Friday Folder.”
Keep the papers and then sign the “Friday Folder” so that it can be returned on
Monday. Please sign your child’s August Behavior Chart on the Week 1 line.
Monday, August 27th – The children will have their Unit 1 Week 1 Spelling Pretest today
on the computer using Spelling City to take their pretest. Please go to
www.spellingcity.com to practice your spelling words this weekend. The children
were given their list for these words to practice last Thursday. Students who earn a
100% A+ will not have any Spelling homework for the rest of the week.
Wednesday, August 29th – Your child will ask you to listen to them read this week’s
story aloud and then you will need to sign the Reading Log indicating that you
listened to them read the story to you entitled Because of Winn-Dixie. The children
will have their selection test over this story tomorrow. Please use the “Family
Times” for this story to help your child prepare for this test.
Thursday, August 30th – The children will take their reading selection test today in the
computer lab over the story Because of Winn-Dixie. Remember, you can
check your child’s selection test score by going to www.pearsonsuccessnet.com and
logging in using your child’s name and password. You can find your child’s user
name and password in their binders located in the reading section. The students will
have their Chapter 1 Math Test today. STUDY!!!!
Friday, August 31st – The children who did not earn a 100% A+ on Monday’s Spelling
Pretest will be taking the Unit 1 Week 1 Final Spelling Test today to try for an
improved score. Don’t forget to look at your child’s papers in the “Friday Folder.”
Wednesday, September 5th – School Picture Day!!! Wear your smiles!!!
Friday, September 7th – Today is Grandparents’ Day!!! Make sure you ask your
grandparents to come and eat lunch with you on this day. Forms for Grandparents’
Day were sent home on Wednesday, August 22nd.