READING LIST OF PLAYS FOR ISU Aeschylus -The Persians Tasso -Aminta Aeschylus -Oresteia Udall -Ralph Roister Doister Sophocles -Antigone Sackville & Norton -Gorboduc Sophocles -Oedipus the King Kyd -The Spanish Tragedy Euripides -Medea Marlowe -Dr Faustus Euripides -Hippolytus Dekker -The Shoemaker's Holiday Euripides -The Bacchae Shakespeare -Richard II Aristophanes -The Frogs Shakespeare -Twelfth Night Menander -Dyskolos Shakespeare -Hamlet Plautus -Miles Gloriosus Shakespeare -King Lear Terence -The Brothers Jonson -Volpone Seneca -Thyestes Webster -The Duchess of Malfi Early Medieval -Hrotsvitha, Dulcitius Ford -'Tis a Pity She's a Whore Plays: -Visit to the Sepulchre (Winchester) Lope de Vega -Fuente Ovejuna Tirso de Molina -The Rogue of Seville Wakefield Cycle -'Second Shepherd's Play' Calderon -Life is a Dream York Cycle -'Fall of Man' 'Crucifixion' Corneille -The Cid Anon. -Pierre Pathelin Molière -Dom Juan Anon. -Everyman Molière -The Misanthrope Scala -The Tragic Events Racine -Phédre Scala -The Jealousy of Isabella Behn -The Rover Machiavelli -Mandragola Wycherley -The Country Wife 2 Dryden -All for Love Gogol -The Government Inspector Otway -Venice Preserved Mowatt -Fashion Congreve -The Way of the World Dumas fils -The Lady of the Camellias Farquhar -The Recruiting Officer Boucicault -The Corsican Brothers Steele -The Conscious Lovers Robertson -Caste Lillo -The London Merchant Erckmann-Chatrian/Lewis -The Bells Marivaux -The Game of Love and Chance Ibsen -Peer Gynt Ibsen -Ghosts Goldoni -The Servant of Two Masters Ibsen -The Master Builder Lessing -Emilia Galotti Strindberg -Miss Julie Gozzi -Turandot Strindberg -The Ghost Sonata Addison -Cato Strindberg -A Dream Play Alfieri -Saul Wedekind -Lulu (Earth Spirit & Gay -The Beggar's Opera Pandora's Box) Goldsmith -She Stoops to Conquer Hauptmann -The Weavers Sheridan -The School for Scandal Maeterlinck -The Intruder Beaumarchais -The Marriage of Figaro Pinero -The Second Mrs Tanqueray Kotzebue/Thompson -The Stranger Wilde -The Importance of Being Earnest Schiller -The Robbers Jarry -Ubu the King Schiller -Marie Stuart Shaw -Heartbreak House Goethe -Faust I Gorky -The Lower Depths Kleist -The Prince of Homburg Chekhov -The Cherry Orchard Buchner -Woyzeck Hugo -Hernani Synge -The Playboy of the Western World 3 Kaiser -From Morn to Midnight Gélinas -Tit-Coq O'Casey -Juno and the Paycock Reaney -Donnellys: Sticks and Stones Yeats -Purgatory Ryga -The Ecstasy of Rita Joe Beckett -Waiting for Godot Tremblay -Les Belles-Soeurs Osborne -Look Back in Anger Walker -The Art of War Orton -What the Butler Saw Pollock -Blood Relations Pinter -Old Times Thompson -I Am Yours Bond -Lear Highway -Dry Lips Oughta Move to Stoppard -Travesties Kapuskasing Eliot -Murder in the Cathedral MacDonald -Goodnight Desdemona Littlewood -Oh, What a Lovely War Pirandello -Henry IV Churchill -Cloud Nine Lorca -Blood Wedding Wertenbaker -Our Country's Good Cocteau -The Infernal Machine O'Neill -Emperor Jones Brecht -The Measures Taken O'Neill -Long Day's Journey into Night Brecht -Mother Courage Odets -Waiting for Lefty Sartre -No Exit Williams -A Streetcar Named Desire Anouilh -Antigone Miller -Death of a Salesman Genet -The Balcony Shange -For Coloured Girls. . . . Ionesco -Exit the King Baraka -Dutchman Handke -Kaspar Fornés -Fefu and her Friends Soyinka -Death and the King's Horseman Mamet -Glengarry Glen Ross Fugard -The Bloodknot Shepard -A Lie of the Mind