Lynn Moynahan Amanda Rice Computers in Education Assignment #4: Interactive Website and Lesson December 12, 2007 Unit Topic or Theme: Poetry Grade: 5 Lesson Topic or Theme: Styles of Poetry Lesson Objectives: o The students will be able to identify several different types of poetry based on structure and/or content. o Students will be able to write their own poetry in different styles. Instructional Technique: Students will be in a whole group and also working independently. Instructional Materials: o Several examples of each of the seven types of poetry, maybe on transparencies or in a PowerPoint presentation o Available computer lab for a whole class on day 2 o Construction paper o Markers/crayons/colored pencils o Worksheet with the definitions and examples of the types of poetry for all students Theoretical Perspective: o It reinforces independent work. o It diversifies students’ knowledge of poetry. ISTE Standards: o Technology Productivity Tools: 1: Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity o Basic operations and concepts Students are proficient in the use of technology. Curriculum Frameworks: o GENERAL STANDARD 14: Poetry 14.2: Identify rhyme and rhythm, repetition, similes, and sensory images in poems. 14.3: Respond to and analyze the effects of sound, figurative language, and graphics in order to uncover meaning in poetry: Procedure: o Introduction: The teacher will begin by asking the students about what they know about different kinds of poems. S/he will ask them to give examples of the types of poems. Step-by-step: o The teacher will then put the examples of each kind of poem either up on the overhead or on the PowerPoint. There will be definitions of each type of poetry (acronym, ode, haiku, pastoral, limerick, carpe diem, and sonnet) and several examples. o The students will be asked to choose two kinds of poems and will have to write an example of each on plain lined paper. o The students will revise their poems for spelling and grammatical errors and then rewrite them onto construction paper and decorate the paper. o On the second day, the teacher will have the students each present one of the poems they wrote to the class and have the class figure out what type of poem they are. o The teacher will then lead the students to a computer lab where each student will have his/her own computer on which to play the website game. Homework: o Students will need to write a poem based on the poems we have went over in class, and then create a picture that best describes their poem. Adaptations: o For the visually impaired the student(s) will sit closer to the front of the class. o Hearing impaired students with have the poems in front of them, as well as working with a one on one aide. o Students who have trouble with fine motor skills they will have the option of typing out their poems rather than by handwriting them. o Those with learning impairments on computer day, the aides will come with them to the computer lab and work one on one with them. The children with disabilities will go together. Evaluation: o Students will be evaluated on their homework with a check plus for “A” worthy work, a check for “B” worthy work, a check minus for “C or below” work, and a zero for those who do not hand it in. o Students will get graded on writing examples of poems in class. They will be graded on how well they were able to understand the different poetry types as well as how well they followed the tempo of the poetry. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives? o We will make sure our objectives have been met based on how well the children understand the poetry vocabulary and being able to read, write and comprehend different poetry styles. We will make our decision based on the homework and in class assignments. What will students be able to do and/or show you at the end of the lesson that lets you know they have learned? o To show us that they have learned, the students will be able to read poetry using the proper tempo and pauses. They will be able to explain using proper vocabulary different poetry styles. They will also be able to feel comfortable writing various poetry styles. What will you use to document this? o To document this, we will use the in class assignments as well as the homework and our own observations. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson? o Will there be any hostility singling out the children who have learning disabilities when it comes to using the computers. o Will the students be able to comprehend different poetic styles and be able to write them.