Macbeth - Lakewood City Schools

1. In the opening scene, the three witches show Macbeth four Apparitions. What pronouncements
do they make?
The First Apparition warns Macbeth to “beware Macduff.”
The Second tells Macbeth that “none of woman born” will harm him.
The Third foretells that Macbeth will rule until the forest in “Birnam rises against him.”
The Fourth Apparition says nothing but reveals that the sons of Banquo will inherit the throne.
2. How does Macbeth react to the news that Macduff has left for England?
Macbeth immediately suspects Macduff of treachery. Macbeth decides to kill all of Macduff’s family.
3. How is the anticipated murder of Macduff’s family different from Macbeth’s previous murders?
The murder of Macduff’s household will serve little purpose other than to hurt Macduff. Additionally,
there is no attempt to keep these murders secret.
4. What does Lady Macduff think Macduff’s flight was “madness”? How does Ross defend Macduff?
Lady Macduff does not understand why her husband has abandoned his family. His fleeing is
madness because it makes him appear to be a traitor. Macduff’s flight has also left his family
vulnerable and unprotected. Ross defends Macduff’s actions, saying he is wise and knows what he is
5. Why does Malcolm say that his “vices” will cause Scotland woe?
Malcolm does not trust Macduff and wants to test him. If Macduff has not come to kill Malcolm,
Macduff will be revolted by Malcolm’s vice and leave. If Macduff leaves, Malcolm will know that
Macduff did not come to kill him.
6. How does Macduff react to Malcolm’s confessions?
At first, Macduff is willing to overlook them, but as Malcolm’s recital grows more and more vile,
Macduff loses hope, decides to leave and never to return to Scotland.
7. What support has Malcolm arranged for their cause?
He has the support of Siward, who has 10,000 men ready to assist the, in their overthrow of Macbeth.
8. What news does Ross bring to Macduff?
Ross discloses to Macduff that Macbeth has murdered his, Macduff’s, wife and children.
9. Why do you think Macduff comments about Macbeth’s lack of children?
He is responding to Malcolm’s comment that they take revenge on Macbeth. Macduff is saying that
he could never truly have revenge because Macbeth has no children, and therefore, cannot know the
same pain as Macduff.
10. At the end of Act Four, what does Malcolm propose, and what is Macduff’s resolve?
Malcolm, Macduff, and Ross go to Scotland and meet Macbeth in battle. Macduff vows to kill
Macbeth himself.
11. Look up the word whetstone in the glossary. Then explain what Malcolm meant when he tells
Macduff “Be this the whetstone of your sword” (Scene 3, line 228).
Malcolm is telling Macduff to let his grief sharpen his rage for revenge against Macbeth.