“The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury

“The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury – 50 points
Freshman Honors English
Please read this short story written by Ray Bradbury. You will find many points
of similarity between the story and characters in “The Pedestrian” and those in
Fahrenheit 451. The complete text of the story is in a folder called “The
Pedestrian” located on my Freshman Honors English web page.
After you finish reading, please watch the short animated video version of the
story. It is also found in this folder.
Complete the questions below, using full paragraphs and any passages from the
story. Your response should be typed in MLA format and submitted as an on-line
When quoting passages, please include the story title as well as the author and
page number in order to easily identify each text.
Examples: (Bradbury “The Pedestrian” 2). (Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 10).
Please reflect on the short story, video clip, and novel as you answer the following
1. Give three examples that demonstrate how this short story is related to
Bradbury’s longer work Fahrenheit 451. Be sure to use passages from
each text and use proper in-text citation.
2. Did the video accurately portray the theme of the story? Be specific. If it
did not portray the theme, please explain.
3. What is Mr. Mead’s profession and why does the voice from the police car
respond, “No profession”? Why do you think Mr. Bradbury chose this
particular profession?
4. What commentary does Bradbury make about television’s role in society
through this story? What is your opinion?