"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates Hello and welcome to my philosophy web page. Please choose from one of the topics below: Philosopher Profiles Fallacies Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Philosopher Profiles Buddha Confucius Plato Aristotle St. Augustine St. Aquinas Descartes Spinoza Berkeley Kant Bentham and Mill Schopenhauer Nietzsche James Kierkegaard Sartre Main Menu Philosopher Profile Name:Gautama Buddha Born:563 B.C. Died: 483 B.C. Major Philosophies:The eight-fold path The four noble truths Buddhism Quotes:Life is suffering. Doubt arises because knowledge and ignorance are two different things. Books:None Miscellaneous:Buddha sat under a Boa tree for days to attain wisdom and understanding. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name: Confucius Born: 551 B.C. Died: 479 B.C. Major Philosophies: Three Doctrines of Confucius His utopia Confucianism Quotes: Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. Do unto others what you wish to do unto yourself. Books:Analects Book of Rites Spring and Autumn Annals Miscellaneous:Confucius taught a total of 3,000 students. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Plato Born:428 B.C. Died:347 B.C. Major Philosophies:The nature of love The nature of virtue philosophy of religion Quotes:Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and phiosophy begins in wonder. Books:The Republic Symposium The Last Days of Socrates Apology Dialogues Miscellaneous:Plato created the Academy. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Aristotle Born:384 B.C. Died:322 B.C. Major Philosophies:Aristotle's Four Causes Theory of syllogism Golden Mean Quotes:Man is a political animal. The good is the most accurate measure of all things. Books:Metaphysics History of Animals Miscellaneous:He formed the Lyceum. He was also the tutor of Alexander the Great. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:St. Augustine Born:354 A.D. Died:430 A.D. Major Philosophies:Early Christianity Quotes:What is called evil in the universe is but the absense of good. The will of G-d, which is always good, is sometimes fulfilled through the evil will of man. Books:Confession The City of G-d Miscellaneous:Augustine devoted his life to the pursuit of truth. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:St. Thomas Aquinas Born:1225 A.D. Died:1274 A.D. Major Philosophies:Synthesis between faith and reason Natural Theological truths Quotes:The ultimate beatitude of man consists in the use of his highest function, which is the operation of his intellect...Hence...the blessed see the essence of God. Books:Summa Theologica Miscellaneous:He came up with the five proofs of G-d. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Rene Descartes Born:1596 A.D. Died:1650 A.D. Major Philosophies:The systematization of analytic geometry Cartesianism Quotes:"Cogito, ergo sum," I think, therefore I am. Doubt arises because knowledge and ignorance are two different things. Books:Discourse on the Method Meditations on First Philosophy Miscellaneous:Descartes tried to use inductive thinking for philosophy. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Baruch Spinoza Born:1632 A.D. Died:1677 A.D. Major Philosophies:Dues Sive Natura Reality through geometry Quotes:All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare Books:Ethics Theological-political Treatise Political Treatise Miscellaneous:Spinoza was a pantheist, which means that he believed that everything is G-d. More info on Spinoza Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:George Berkeley Born:1685 A.D. Died:1753 A.D. Major Philosophies:Subjective idealism Solipsism-the world is my perception Quotes:Esse est percipi. To be is to be perceived. Books:Essay towards a new vision Tretise concerning the principles of human knowledge Tree dialogues between Hylos and Philonous Miscellaneous:He was born in Ireland More info on Berkeley Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Immanuel Kant Born:1724 A.D. Died:1804 A.D. Major Philosophies:Categorical Imperative Critical Philosophy Analytic/Synthetic Judgement Quotes:So act that you at the same time will that your act shall be raised to a level of universal law for anyone at any time Books:Critique of Pure Reason Critique of Judgement Critique of Practical Reason Miscellaneous:Immanuel Kant was a student, a teacher, and a writer. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill Born:1748 and 1806 Died:1832 and 1873 Major Philosophies:Utilitarianism The greatest good for the greatest number of people Quotes:Every man is the best judge of his own interest. Books:On Liberty- Mill A fragment on Government- Bentham Miscellaneous:Although the two are usually considered as a group, instead of as individuals, they was actually a fifty year difference between the two. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Arthur Schopenhauer Born:1788 A.D. Died:1860 A.D. Major Philosophies:Principle of Sufficient Reason The World as Will and Idea Pessimism Quotes:The life of every individual is really always a tragedy but gone through in detail, it has the character of a comedy. Books:On Visions and Colors On the Will in Nature Parerga and Paralipomena Miscellaneous:Schopenhauer is often called the prophet of pessimism. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Friedrich Nietzsche Born:1844 A.D. Died:1900 A.D. Major Philosophies:Man should become the overman Nihilism Quotes:G-d is dead. Life in its simplest form is exploitation. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Books:Thus Spoke Zarathustra Beyond Good and Evil The Birth of Tragedy Miscellaneous:Nietzsche died insane in a mental institution from syphilis. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:William James Born:1842 A.D. Died:1910 A.D. Major Philosophies:Pragmatism Quotes:The whole function of philosophy ought to be to find out what definite difference it will make to you or me, a definite difference in our lives, if this formula or that formula be true. Books:Principle of Psychology Human Immortality The Will to Believe and other Essays in Popular Philosophy Miscellaneous:William James is considered one of the only "respectable" American philosopher. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Soren Kierkegaard Born:1813 A.D. Died:1855 A.D. Major Philosophies:Existentialism Subjective Truth Freedom of Choice Quotes:I must find a truth that is true for me... the idea for which I can live or die. What is suspended is not lost, but is preserved in the higher function that is its telos, its purpose. Books:Fear and Trembling The Repetition The Concept of Dread Miscellaneous:Kierkegaard actually founded existentialism. Choose another philosopher Philosopher Profile Name:Jean-Paul Sartre Born:1905 A.D. Died:1980 A.D. Major Philosophies:Existentialism Quotes:Existence Precedes Essence Hell is other people. Books:Being and Nothingness No Exit Nausea Miscellaneous:Sartre is considered the founder of modern existentialism. More info on Sartre Choose another philosopher Fallacies A fallacy is a flaw in logic. There are two types of fallacies: informal and formal. An informal fallacy has a flaw in its content, while a formal fallacy has a flaw in its structure. The following is a list of a number of formal fallacies and their explanations: Post Hoc Fallacy- stating that two things have a causal effect when it cannot be proven that it is true (remember that just because one thing is always followed by another does not mean that there is a causal connection). False Dilemma- This fallacy is sometimes called the Black or White Fallacy. This structural error simply means that you are saying that there are only two possibilities. Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam- This is when you say that something is true simply because someone cannot prove otherwise. Argumentum Ad Hominem- Through this fallacy, you attack the person instead of the statement that you are trying to dispel. Begging The Question- When an argument goes in a circle, it falls under this fallacy. Hypothesis Contrary To Fact- As the name implies, this is when you are using a situation that does not exist to further your argument. Straw Man- This is when you use a non-sequitur (You can't know the answer to that math question because you have a white dog). Reification- This is when you assign human-like characteristics to inanimate objects.