Economic Philosophers 1. Class will be divided into 3 groups. 2

Economic Philosophers
Class will be divided into 3 groups.
Each group will research one Economic philosopher.
The group will elect one spokesperson to present their findings.
Select a philosopher: Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Adam Smith.
Research for the following:
Details of the philosopher’s life. What did he do? What were his significant life events?
Education. Where did he attend school? What significant educational events transpired?
Publications. What kind of publications did he write? What were the titles? What was the
message (main idea) of the publications?
Theory of Economics. What theory did your philosopher discover or create? How is the
theory supposed to work?
Essential Questions. How does the philosopher’s theory apply to the three basic
questions of: What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce?
The groups finding will be presented in a multimedia presentation on the assigned due date. At
least one group member will present; it should be the spokesperson.
A rubric will be placed on the class web page for successful completion of the performance of
the student.