Weekly Quiz

A. Vocabulary
February 1-2
Celebrating Chinese New Year
C. Reading Comprehension
1. Of all ocean creatures, Sid finds the squid
the most interesting.
2. Graham was busy planting seeds in his
3. Tom’s stomach hurt after he ate the spicy
4. The local company made swift progress
and soon expanded overseas.
5. Many Middle Eastern countries have a lot
of wealth because of their oil reserves.
6. Please hold off on sending the email until
B. Cloze Test 35%
Jimmy, Tom, Lucy, and Lucas are walking near
Di Hua Street, talking about what they will do for
Chinese New Year. Tom can’t wait 1 Lucy’s
mother’s delicious food. Lucy reminds them that they
should buy some snacks as well. After all, Chinese
people never 2 food during the holidays. Lucy
wants to 3 some watermelon seeds. They go off
to find some things to eat.
After they are done shopping, the friends head
to Lucy’s home. They sit down at the table and
start eating right away. First, they have hot pot,
which 4 family reunions. They have some other
delicious dishes as well. Then Lucy suggests that
they play cards 5 midnight.
1. (A) eat
(C) eating
2. (A) pinch
(C) represent
3. (A) consist of
(C) munch on
4. (A) takes no sides
(C) is left with
5. (A) until
(C) on
(B) to eat
(D) to eating
(B) ignore
(D) taste
(B) dive into
(D) pass by
(B) suffers from
(D) stands for
(B) for
(D) against
Chinese New Year is a happy time for families
in China, as parents, children, and grandchildren are
reunited for a few days. But Chinese New Year in
China also means the largest movement of people in
the world. In 2009, about 188 million people traveled
by train in China during the holiday. This caused a
lot of problems at crowded train stations. There was
also the problem of railway employees selling large
amounts of tickets to people who would then sell
those tickets to others at a higher price. This made
travelers very angry. So, the government took action,
and made sure railway employees could not carry
cash or cell phones into their offices. They hoped this
would prevent them from communicating with those
who wanted to buy large amounts of tickets and sell
them at unfair prices.
employee 員工
1. What is this article mainly about?
(A) How to behave during Chinese New Year.
(B) Chinese New Year traditions.
(C) Travel difficulties during Chinese New
(D) What to do during Chinese New Year.
2. What is true during Chinese New Year in
(A) Lots of people have to work during the
(B) Many people travel by train to get home.
(C) No one goes anywhere during the holiday.
(D) Train tickets get cheaper during Chinese
New Year.
3. Why did people want to buy a large number
of train tickets?
(A) To sell them to others at a higher price.
(B) To give them away to friends.
(C) To sell them at a discount.
(D) To keep them for themselves.
D. Translation 20%
1. 街道對面開了家新餐廳,才說到餐廳我就餓了。
A new restaurant just opened across the street. And
speaking of restaurants, I’m feeling hungry.
2. 布萊恩感到疲倦因為昨晚他熬夜到了凌晨。
Bryan is tired because he stayed up past midnight
last night.
English 4U
Teachers’ Guide
February 2011
A. Vocabulary
February 3-4
1. John went outside to gather some
vegetables from his garden.
2. Dave’s health worsened, so he had to stay
home from school.
3. Sometimes Jen feeds her dog human food.
4. Nancy didn’t hear the doorbell ring
because she was asleep.
5. Taylor folded his clothes before putting
them in the closet.
6. Bob instructed his son on how to tie his
B. Cloze Test 35%
Every year during Chinese New Year, we eat
many special foods. One such food is dumplings
that 1 pieces of gold. But why do we eat these
at this time? Legend has it that long ago in China, a
man lived with his 2 mother. He wanted her to
be healthy, but didn’t know how to help her. Then a
god appeared in his dream 3 New Year’s Eve.
The god told him to feed her dumplings that looked
like pieces of gold. The man woke up 4 if he
should believe what he heard in his dream. But he
decided to try anyway. He fed his mother
dumplings the next day. Just 5 the god said, she
became healthy again.
1. (A) ignore
(C) resemble
2. (A) dead
(C) died
3. (A) in
(C) for
4. (A) not to know
(C) to know not
5. (A) as
(C) that
English 4U
The Legend of Dumplings
(B) awake
(D) worry
(B) dying
(D) die
(B) at
(D) on
(B) not knowing
(D) knowing not
(B) while
(D) what
Teachers’ Guide
C. Reading Comprehension
Chinese New Year is here again, and this time
we are welcoming the year of the rabbit. What kind
of year can we expect? Unfortunately, many experts
aren’t predicting a good year. This is because,
according to Chinese beliefs, this year is the year of
the wood rabbit. 2011 is a metal year, and wood
usually acts against metal. So, there will likely be
some troubles carried over from the year of the tiger.
But that doesn’t mean there won’t be any
opportunities in 2011. Every year will have its ups
and downs. All we can do is be prepared and take
things as they come. Remember that the rabbit is
considered one of the luckiest signs. So stay positive,
and keep working hard.
1. What is predicted for 2011 in the passage?
(A) This will be the worst year of all time.
(B) It will be the best year ever.
(C) It will likely be a tough year.
(D) This will be an easy year.
2. What is the best description of this passage?
(A) It is about what happened in the past.
(B) It tells what might happen this year.
(C) It talks mostly about wild rabbits.
(D) It focuses on 2010.
3. What advice does the passage give?
(A) Think good thoughts and work hard.
(B) Avoid traveling in 2011.
(C) Make as many friends as possible.
(D) Open a new business this year.
D. Translation 20%
1. 克里斯受傷了,但是他很快就會好起來的。
Chris is sick now but he will get better soon.
2. 丹總被認為是一個值得信賴的人。
February 2011
Dan has always been regarded as a reliable
延伸自 News Channel 1
February 5
WikiLeaks Creates Controversy
C. Reading Comprehension
A. Vocabulary 24%
1. Details of the politician’s dirty deals were
leaked to the newspapers.
2. There was some controversy about
whether the ball had gone into the goal or
3. Jenna loves the spotlight and loves being
on stage in front of others.
B. Cloze Test 40%
WikiLeaks has been thrown into the
international spotlight for sharing secret files about
relations between North Korea and China. A recent
“leak” 1 sensitive information detailing China’s
frustration with their North Korean allies, and it has
posed a potential threat to peace in Asia.
Australian-born WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
says WikiLeaks is an organization that 2 publish
secret documents, bringing awareness of government
actions 3 the public. This website has created
much controversy. Critics say information released
by WikiLeaks challenges governments’ powers and
endangers the lives of innocent people. Assange has
come 4 attack as his organization has been
labeled a “terrorist group.” Nations and large
companies want him 5 , saying they have a right to
1. (A) disclosed
(C) dispelled
2. (A) aims for
(C) to aims
3. (A) at
(C) to
4. (A) to
(C) with
5. (A) silencing
(C) to silencing
(B) endangered
(D) consumed
(B) for aims
(D) aims to
(B) for
(D) in
(B) under
(D) within
(B) to silence
(D) silenced
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was born in
Australia in 1971. From a young age, he was
interested in the secrecy of information. At the age of
sixteen, he became a hacker, a person who uses
computers to access secret information. In his group,
he made three rules: don’t damage computer systems
you break into; don’t change information in those
systems; and share information.” As he aged, he
continued working with computers, created software,
and wrote books about hacking. Possibly inspired by
his ability to get secret information and a feeling of
duty to share what he found, Assange created
WikiLeaks. To Assange, WikiLeaks is a way to
share information he feels the public has a right to
know about. But it remains to be seen if the effect his
organization has will be positive.
hacker 電腦駭客
ability 能力
1. Which of the following was one of Assange’s
(A) Take only important information.
(B) Don’t get into trouble.
(C) Don’t damage computers.
(D) All of the above.
2. What did Assange do at age sixteen?
(A) He entered college.
(B) He founded WikiLeaks.
(C) He wrote software programs and books.
(D) He began hacking computers.
3. What probably prompted Assange to start
(A) He hoped to gain wealth from it.
(B) His like of secret information.
(C) He wanted revenge on a company.
(D) He needed to find a job.
4. What is implied in the last sentence?
(A) Everyone agrees that WikiLeaks is a good
(B) Some feel that WikiLeaks may cause
(C) Everyone views Assange and WikiLeaks as
a threat.
(D) All of the above.
English 4U
Teachers’ Guide
February 2011
February 7
2011: The Spirit of the Rabbit
A. Vocabulary 40%
C. Reading Comprehension
1. Jane dislikes cold weather, so winter is
her least favorite season.
2. The storm was so bad that it’s a wonder
the plane was able to arrive safely.
3. Tall people tend to be better at basketball
than short people.
4. The teacher assigned Robert to the desk
in the front of the class.
5. In science class, Fred learned about the
natural cycle of life.
B. Cloze Test 40%
According to the Chinese calendar, this year is the
year of the rabbit. It’s believed that people born in this
year share many things 1 this animal. For instance,
people who are born during this year 2 elegant and
curious about the world. Generally, they are able to
get 3 well with others.
Rabbits also try to avoid 4 as much as they
can. When 5 with a problem, they usually
approach it very carefully. They are very comfortable
in environments they are used to, such as their homes
or some other familiar place. Chinese people born in
the year of the rabbit hope they will be lucky this
year and avoid serious problems.
1. (A) in
(C) for
2. (A) are said to be
(C) said to be
3. (A) alone
(C) along
4. (A) wonder
(C) cycle
5. (A) faced
(C) facing
English 4U
One of the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar,
rabbits are often thought of as cute, playful animals.
Who couldn’t love one of those creatures after seeing
their long ears and white tails? Well, in New Zealand
and Australia, possibly no animal does more damage
than the rabbit.
For most of history, there were no rabbits in
either country. But Europeans living there brought
them to those lands in the 1800s. Because rabbits
produce lots of babies in a short time, their
population expanded extremely quickly. These
animals cause major damage to plants in the wild and
on farms. The governments of both countries claim
rabbits’ actions cost them millions of dollars every
year. Both governments strongly encourage people to
kill rabbits if they get the chance.
(B) with
(D) as
(B) are said being
(D) said to being
(B) among
(D) about
(B) trait
(D) risk
(B) face
(D) to face
Teachers’ Guide
February 2011
1. Why do people in New Zealand and Australia
not like rabbits?
(A) Rabbits often kill other animals.
(B) Rabbits eat too many plants.
(C) They don’t like how rabbits taste.
(D) Rabbits destroy people’s homes.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about
rabbits in the article?
(A) They came to Australia in the 19th century.
(B) They were brought by Europeans.
(C) They have created a lot of trouble.
(D) They are popular pets in New Zealand.
A. Vocabulary
February 8-9
Interesting New Year Traditions
C. Reading Comprehension
1. Unfortunately, the house was destroyed
by the typhoon.
2. Christians go to church to worship god.
3. Mark says his ancestors came to America
from Europe.
4. The comedy was very lighthearted and
5. After failing the test, Jimmy was very
6. Getting lost in the forest would be
downright scary.
B. Cloze Test 35%
There are many interesting traditions people follow
during the New Year’s holiday. Customs 1 wearing
red during Chinese New Year are just one of them.
But there are other traditions in other parts of the
world. In Bolivia, 2 people buy yellow underwear
before the New Year. They believe wearing this
underwear will bring them good luck.
In Denmark, people actually throw dishes at
each other’s doors. But, strangely, the more broken
dishes people find at their front door, 3 . This
means they have lots of friends. And in Russia,
divers spend New Year’s Eve 4 the bottom of the
frozen Baikal Lake. These practices might seem a bit
odd, but 5 you choose to celebrate, be sure to
spend the time with those you love.
1. (A) for instance
(B) such like
(C) for example
(D) such as
2. (A) single
(B) mythical
(C) unfamiliar
(D) cultured
3. (A) the happiest they are
(B) the happiest are they
(C) the happier are they
(D) the happier they are
4. (A) in
(B) to
(C) at
(D) for
5. (A) whichever
(B) whenever
(C) whatever
(D) however
In Burma, the New Year is celebrated with a
three-day festival. During this time, buildings and
temples are washed. People also splash each other
with water. This is to welcome the heavy rains that
come around this time of year. People also pray, and
do good deeds for one another.
The Burmese New Year usually falls sometime
around April 16th of each year. Everyone is supposed
to get wet, as water is seen as a way to clean the soul.
By getting wet, people can start the New Year fresh.
A similar tradition takes place in Thailand, where
people shoot water at each other with water guns.
Tourists are also welcome to take part in this
tradition, and many really enjoy the fun spirit.
1. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) Heavy rains that affect Burma.
(B) How to pray in a temple.
(C) New Year’s celebrations in Burma.
(D) Water cleansing the soul.
2. In the passage, what is everyone supposed to
do during New Year’s celebrations?
(A) They are supposed to go home.
(B) They are supposed to get wet.
(C) They are supposed to save water.
(D) They are supposed to go to Thailand.
3. What is mentioned about Thailand?
(A) Tourists take part in celebrations there.
(B) New Year’s celebrations are not for tourists.
(C) The country shuts down for New Year.
(D) The New Year is a very serious time.
D. Translation 20%
1. 智慧與策略是西洋棋的核心。
Intelligence and strategy are at the heart of the
game of chess.
2. 這場演唱會將在市中心的足球場舉行。
The concert will take place at the soccer stadium
English 4U
Teachers’ Guide
February 2011
A. Vocabulary
The Green Hornet
& Firework
February 10-11
1. The lights from the airplane glow in the
dark of the night.
2. I heard many screams from my friends
while we were watching the scary movie.
3. During the war, one country tried to take
over land the other country controlled.
4. The criminal who stole money from the
old man was captured by the police.
5. Andy is a brilliant student who gets
perfect scores on all his exams.
6. The secret box is buried in the backyard.
B. Cloze Test 35%
The new movie The Green Hornet centers
around the life of Britt. Britt lives a 1 life until
his father, a famous publisher, dies. He 2 the
family business and decides to change his ways. He
soon meets Kato, one of his father’s 3 . Kato has
created many cool devices, which leaves Britt in
awe. With Kato’s help, Britt becomes the Green
Hornet and they plan to make the world safer.
C. Reading Comprehension
The actor who plays Britt in The Green Hornet
is Canadian actor called Seth Rogen. Rogen has been
in a lot of successful movies recently, with most of
them being funny films. But his role in the new film
is quite different. Rogen rarely acts in action movies.
Also, in some of his earlier films, his characters were
often a bit fat. To prepare for the new movie, Rogen
lost a large amount of weight. He looks much
different than he did before. You can’t say he doesn’t
take his job seriously.
In addition to acting, Rogen often writes the
scripts to movies. In fact, he wrote the script for The
Green Hornet. So whether you like or hate the new
movie, it will largely depend on how good a job
Rogen did!
1. What has Seth Rogen mostly done in the
(A) Helped other actors lose weight.
(B) Written things about The Green Hornet.
(C) Played characters in funny films.
(D) Thought acting wasn’t very serious.
2. Which of the following is TRUE about The
Green Hornet?
(A) The main character is quite fat.
(B) Seth Rogen wrote its script.
(C) It is a very silly movie.
(D) It is Seth Rogen’s first film.
Britt and Kato know their fight 4 crime is
worth the efforts and risks involved. But they need
to be careful, 5 a crime boss is planning to get
rid of the Green Hornet. To see if the two heroes
can succeed, catch The Green Hornet in theaters.
1. (A) party-filling
(C) filled-party
2. (A) hunts down
(C) takes over
3. (A) firework
(C) employees
4. (A) from
(C) for
5. (A) while
(C) so
(B) party-filled
(D) filling-party
(B) fights against
(D) checks out
(B) gadget
(D) hornet
(B) against
(D) about
(B) which
(D) as
3. What is this article mainly about?
(A) An actor in The Green Hornet.
(B) The script of The Green Hornet.
(C) When The Green Hornet will start.
(D) Who is in The Green Hornet.
D. Translation 20%
1. 注意一下那家餐廳,我想我們快到了。
Keep an eye out for the restaurant, as I think we
are getting near it.
2. 我們快速地離開那間老房舍,因為害怕它會倒榻。
We quickly left the old building because we were
afraid that it was going to cave in.
English 4U
Teachers’ Guide
February 2011
English 4U
Teachers’ Guide
February 2011