The Harris Family Reunion Association Constitution and Bylaws (Revised 6/22/07) ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be the Harris Family Reunion Association (hereinafter referred to as "the Association"). ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Association shall be open to all persons related to the descendents of the union of William Grant Harrison and Hattie Gordon: Lemmie Harrison, Susie Thompson, Tossie Pott, Ollie Worthy, Eliza Redmond, Jerry Harrison, Charter Harrison, Policy Harrison, Hattie Neely, Melton Harrison The descendents from William Grant Harrison and Hattie Gordon shall be known as the first generation and as the family core branches. Descendents from the first generation shall be defined as family branches. The 7 current active family branches with descendents include: Susie Thompson, Tossie Pott, Ollie Worthy, Eliza Redmond, Charter Harrison, Hattie Neely and Melton Harrison. ARTICLE III - PURPOSE To promote family unity and continuing fellowship of the Harris Family Reunion Association . To build the Harris family on Christian principles by expressing loving kindness, commitment and support for each other thereby glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ and edifying each other. To preserve the history of the Harris Family through documentation. To create a supportive atmosphere for members who strive for excellence through educational achievements and economic advancements. To publish and distribute periodic newsletters or other material of interest to the Harris family. ARTICLE IV – EXECUTIVE BOARD Members of the Executive Board shall be limited to two members from the seven active family branches. Each family branch shall appoint two members for Executive Board representation at the annual Executive Board meeting. The Executive Board shall administer the business affairs of the Association. It shall have power in the interval between general meetings of the Association to act on all administrative matters on behalf of the Association. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS The officers of the Association shall be elected by the Executive Board members for a term of two years. The officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Administrative Secretary, Correspondence Secretary and Treasurer. President - shall be the Chief Executive Officer; shall convene and preside at all official meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; shall represent the Association at functions germane to the advancement of the Association; and perform other duties as may pertain to the office of the President. 1 Vice President - shall act in the President's absence; shall be from a different branch than the President; shall assist the President in appointments and special committees; shall perform other duties as may pertain to the office of Vice President Administrative Secretary - shall keep record of the proceedings of the annual business meeting; shall maintain current list of the Association membership to include addresses, telephone numbers, etc.; shall perform such other duties as may pertain to the Administrative Secretary. Correspondence Secretary - shall be responsible for preparing thank you notes, sympathy cards, and special recognition; shall assist in the distribution of the Association newsletter; perform such other duties as may pertain to the Correspondence Secretary. Treasurer - shall collect and document all membership dues; record all financial expenditures; perform such other duties as pertain to the office of the Treasurer, including providing an annual financial reports to the Association members. ARTICLE VI - ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Executive Board shall elect officers for the Association for a term of two years during the Executive Board meeting. 1) The office of President shall rotate between all seven family branches. 2) Rotation order shall be determined by a random drawing of the family branches with the first drawing occurring at the 2007 Executive Board meeting. 3) In the designated year, a family branch shall identify a qualified candidate capable of fulfilling the office of Association President. 4) The candidate shall be ratified by the Executive Board. 5) If a family branch chooses not to present a candidate for President at their designated time, the rotation moves to the next family branch that has been determined from the random drawing. 6) The offices of Vice-President, Administrative Secretary, Correspondence Secretary and Treasurer and Historian/Genealogist shall be elected by the Executive Board members for a term of two years. Any vacancies during the interim between Executive Board meetings shall be filled by the Executive Board Board. ARTICLE VII - STANDING COMMITTEES The President of the Association with the assistance of the Vice-President shall appoint committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Executive Board. All standing committees shall consist of a Chairperson and one member from each family branch as selected by those branches. 1. The Reunion Committee - shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, communicating and administering the annual family reunion activity for one year. The specific details of the duties of this committee will be addressed in documents prepared by the committee -- under the supervision and approval of the Executive Board. The Reunion Committee shall consist of a Chairperson; a Vice-Chairperson; a Secretary; a Treasurer, and such other members as may be determined by the Committee Chairperson, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board . All financial affairs shall be managed by the Reunion Committee Treasurer with the approval of the Treasurer. 2 All residual funds remaining in the Reunion Committee treasury after all obligations have been satisfied for the annual family reunion shall be returned to the Treasurer of the Association. 2. Constitution and By-Law Committee - shall be responsible for establishing, chartering and implementing the structure by which the Association shall function. The committee shall consist of a Chairperson and two members from each family branch as selected by those branches. 3. Scholarship Committee - shall establish and administer procedures for raising and disbursing funds to family graduates and undergraduate college students (under the age of 23) for the purpose of providing financial assistance to Association members who strive for excellence through educational achievements. Specific details of the activities of this committee will be addressed in documents prepared by officers of the committee -- under the supervision and approval of the Executive Board. All financial affairs shall be managed by the Treasurer of this committee -- with the advice and consent of the Executive Board. 4. Site Selection Committee – shall be responsible for exploring location options for the family reunion for presentation at the annual Executive Board Meeting. The committee shall consist of 1-2 members from each family branch. City locations for the annual family reunion shall be determined two years in advance at the Executive Board Meeting subject to ratification by general membership. Facility location within the selected city shall be confirmed a minimum of one year in advance of the annual family reunion. 5. Historical/Genealogist Committee – shall be responsible for documenting the history of the Harris Famil. ARTICLE VIII - AD HOC COMMITTEES The President of the Association with the assistance of the Vice-President shall appoint ad hoc committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Executive Board. ARTICLE IX - ASSOCIATION DUES Payments of annual dues are required for membership in the Association. Dues shall be paid during registration for the annual family reunion. 1) Dues for membership shall be $5.00 annually per Association member 18 and older. Dues for lifetime membership shall be $100 to be paid at one time. These funds will be used to prepare and publish Newsletters and other expenses related to the administration of the Association. 2) Members in good financial standing will be allowed to participate in all family voting activities (failure to pay dues will result in loss of voting and other privileges). 3) Members of the Association who aspire to hold a position as an Association officer or chairperson of a committee must be a member in good financial standing. 4) Funding for family reunions shall be addressed in detail by separate document prepared and administered by the Reunion Committee, under the general direction of the Executive Board. 5) Funding for graduate awards and scholarships shall be raised by the Scholarship Committee and administered by the Scholarship Committee, under the overall supervision and direction of the Executive Board. ARTICLE X - FINANCE The finances of the Association shall be accounted for under a budget system. 3 1) No officer, committee, committee member or member of the Association shall receive any funds or incur any expense for the Association not provided for in the Constitution and By-Laws unless authorized in writing by the President, with concurrence of the Vice President; nor shall the Treasurer or other authorized person make any payment except for expenditures which have been so approved. 2) The Treasurer shall be responsible for developing and distributing financial procedures. The Executive Board shall approve and monitor the adherence to the established financial procedures. 3) The Treasurer shall develop the budget for the Annual Family Reunion for the Reunion Committee. The Executive Board shall approve the budget for the Annual Family Reunion. 4) All other committees requiring funds should submit such request to the President and/or Vice President subject to the approval of the Executive Board. 5) All disbursements from the Association account shall require signatures from President or Vice-President and the Administrative Secretary (two signatures required). ARTICLE XI - FAMILY REUNION A reunion of the Harris family will be held annually during the last full weekend of June. The reunion location will be determined at least one year in advance. The Association colors shall be red and white. The Association song shall be “One More Time” ARTICLE XII – EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS The annual Executive Board meeting shall be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Board members during the annual reunion, at a time determined by the Executive Board at the site of the annual family reunion. These meetings are open to all members of the Association in good financial standing. Final decisions on issues brought to the Executive Board shall be passed by a majority vote of those members present and voting subject to the ratification of the general membership during the Sunday Prayer breakfast event. Majority shall mean greater than fifty percent (that is 50% plus one)of those members in good financial standing, present and voting. No proxy voting will be allowed. Grand majority shall mean greater than two-thirds (67% plus one) of those members in good financial standing, present and voting. No proxy voting will be allowed. Quorum - shall mean 1/3 of the Executive Board . The Administrative Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining an accounting of active Association membership. ARTICLE XIII - RATIFICATION The Constitution and By-Laws shall become effective at the reunion meeting held during the weekend of June 22-24, 2007 upon affirmative votes by a majority of financial members of the Harris Family Association (The Association). Copies of the initial Constitution and Bylaws will be presented to the financial members and ratified upon review. Upon ratification and effectuation of this Constitution and By-Laws, the Harris Family Reunion Association will officially be organized for family fellowship and continuity. Revisions and additions to the bylaws are to be submitted to the Chairperson, reviewed by the Executive Board, presented in writing to the financial members of the Association, and voted on by the financial members at the 4 business meeting of the annual family reunion. ARTICLE XIV - AMENDMENTS The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a Grand Majority vote of members in good standing. Members in good standing, means members whose Association dues are current. The Administrative Secretary in conjunction with the Association Treasurer, shall be responsible for maintaining an accounting of active membership in the Association. Proposed changes to Constitution and Bylaws must be mailed out to the Association members for review at least 30 days prior to the annual Executive Board meetings. ARTICLE XV - DISCLAIMER The Association disclaims responsibility for the actions and personal opinions of individual members who are in violation of the association's policies and procedures. We, Committee Members and Associate Committee Members of the Harris Family Constitution and By-Law Committee, do hereby subscribe to these articles, and in accordance with the wishes and desires of the full membership of family reunion, and by our signatures, establish the Harris Family Association. The Harris Family Association The Family Bylaws Signed By: President: Vice President: Administrative Secretary: Historian/Genealogist: Corresponding Secretary: Treasurer: 5