THE JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION BY-LAWS (PROPOSED) Update: October 2013 OCTOBER, 2013 THE JOHNSON FAMILY EXECUTIVE COMMITEE JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Contents ARTICLE I: Family Reunion Name ................................................................................. 2 ARTICLE II: Mission ....................................................................................................... 2 ARTICLE III: General Rules ............................................................................................. 2 Section 1: Official Meetings .......................................................................................... 2 Section 2: Family Colors ............................................................................................... 2 Section 3: Meeting Procedures ...................................................................................... 2 Section 4: Annual Dues ................................................................................................. 3 Section 5: Voting ........................................................................................................... 3 Section 6a: Officers (put terms periods, discuss and confirm) ...................................... 3 Section 6b: Committees ................................................................................................. 5 Committee Chairperson .............................................................................................. 5 Family Executive Committee ..................................................................................... 5 “Generation NEXT” Committee.................................................................................. 5 By-Laws Committee ................................................................................................... 5 Family Fund/Trust Committee .................................................................................... 6 Section 7: Selection of Reunion Locations .................................................................... 6 Section 8: Requirements of a Johnson Family Reunion ................................................ 7 Section 9: Disbursement of Funds ................................................................................. 7 Section 10: Amendments ............................................................................................... 7 Notes and Pending Business: .............................................................................................. 8 Section 1: Addition of duties for??? (DUTIES TO BE ASSIGNED IN BY-LAW MEETING) ..................................................................................................................... 8 Section 2: Family Crest/Symbol .................................................................................... 8 Section 3: Website ......................................................................................................... 8 Section 4: “Generation NEXT” Committee ................................................................... 8 Section 5: Dues .............................................................................................................. 9 Section 6: RC Ola Trust Fund – Use & Replenishment Policy ..................................... 9 APPENDIX A: Positions for Consideration .................................................................... 11 APPENDIX B: Robert's Rules of Order – Simplified Version ....................................... 13 1 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ARTICLE I: Family Reunion Name The name of this group shall be “Dave and Renda Johnson Family Reunion”, and hereafter may be referred to as the “Reunion”. The Reunion will consist of descendants of the union of Dave (David) and Renda (Miranda) Johnson. ARTICLE II: Mission The mission of the Reunion is to reunite, maintain and strengthen the extended family in a social atmosphere and: 1. Disseminate any information, which may be of interest to the family. 2. Inspire our youth to actively engage in the research and preservation of our rich family lineage. 3. Joyfully welcome newcomers to the family so they will quickly acquire a feeling of kinship. ARTICLE III: General Rules Section 1: Official Meetings The Reunion will take place annually on the weekend that contains the second Sunday in July. Each family reunion shall be held in different geographical locations as voted on by the membership during the annual meeting. Section 2: Family Colors The official colors of the “Family” are purple and white. Section 3: Meeting Procedures The meetings of the Johnson Family Reunion will be conducted in accordance with the procedures established by Robert’s Rules of Order. See Appendix “B” for more detail. 2 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Section 4: Annual Dues Annual dues in the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00) are required in-full at the annual meeting and must be paid in-full no later than August 1, following the annual meeting. Dues are required of all family members over the age of 21. Section 5: Voting Any family member may attend the annual meeting or the reunions but voting will be restricted to the family members who have paid their dues as established by the body. All family members in good standing present at any meeting of family business will constitute a quorum. Additionally, a minimum of three (3) officers is necessary for a quorum at the annual meeting. Section 6a: Officers (put terms periods, discuss and confirm) The officers of the Johnson Family Reunion will consist of the following: President – Provides vision and leadership to all Reunion related activities, acting as a single point of administration and contact for the Family. Term = 2 Years Establishes and communicate vision of the family Reunion. Presides at all meetings of the Family Reunion and conducts the annual Family Committee meeting. Coordinates the work of the officers’ and committees of the family reunion in order that the objectives of the Reunion are promoted. Acts as the official representative and voice for the family at other meetings designated by family members. Appoints committees and chairpersons and calls special meetings. Authors regular (annual) message and a Newsletter (twice a year) to the Family. Timing will be at the discretion of the president. Vice President – Acts as support and aide to the President and manager of annual Reunion planning and support. Term = 2 Years Performs the duties of the President (in the absence of that officer to act). *In designated order. Serves as liaison to the Reunion site coordinator and assists the HOST Family/City with promoting participation and attendance of all family reunions. Facilitates communication and dissemination of best practices in order to ensure each Reunion benefits from the knowledge of prior years’ events Support assigned committees as designated by President. 3 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Treasurer – Administers the disbursement of funds from the treasury and manages the day to day operation and reporting of Reunion funding accounts - with duties including but not limited to: Term = 4 Years Historian – Archives documents, pictures, conversations, etc., to insure that Johnson family history is always captured and readily available for family members. Term = Ongoing?? Keeping a permanent book of account and records of all dues, receipts, and disbursements of the family reunion. Receiving all monies giving a receipt therefore, and deposit accordingly. Paying all bills authorized by the Family Committee the family reunion. Making an annual financial report the family reunion including all gross receipts and disbursements for each year. Assembles and preserves a record and materials pertinent to the history of the family and Reunion. Responsible for taking photos and recording all activities of the family reunion celebrations. Educate and display family photos or historical family presentation at each family reunion. Submit yearly updates of each family reunion to the website Maintains official record of births, deaths, and family tree Parliamentarian/Secretary – Upholds and maintains order within all family meeting proceedings. Term = 4 Years, No Limit? Calls to order meetings and proceedings and ensures meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Provides necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requested at Family or Family Committee meetings. Maintain meetings in accordance with Family Reunion Bylaws and Guidelines. Take minutes of various meetings of the Family, and disseminate the minutes (as appropriate) in a timely manner. Make correspondence on behalf of the Family. Responsible for general record keeping of the Family. Maintain Family directories. Coordinate and/or prepare various reports of Family business and disseminate for review. 4 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Section 6b: Committees To ensure the perpetuation of the reunion, there will be several committees established and maintained to serve the family and ensure that important aspects of the reunion are maintained. Committee Chairperson Each committee shall have a chairperson, whose roles are outlined below. Roles of the Chairperson 1. To guide the committee in setting goals and objectives, and setting a yearly calendar of meeting times and activities so that the committee will reach the goals and objectives 2. To set meeting agendas, run meetings, and help the committee follow through on action items 3. To represent the committee in discussions with the Officers of the Family, and at the annual Family meeting. 4. To represent the committee to the Family 5. Ensure document revisions, if any, are made with Secretary Family Executive Committee Shall consist of officers and chairpersons of the Family; shall administer the business affairs of the Family. It shall have power in the interval between general meetings of the Family to act on all administrative matters on behalf of the Family. “Generation NEXT” Committee Will focus on engaging, mentoring, and empowering youth and young adult family members to stay and/or get involved. Responsible for advancing use of technology (i.e. website, social media, apps, push communications, etc.). Chairperson of “Generation NEXT” is an active member of the Family Committee. This will serve to keep Generation Next involved in sharing their ideas to enhance the family reunion; mentoring; and developing leadership skills. By-Laws Committee It is the responsibility of this committee to review the by-laws for the purpose of considering any additions and/or revisions for approval which may be deemed necessary and advisable for the Family. The committee is charged with preparing and revising the by-laws which shall provide the Family members with a detailed guideline for the accomplishment of their responsibilities, proper protocol, suggested methods and standard operating procedures. 5 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Family Fund/Trust Committee It is the responsibility of this committee to ensure the spirit and intent of the Grantor is carried out. 1. Carry out the expressed terms of the trust instrument 2. Defend the trust 3. Prudently seek ways to replenish and sustain the trust 4. Be impartial among beneficiaries 5. Account for actions and keep beneficiaries informed 6. Not be in a conflict of interest position 7. Administer in the best interest of the beneficiaries Section 7: Selection of Reunion Locations Any adult family member can nominate his/her home city and act as the host(ess) for a family reunion. Locations are generally selected three years in advance. A host(ess) may elect to switch with another location with the consent of the host(ess). Nominated Hosts may be disqualified or asked to Host under probationary assistance if previously put under warning for financial delinquency within the last 6 years. Financial delinquency includes chronic non-payment of dues and/or mishandling of Reunion funds, i.e. negative ending balance, while acting as Reunion Host (excluding incidents outside of the Host’s control). Tabled until next meeting. [SUGGESTED LANGUAGE] The annual Dave and Renda Johnson Family Reunion shall be held in a city at the request of any family member wishing to host a reunion. Locations of future reunions will be planned three years in advance. However, the member requesting the reunion the following year must be present or send a representative to the business meeting to confirm their intent to host the next reunion. In the event that more than one family member wants to host, the decision will be made by majority vote of the members present. The host is responsible for funding the reunion. The host shall determine the registration fee for attending the reunion. The host may hold sales and activities to generate revenue to fund the reunion. The reunion will not be responsible for deficits incurred by the host. 6 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Section 8: Requirements of a Johnson Family Reunion Activities may vary from one reunion to the next, however all activities will be up to the discretion of the host but must be inclusive of a family fellowship on Saturday and Sunday. These have traditionally included picnic, a prayer breakfast and a family dinner. Timing and schedule of these and other activities shall be at the discretion of the Host, bearing in mind best practices and the practical needs of the Reunion. Section 9: Disbursement of Funds Funds may be disbursed by the treasurer for high school and college graduations, deaths and weddings. Other funds may be disbursed by the treasurer with the approval of the Finance Committee. Relief funds for the annual Reunion may be distributed if a financial need is presented at the annual meeting. The amount and terms of the relief shall be determined by vote. Tabled until next meeting. [NEW LANGUAGE] Disbursement of Reunion dues Reunion dues shall be used for benevolent purposes. Immediate family members, (spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, children, and grandchildren) of members who have attended the reunion in the last three years. Absence due to illness or caring for an ill relative will be excused. A. B. C. D. Weddings Deaths High School Graduation Undergraduate Degree $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 Illness: A card may be sent to anyone on behalf of the family. Attendance is not a requirement. Note: Members of the family who do not attend the reunion will also receive condolences from the family. Section 10: Amendments The Bylaws may be amended at any reunion business meeting of the Family by a twothirds (2/3) vote of the members present. Proposed amendments should be submitted to the President in writing 2 months prior to the start of the business meeting. 7 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Notes and Pending Business: Section 1: Addition of duties for??? (DUTIES TO BE ASSIGNED IN BY-LAW MEETING) a. Recording of Best Practices and Lessons Learned. Vice President. Separate Project Committee b. Creation and maintenance of JFR Reunion Planning Handbook. Vice President Separate Project Committee. i. Task countdown timeline ii. Venue choices iii. Worship iv. Banquets v. Reunion paraphernalia vi. Mailings and communication 1. Timings 2. Methods vii. Discounts viii. Etc. Section 2: Family Crest/Symbol Received and will be used in Family correspondence and Family website. Section 3: Website Official URL: Maintenance: Tim Hopson - Interim Budget: Year 1 - $300 approximate. Section 4: “Generation NEXT” Committee Will focus on engaging, mentoring, and empowering youth and young adult family members to stay and/or get involved. Responsible for advancing use of technology (i.e. website, social media, apps, push communications, etc.). Chairperson of “Generation NEXT” is an active member of the Family Committee. This will serve to keep Generation Next involved in sharing their ideas to enhance the family reunion; mentoring; and developing leadership skills. 8 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Section 5: Dues All members 21 years of age or over. Specify the amount. $30 Who should pay? What are they used for??? Originally for benevolence. Consider publishing a list of dues payers year to year. Thermometer. Consider posting updates during the reunion weekend. Easy ways to pay. Website. Section 6: RC Ola Trust Fund – Use & Replenishment Policy Goal: Promote the annual reunion and to ensure its continuation *Promotion is defined as developing engagement and interest in both potential attendees and hosts Objectives: Promote host interest by creating “seed” monies to host committee to be used to for general annual reunion planning Promote attendee interest by providing “seed” monies to communications committees for communications and promotional materials Ensure the survival of assets belonging to the RC Ola Trust Fund Guidelines for Dissemination: Use of Host Funds: Funds shall be disseminated in the amount of $500 – annually in the January prior to that year’s reunion to the reunion host. Use of funds is at the discretion of the host committee, but it is encouraged that they be used for long lead planning items like early communications and event housing. Use of Communications Funds: Funds for any and all communications for the purposes of driving higher reunion attendance and/or reunion hosting may be request on an ad hoc basis. The funding amounts shall be granted at the discretion of the board but are not to exceed $100 annually, and must be approved by the Treasurer and President. Guidelines for Replenishment: Financial Tools: No less than 80% of the Trust shall be held in a low-risk, interest-bearing account or other financial instrument (as deemed by the Treasurer and President) and must be available for withdrawal, if needed, within 60 days prior to the January before the reunion. (example: if in a CD it must mature no later than November 1st and cannot be reinvest prior to January 1st) 9 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Host Contribution: The host committee are required to replenish no less than $250 to the Fund within 60 days after the reunion they have hosted. o Failure to repay these funds will result in a late fee of $25 after 30 days and beyond 60 days the host committee will be required to repay the full amount plus late fee ($25) and interest (prevailing rate) before attending or hosting another reunion. o This fee and repayment structure shall be revisited every 5 years, or in the instance that the fund has a major financial hardship or windfall. Miscellaneous Donation: along with the family reunion dues, a voluntary donation of no less than $5 will be requested at the annual meeting to aid in the funding of the RC Ola Trust. Wills & Trust: the board shall provide information and guidelines on how to remember the RC Ola fund in individuals will & trusts. Participation is voluntary. 10 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL APPENDIX A: Positions for Consideration The following positions and sub-committees are being proposed and if approved would be appointed by the President to support and carry out the mission of the “Family”. Legacy Emeritus – (Honorary Position) Have served as President of Family Reunion. Provides the family and Family Committee with wisdom and guidance. Serves as a mentor for Family Committee. Provides knowledge of family reunion history. Historian Assemble and preserves a record and materials pertinent to the history of the family and reunion. Responsible for taking/collecting photos, videos, and recording all activities of the family reunion celebrations. Educate and display family photos or historical family presentation at each family reunion. Submit yearly updates of each family reunion to the website Website Administrator (member of the Generation NEXT committee): Must be skilled and knowledgeable in maintaining the security of personal information on the reunion website Must ensure timely updates to website with current and accurate information. Area Regional Coordinators Reach out and stay in contact with family members (i.e. including year that reunion is not convening.) Contact area family members to keep current information and report any updates to Corresponding Secretary. Encourage family members to attend reunion events and pay dues. Make contact at regular intervals (i.e. once per quarter). “Generation NEXT” Committee Will focus on engaging, mentoring, and empowering youth and young adult family members to stay and/or get involved. Responsible for advancing use of technology (i.e. website, social media, apps, push communications, etc.). Chairperson of “Generation NEXT is an active member of the Family Committee. This will serve to keep Generation Next involved in sharing their ideas to enhance the family reunion; mentoring; and developing leadership skills. 11 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Spiritual Lead (Chaplain) Shall serve the Johnson Family Reunion whenever called upon by providing appropriate devotional services. Parliamentarian Be familiar with Robert Rules of Order Newly Revised for the governing of meetings. Provides necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requested at Family or Family Committee meetings. Maintain meetings in accordance with Family Reunion Bylaws and Guidelines. NOTE: Family Committee- is comprised of the officers of the Family Reunion and is responsible for drafting proposed Bylaws/Guidelines for review and approval by Family Reunion members. 12 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL APPENDIX B: Robert's Rules of Order – Simplified Version For Fair and Orderly Meetings Provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the whole group on the same footing and speaking the same language. The conduct of ALL business is controlled by the general will of the whole membership - the right of the deliberate majority to decide. Complementary is the right of at least a strong minority to require the majority to be deliberate - to act according to its considered judgment AFTER a full and fair "working through" of the issues involved. Robert's Rules provides for constructive and democratic meetings, to help, not hinder, the business of the Family. Under no circumstances should "undue strictness" be allowed to intimidate members or limit full participation Guiding Principles: Everyone has the right to participate in discussion if they wish, before anyone may speak a second time. Everyone has the right to know what is going on at all times. Only urgent matters may interrupt a speaker. Only one thing (motion) can be discussed at a time. A motion is the topic under discussion (e.g., “I move that we add a coffee break to this meeting”). After being recognized by the President, any member can introduce a motion when no other motion is on the table. A motion requires a second to be considered. Each motion must be disposed of (passed, defeated, tabled, referred to committee, or postponed indefinitely). The Rules: You want to bring up a new idea before the group. After recognition by the president of the board, present your motion. A second is required for the motion to go to the floor for discussion, or consideration. You want to change some of the wording in a motion under discussion. After recognition by the president of the board, move to amend by 1. adding words, 2. striking words or 3. striking and inserting words. 13 JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION By-Laws AUGUST 2013 DRAFT PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL You like the idea of a motion being discussed, but you need to reword it beyond simple word changes. Move to substitute your motion for the original motion. If it is seconded, discussion will continue on both motions and eventually the body will vote on which motion they prefer. You want more study and/or investigation given to the idea being discussed. Move to refer to a committee. Try to be specific as to the charge to the committee. You want more time personally to study the proposal being discussed. Move to postpone to a definite time or date. You are tired of the current discussion. Move to limit debate to a set period of time or to a set number of speakers. Requires a 2/3rds vote. You have heard enough discussion. Move to close the debate. Requires a 2/3rds vote. Or move to previous question. This cuts off discussion and brings the assembly to a vote on the pending question only. Requires a 2/3rds vote. You want to postpone a motion until some later time. Move to table the motion. The motion may be taken from the table after 1 item of business has been conducted. If the motion is not taken from the table by the end of the next meeting, it is dead. To kill a motion at the time it is tabled requires a 2/3rds vote. A majority is required to table a motion without killing it. 14