McMurran1 Desmond Mcmurran K. mount English 11 2 March 2016 Topic; NFL Players 1. Are professional football athletes overpaid? Personally I think football players in the NFL are not overpaid. Players deserve a high salary because they are the best football players in the world; they worked hard for that money. SO I don’t think the athletes of today aren’t overpaid because they deserve it. 2. Should NFL athletes be fined for hitting person to hard or giving him a concussion? This is the most ignorant thing I had ever heard of in sports. The NFL is meant to be a hard hitting sport. If you don’t want to take the contact the n don’t play the game. Back in the day they didn’t have any rules, now days the littlest hit you get fined for. The NFL has taken the hard hitting out of the game because the players are worried about getting fined for making a big hit. 3. Should performance enhancing drugs (such as steroids) be allowed during sports? This is an easy issue. Nobody in professional sports should be allowed to or be able to take steroids or any type of drug that makes you bigger, faster, stronger. Its really a crime to me because you got people out their working hard in the weight room and depending on their natural ability and then you got drug users who cheats their way out of the doing any work; its very unethical. McMurran1