Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Curriculum Vitae , October, 2011 Anastasia Gorodzeisky, PhD Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Charlotte B. and Jack J. Spitzer Department of Social Work Email: Research Interests Discriminatory attitudes and prejudice (with focus on out-group populations) Global labor migration and immigration Cross-national comparative sociology Research methods Education 2003-2008 Ph.D. Sociology, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Title of Dissertation: “Exploring the Sources and the Social Mechanisms Underlying the Emergence of Discriminatory Attitudes toward Foreign Workers Israel” Supervisors: Moshe Semyonov and Noah Lewin-Epstein 2001-2003 Professional Courses: Training Moderators, School for Advanced Studies, Kibutzzim College, Israel 1997-2001 M.A. Sociology and Anthropology, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 1995 B.A. Journalism, Ural State University, Russia Employment History in Research and Teaching 2011-present Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 2008-2011 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, Juan March Institute, Madrid, Spain 2007-2008 Instructor (Introduction to Computer Science: Data Analysis with SPSS), Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 2004-2008 Research Assistant, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 2001-2007 Evaluator of Social and Educational Programs, the Price-Brodie Initiative in Jaffa, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 2001-2003 Instructor (Sociology), Open University, Israel 2000-2001 Constructing samples, instructing of interviewers, operation of computer’s programs for telephone survey, B.I. and L. Cohen Institute for Public Opinion Research, Tel Aviv University 2000-2003 Group Moderator/Instructor (for topics: Cultural Differences; Personal, Jewish and Israeli Identity; Democracy and Freedom; Moderating Heterogeneous Groups), Jewish Agency for Israel and BINA Center for Center for Jewish Identity and Hebrew Culture. 1998-2001 Research and Teaching Assistant (for courses: Introduction to Statistics, Introduction to Research Methods, Quantitative Data Analysis, Advanced Quantitative Research Methods), Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 1 Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Curriculum Vitae , October, 2011 Awards 2010 2008 2005-2008 2005 Israel Social Science Data Center (Hebrew University) award for research paper. (The prize was given for “Two Dimensions to Immigrants’ Economic Incorporation: Soviet Immigrants in the Israeli Labour Market” article). ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC-28) Travel Award, Florence, Italy Pollack Scholarship Program for Excellence (PhD studies) Dean's Achievements Award, Tel-Aviv University Scientific Publications Articles in peer reviewed journals: Gorodzeisky, A and M. Semyonov. 2011. “Two Dimensions to Immigrants’ Economic Incorporation: Soviet Immigrants in the Israeli Labour Market”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 3, pp. 10591077. *The 2010 annual prize for research paper by the Israel Social Science Data Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem Gorodzeisky. A. 2011. “Who are the Europeans that Europeans Prefer? Economic conditions and Exclusionary views toward European immigrants” International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 52, pp. 100-113. Gorodzeisky, A. 2011. “Focus Groups as a Tool in the Construction of Questionnaires: The Case of Discriminatory Attitudes”, Quality & Quantity, 45, pp. 1217-1231 Gorodzeisky, A. and M. Semyonov. 2009. “Terms of Exclusion: Public Views toward Admission and Allocation of Rights to Immigrants in European Countries”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35, pp. 401423. Semyonov, M. and A. Gorodzeisky. 2008. “Labor Migration, Remittances and Economic Well-being of Households in the Philippines”, Population Research and Policy Review, 27, pp. 619-637. Semyonov M., Raijman R. and A. Gorodzeisky. 2008. “Foreigners' Impact on European Societies: Public Views and Perceptions in a Cross-National Comparative Perspective”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49, pp.5-29. *Ranked 4th among IJCS Most-Cited Articles as of May 1, 2011 Semyonov M., Raijman R. and A. Gorodzeisky. 2007. “On the Relations between Right Wing Parties and Anti-Foreigner Sentiment”, (Reply to Wilkes, Guppy and Farris), American Sociological Review, 72, pp. 841-849. Semyonov, M. Raijman R. and A. Gorodzeisky. 2006. “The Rise in Anti-foreigner Sentiment in European Societies, 1988-2000”, American Sociological Review, 71, pp. 426-449. *The article has been selected by Essential Science IndicatorsSM from Thomson Reuters as the most-cited paper in general research area of Social Sciences (2011) . Semyonov, M. and A. Gorodzeisky. 2005. "Labor Migration, Remittances and Household's Income: A Comparison between Filipino and Filipina Overseas Workers", International Migration Review, 39, pp. 45-68. *Included in: Adams, de Haas and Ukonkwo (eds) April 2009, Web Anthology on Migrant Remittances and Development: Research Perspective. Social Science Research Council. Semyonov, M. and A. Gorodzeisky. 2004. “Occupational Destination and Economic Mobility of Filipino Overseas Workers”, International Migration Review, 38, pp. 5-26. 2 Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Curriculum Vitae , October, 2011 Chapters in books: Semyonov, M. and A. Gorodzeisky . 2011. “The Ways Europeans View Foreigners’ Impact on Society: A Cross-National Comparison” in C. Herring (ed.) Combating Racism and Xenophobia: Transatlantic and International Perspectives, Institute of Government and Public Affairs. Spiro, S. E. and A. Gorodzeisky. 2010. “Evaluation of Heterogenic and Complicated Projects” in M.Rozalis and R. Savaya (eds.) Issues in Evaluation in Israel. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Press (in Hebrew). Gorodzeisky, A. and S. E. Spiro. 2005. “The University in the Community: The Price-Brodie Initiative in Jaffa” in D. Nahmias and G. Menahem (eds.) Tel-Aviv –Jaffa Studies: Social Processes and Public Policy, volume 3, pp. 225-248. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press. (in Hebrew). Guest editorship: Gorodzeisky, A and M. Semyonov (guest editors). 2011. Special Issue: Immigration International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Other publications: Gorodzeisky, A. and M. Semyonov “Introduction: Special Issue on Immigration”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 52, pp. 3-5. Gorodzeisky, A, and M. Semyonov 2011. “Occupational Incorporation of Immigrants in Western European Countries”. Working papers series, 2011/255, January, 2011, Juan March Institute. Presentations on Scientific Conferences (last four years) March, 2011 “Occupational Incorporation of Immigrants in Western European Countries”. The paper was presented at the Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, Washington, USA. October, 2010 “Occupational Incorporation of Immigrants in Western European Countries”. The paper was presented at “The Sources of Inequality around the Globe” conference at Juan march Institute, Madrid, Spain July, 2010 “Occupational Incorporation of Immigrants in Western European Countries”. The paper was presented at the “New Migrations, New Challenges: Trinity Immigration Initiative” International Conference, Dublin, Ireland July, 2010 “Trade Unions and Migrant Workers in Western Europe”. The paper was presented at the “New Migrations, New Challenges: Trinity Immigration Initiative” International Conference, Dublin, Ireland June, 2010. “Occupational Incorporation of Immigrants in Western European Countries”. The paper was presented at the Ruppin International Conference On Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic College, Israel. May 2010. “Two Dimensions to Immigrants’ Economic Incorporation: Soviet Immigrants in the Israeli Labour Market” The paper was presented at the at the meeting of the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC-28), Haifa, Israel. April 2010. “Two Dimensions to Immigrants’ Economic Incorporation: Soviet Immigrants in the Israeli Labour Market” The paper was presented at the Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, Dallas, USA. 3 Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Curriculum Vitae , October, 2011 December 2009. “Who are the Europeans that Europeans Prefer? Economic conditions and Exclusionary views”. The paper was presented at the conference of European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR), Paris, France. October 2009. “Social Mechanisms Underlying the Emergence of Exclusionary Attitudes toward Minorities: The Case of Foreign Workers in Israel”. The paper was presented at the ‘Immigrants’ Economic Incorporation, Spatial Segregation and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments’ conference at Juan March Institute, Madrid, Spain June 2009. “Who are the Europeans that Europeans Prefer? Economic conditions and Exclusionary views”. The paper was presented at the III workshop of the INSIDE (Insights into Immigration and Development) project, Barcelona, Spain. May 2009. “Social Mechanisms Underlying the Emergence of Exclusionary Attitudes toward Minorities: The Case of Foreign Workers in Israel”. The paper was presented at the meeting of the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC-28), Beijing, China. November 2008. “Social Mechanisms Underlying the Emergence of Exclusionary Attitudes toward Minorities: The Case of Foreign Workers in Israel”. The paper was presented at the 29th GIF (German Israel Foundation for Scientific Research and Development) meeting on Understanding Contemporary Migration: Challenges to Society, Kibbutz Tsuba, Israel September 2008. “Terms of Exclusion: Public Views on Admission and Allocation of Rights to Immigrants in European Countries”. The paper was presented at the First ISA Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spain. May 2008. “Terms of Exclusion: Public Views on Admission and Allocation of Rights to Immigrants in European Countries”. The paper was presented at the meeting of the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC-28), Florence, Italy. Reviewer for: American Sociological Review; British Journal of Sociology; Comparative Political Studies; European Sociological Review; Feminist Economics; International Migration Review; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS); Journal of Word-Systems Research; Political Psychology; Social Forces; Social Problems; Social Science Research. Membership: Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility of the International Sociological Association Population Association of America INSIDE (Insights on Immigration and Development Economics) - Spain Project. Other academic experience: Conference organizer: October, 2009. “Immigrants’ Incorporation, Spatial Segregation and Anti-foreign Sentiments” at Juan March Institute, Madrid, Spain October, 2010. “The Sources of Inequality across the Globe” at Juan March Institute, Madrid, Spain 4