The Augustine and Culture Villanova Seminar

The Augustine and Culture Seminar (ACS 1001)
Modernity and Its Discontents: Spring 2011
Dr. Nancy Kelley
Office Hours:
VU phone:
Home phone:
By appointment any day but Thursday
#166 SAC
610-527-3196 (before 9:30 PM if possible)
Welcome back to your second semester! I am truly thrilled to be your professor for the second
time as I believe that it provides us with a rich opportunity to become an even better community
of learners, which we clearly have already done well in the first semester. Our second semester
together offers you the chance to be the driver and the planner of your own education, rather than
have I be the one telling you what you must do. So, I hope that you enjoy this rare chance to be
the designer of the topics and the due dates of your work!
Theme for this semester:
You say you want to start a revolution… John Lennon and the Beatles
The focus of ACS this semester is on those people and times that produced historic changes in the
world. As students in the Leadership Learning Community, let’s examine these revolutionary
people, their characteristics, their ideas, and their times, and uncover how certain seemingly
ordinary people become such extraordinary voices for change, for genuine revolution in the way
we think and act.
Required Texts and Materials for this course:
Kelley, Nancy, ed. Leading with the Heart, Villanova University, 2011. As
you know from last semester, this text can only be purchase in our bookstore.
No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy [ISBN 978-0-307-38713-4]
The Freedom of a Christian by Martin Luther [ISBN 978-0-8006-6311-7]
Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry [ISBN 59376-036-1
A Plastic Folder to store all of your texts and notes, etc., for your final portfolio
Revision Policy
This semester you will only be permitted to revise ONE paper, and that revision must be
submitted within two weeks of the paper’s return to you.. While you can revise only one paper, I
am willing to give you a full edit of any paper if you submit it to me four days before it is due.
Any paper submitted for the April 23rd due date cannot be revised because there is not sufficient
time to do so.
Academic Integrity
Our integrity is at the heart of all we do. I believe that all students will be honest. Please don’t
violate my trust, especially as we use some secondary sources this semester. Any form of
cheating, plagiarism, or academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely. If you have any
questions about whether any of your work is in question, don’t guess. See me!!
Snow and Ice Policy: I am genuinely terrified of driving on snow and ice. If the University
cancels the 9:30 class, I will not drive to campus for the 10:30 class.
Grading System for Modernity and Its Discontents
Written Work
______ 60%
This semester you are can write either: (1) two papers: one research paper and either a
creative or analytical paper, OR (2) you can choose NOT to write a research paper and to
submit three papers: an analytical, creative and personal paper. While the points for some of
these papers “float” depending on the number and type of papers you submit, I will inform
you of the points assigned for each paper when I return your “MY Current ACS Plan” to you
on Wednesday, January 19th. No matter how many papers you submit, you are required to
submit these papers on the following dates:
January 31st
February 25th
March 28th
April 15th
You cannot submit two papers on the same date. Each paper must be on a separate topic
from the other one or two papers.
Research paper (8-12 pages)
______ (27- 40%)
Based on the topics we study, you select a topic that you want to research and
submit both it and a list of your sources to me three weeks prior to the paper’s due date.
Sources must be balanced between print and electronic. You MUST get a Library Search
Certificate signed by a librarian to be submitted with your sources. Please note: All
electronic and print sources (copies of pages cited), notes, outlines, peer edits, etc. must be
submitted with the paper in order to receive full credit. Depending on the type of the second
paper you submit, this paper’s worth is between 27-40 %.
Analytical paper (5-6 pages)
_____ (25 %)
Based on the topics we study, you select an analytical topic that you want to write
about and submit it to me 7 days prior to the paper’s due date. Additional sources are not
necessary for this paper, but one or two might be helpful. Such sources, if used, must be
balanced between print and electronic. All notes, outlines, peer edits, etc. must be submitted
with the paper in order to receive full credit.
Creative paper (at least 5 pages)
______ (15%)
Based on the topics we study, you select a creative topic that you want to write
about and submit it to me 7 days prior to the paper’s due date. Additional sources are not
necessary for this paper, but substantial reference must be made to the readings or events
done for the topic and the class discussions on it. Other sources, if used, must be balanced
between print and electronic. All notes, outlines, peer edits, etc. must be submitted with the
paper in order to receive full credit.
Personal reflection paper (at least 5 pages)
______ (12%)
Based on the topics we study, you write a personal reflection on a specific
subject as it relates to your individual experience with it. Additional sources are not necessary
for this paper, but substantial reference must be made to the readings or events done for the
topic and the class discussions on it. All notes, outlines, peer edits, etc. must be submitted
with the paper in order to receive full credit.
Cultural events
______ (8 -12%)
As you know from last semester, I strongly believe that your college education takes
place as much outside of our classroom almost as much as it does in our classroom. But, I
recognize that you may not share that belief. So, this semester you get to set the number of
co-curricular events you attend. So, look over the ACS poster and select those events which
you appeal to you, attend them, and then submit at least a 3-4 page critical review of why you
choose these events and whether attending these events added any value to your education.
HI hope that by now you fully trust that I want your honest opinion and a good defense of
your position, even if I don’t agree with it, can earn you an “A.”
There will, however, be TWO MANDATORY out of class events for which you will
have a “free class day” for attending. The first is on Tuesday, January 18th at 7:00 PM in
Driscoll Hall and the second is on Sunday, April 17th at 2:00 PM at Vasey Theater. The
“free class days” are Monday, February 7th and Wednesday, April 20th.
II. Oral Work
______ (25%)
Class Participation
______ (15%)
Last, but certainly not least! By this semester, you also know how much hearing your
voice matters to me. Many of you have promised me that you will be much more
engaged, so I am particularly eager to hear your voice. To get full credit here, you need to
be present for class, speak thoughtfully and often, and always connect your comments to
the text and, when appropriate, to your classmates’ comments as well. Check with me at
any time to get a “read” on your participation.
Another option for extra credit for your class participation this semester is to write two or
more interesting letters to Chuck Zehring, an inmate at Graterford Prison, about
something we have discussed in class. You can give this letter to me to mail for you. I
guarantee you that Chuck will write a fascinating letter back to you!
Class Presentation
______ (10%)
You and 3-4 other students must select one of the presentations listed below and plan a
50 minute class which must include a reading assignment, which I must approve seven
days before the presentation, and this reading must come from a “library” source
(meaning a sophisticated source, not a popular magazine or non-scholarly web site).
This reading must be given to the class three days before the day of the class
presentation; you also should have handouts, and visual and/or auditory aspects to your
presentation, as well as produce a lively engagement about your topic in the class. You
must submit your print and electronic sources for this presentation to me at least seven
days before the presentation. Your choices are:
American Music 1950-1990 : There are three possible group
presentations on (F) February 4th, (F) March 18th and (M) April 4th.
Topics include the “revolutions” during these years in classical, jazz,
blues, folk, rock n’ roll, or hip-hop music.
Technology and Community: Friend or Foe (M, April 18th)
III. Final Exam
_______ (15%)
This semester we are working on your careful and analytical reading of our texts and how
that reading can inform and enrich your participation to our class discussions. Thus, the
first and most significant part of your final exam is to submit a” portfolio” on
Wednesday, April 27th, of your four semester texts and any other assigned readings with
their highlighting and marginal notes, including any additional notes you may have taken
on these readings before we discussed these readings in class.
The second part of the final exam is to schedule an individual 20 minute meeting with me
during Monday May 2nd to Wednesday 4th to review these readings and YOUR goals for
your performance this semester as stated in your response to my Fall semester evaluation
and in our goal-setting meeting in January 2011. Please don’t purchase plane tickets or
make arrangements to go home before May 4th!
Syllabus for ACS 1001 – Spring ‘11
Jan. 10-14
Jan. 17-21
Jan. 24-28
Jan. 31-Feb. 4
Feb. 7-11
Feb. 14-18
Opening class, introduction to Modernity and syllabus expectations (M)
Final questions on syllabus and discussion of Dylan (W)
Begin discussion of NCfOM (F)
Complete YOUR Plan for ACS this semester by Friday, 1/14
Schedule a goal setting meeting with me before 1/29
Read Dylan selection from Chronicles on Web CT for 1/12
Read NCfOM pp. 1-91for 1/14
No class on the 17th; consider doing some service work
Continue discussion of NCfOM (W and F)
Read pp. 92-197 for 1/19 and pp. 198-309 for 1/21
MANDATORY attendance at the lecture on Cormac McCarthy on
Tuesday, January 18th at 7:00 PM
Come see the movie No Country for Old Men in Driscoll Hall on Sunday
evening the 23rd at 7:30 PM
Start work for paper due January 31st
Discussion of No Country for Old Men, the book and the movie (M)
Introduction of the Reformation and discussion of Luther (W)
Begin discussion of Luther (F)
Read Luther’s Letter to Leo X in Freedom of a Christian (pp. XX-YY) for 1/26
and pp. XX-YY for 1/28
Read The Freedom of a Christian (pp .XX-YY) for 1/31
Finish paper for 1/31
Discuss Luther and the Reformation (M, W)
Class presentation on music (F)
Read The Freedom of a Christian (pp. XX-YY) for 2/2
Read article on American music for 2/7
Miss the 31st date? Start early now and begin work on paper due 2/25
NO CLASS MONDAY in lieu of attending McCarthy lecture on 1/18
Discuss Galileo and the Church (M)
Falvey Library presentation (F)
Read Galileo’s letter on Web CT for 2/9
Don’t go on Spring Break without a paper submitted! Begin work on the paper
due 2/25
Presentation on the Enlightenment (M)
Begin discussion of Paine (W, F)
Feb. 21-25
Read Paine pp. XX-YY for 2/16’ pp. XX-YY for 2/18
Read Jefferson pp. XX-YY for 2/21
Continue work on paper due 2/25
Discussion of Jefferson (MWF)
Read Jefferson pp. XX=YY for 2/23; pp. XX-YY for 2/25
Finish paper for submission for 2/25
Read Franklin’s Autobiography
~~~ February 28th MARCH 4th
Mar. 7-11
Mar 14-18
Mar. 21-25
Mar. 28- April 1
Discussion of Franklin (MWF)
Read Franklin’s Autobiography pp. XX-YY for 3/9: pp. XX-YY for 3/11; pp.
XX-YY for 3/14
Begin work on paper due 3/28
Finish discussion of Franklin (M)
Discuss Darwin (W)
Presentation on Music (F)
Readings on selection from Darwin’s Autobiography on Web CT due 3/16
Read article on American music for 3/18
Readings by Garrison pp. XX-YY due 3/21
Continue work on paper due 3/28
Discuss Fitzhugh’s views on slavery (M)
Discuss Garrison’s views on slavery (W)
Discuss Lee’ letters (F)
Readings by Fitzhugh pp. XX-YY due 3/23
Readings by Lee pp. XX-YY due 3/25
Readings by Lincoln pp. XX-YY due 3/28
Finish work on paper due March 28th
Discussion of Lincoln (MWF)
Readings on Lincoln pp. XX-YY due 3/30: pp. xx-YY due 4/1
Read article on American music for 4/4
Begin work on final paper due April 15th
April 4-8
Presentation on Music (M)
Begin discussion of Hannah Coulter (WF)
Read p.3-104 in Hannah Coulter for 4/6
Read p.105-145 in Hannah Coulter for 4/11
Continue work on final paper due 4/15th
~~~ OPTIONAL TRIP to GETTYSBURG Friday-Saturday, April 8th and 9th ~~~
April 11-15
April 18-20th
Discussion of Hannah Coulter (MW)
Discussion of Thich NhatTanh selection (F)
Read p.145-186 in Hannah Coulter for 4/13
Read Thich Nhat Tanh selection from Living Buddha, Living Christ on Web CT
due 4/15
Read article on Technology and Community for 4/18
Finish work on final paper due 4/15th
MANDATORY attendance at musical Bat Boy at Vasey Theater at 2:00 PM
on Sunday 4/17
Presentation on Technology and Community (M)
NO CLASS WEDNESDAY in lieu of attending Bat Boy on 4/17
Begin to prepare your final portfolio on your “Louvre look” readings
~~~ April 20 – 26th Easter Break ~~~
April 26-27
May 2nd - 4th
Discuss lessons learned on leadership and life from “Modernity and Its
Discontents;” administer CATS (T)
Finish preparing your final portfolio or readings for April 27th and schedule your
individual interview for May 2nd-4th
Individual oral exams (20 minutes)
My Current Plan for MY ACS Course*
*This plan can be revised by YOU, but if you do revise it, you must submit your
updated plan to Dr. Kelley or you are held to the dates listed here.
Name: _____________________________________________ Date:_______________
Two or Three Papers (60%):
 Research (27-40% - a good idea but not required)
Topic: _____________________________
Date for research to be submitted:
Date for final paper to be submitted: __________________
Analytical Paper (25%)
Topic: _____________________________
Date for topic to be submitted:
Date for final paper to be submitted: __________________
Creative (15%)
Topic: _____________________________
Date for topic to be submitted:
Date for final paper to be submitted: __________________
Personal Reflection (12%)
Topic: _____________________________
Date: __________________
Co-Curricular Events Paper (8%)
Date: _________________________
Presentation (15%):
Topic: _____________________________
Date for research to be submitted: __________________
Date for presentation: __________________
Partners: _____________________________________________
____ I plan to write two letters to Chuck Zehring at Graterford Prison before April 4th to add
points to my class participation grade.
ACS 1001 Modernity and Its Discontents Grade Sheet
Name: _____________________________________________
_____ (60%)
Research (27-40%)
Topic: _____________________________
Analytical (25%)
Topic: _____________________________
Creative (15%)
Topic: _____________________________
Personal Reflection (12%)
Topic: _____________________________
Cultural Events (8%)
II. Presentation
_____ (10%)
Topic: _____________________________
III. Class Participation
_____ (15%)
Optional Letter to Chuck Zehring at Graterford Prison _____
IV. Final Exam
Absence ____
Lateness ____
_____ (15%)