Text Questions for Unit IV: Chapter 15 The Maritime Revolution Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. One: Global Maritime Expansion Before 1450 What was the global significance of Magellan’s voyage? What was the only area of maritime trade that was most successful? What evidence exist that the Pacific islands were settled by Polynesian mariners? What evidence exist that Polynesian people settled Madagascar? What gave the Indian Ocean trade a boost? How did it give the trade a boost? What efforts did the Ming Dynasty take to expand its contacts with others? Who was Zheng He and what was his significance? What efforts did east Africa make in reaching out? Why did China drop out of the Indian Ocean and what was the effect? What areas did the Vikings settle? What movement took place in the Americas? Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Two: European Expansion 1400 – 1550 What was the effect of the Spanish and Portuguese explorations? What two motivations pushed the Iberian Peninsula governments to explore? What four trends were seen in Western Europe since 1000 CE? What people led exploration of the seas? Why didn’t Italy take the lead in Atlantic exploration? What effect did Portugal’s war with Morocco have? What impact did Prince Henry have on exploration? What two inventions did the mariners use that came from elsewhere? What innovations did the Portuguese have in ships? What “discovery” did Prince Henry make returning to Portugal and what future impact did that have? What was the Order of Christ? What two products made exploration profitable for the Portuguese? What did Dias, DeGama, and Cabral do? What reasons are given for Spain’s lack of interest in exploration at first? How did Spain and Portugal resolve territorial disputes in the New World? What did Balboa do? What were the consequences of Columbus’s voyages? Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Three: Encounters with Europe 1450-1550 Why did West Africans welcome the European explorers and traders? Explain what was exchanged between Portugal and West Africa. Why were Muslims in East Africa distrustful of the explorers? How did Portugal gain control over the Indian Ocean? How did Portugal set up coastal trading ports? What was the significance of the trading post at Macao? What requirements did the Portuguese establish for Indian Ocean vessals? What were the reactions of the Mughals? Ottomans? And smaller trading states? What effect did Portugal have on the Indian Ocean trade for Europe? For Asia? What happened to the Arawak? Explain Cortez’ conquest of the Aztecs. Explain Pizarro’s conquest of the Incas. What was the most deadly weapon brought by the Europeans? Explain in detail the three reasons why Europe dominated the New World so much over Africa. What effect did European colonization have for the future? Unit IV Text Questions: Chapter 16 Transformations in Europe, 1500-1750 Section One: Culture and Ideas 1. What were Le Roy’s three top technological innovations? 2. What was one invention that had the biggest impact of all? 3. In what ways was the Church gaining both stature but also suffering from decay? 4. What was the significance of indulgences? 5. What was Martin Luther’s argument against indulgences? 6. What was the Protestant Reformation? 7. Explain the theological differences Luther had with the Church. 8. How did the printing press assist Luther’s cause? 9. Who was John Calvin and explain his theological teachings. 10. Explain how these religious movements were also tied to social and political circumstances. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. What did the Catholic Church do in a reaction to these challenges? In what ways were Europeans beliefs syncretinized between Christianity and the environment? What explanations are given for the witch hunts? Explain how the Renaissance connected to the past in the Scientific Revolution. What were Copernicus’ theories? What were some of the discoveries of the Scientific Revolution? What was the Enlightenment? What were some of the common beliefs of the Enlightenment? Section Two: Social and Economic Life 1. What is the generalized view of the European social structure? 2. What was the principal means of social mobility? The secondary? 3. Where did the growth of the cities come from? 4. What name was given to the businessmen? 5. What city was the commerce capitol of Europe? 6. In what areas did the Dutch excel in? 7. Explain how joint stock companies operate. 8. Who were the gentry? 9. Explain the rise of serfdom in Eastern Europe. 10. What new crops helped the poor? 11. What other jobs were open for the poor? Why? What were the results? 12. Explain why coal became used for fuel? 13. Explain why deforestation was bad for the poor? 14. What were the defining factors for women’s positions? 15. What reasons are given for the delay in marriage? And what effects did this have? 16. What were some of the contrasts given for women in Europe to women elsewhere? Section Three: Political Innovations 1. What impact did the emperors have on Europe? 2. Explain the make-up of the political state of Europe. 3. Explain the rise of Charles V to power and what he hope to accomplish. 4. Explain why Charles’s victory over the Ottomans at Vienna was a hollow victory. 5. What prevented German unification? 6. Why did Spain, France, and England have greater success at unification? 7. What role did the Spanish inquisition play in solidifying power in Spain? 8. Explain the conflict in France over the king and religion. 9. Explain the conflict in England over the king and religion. 10. Explain the origins of the English Civil War. 11. What precipitated the Glorious Revolution of 1868? 12. What were the effects of the constant wars fought by European powers? 13. Explain where England’s military power rested. 14. The defeat of France’s attempt to build empires resulted in what? 15. What were the four branches of Christianity observed among the great powers in Europe? 16. Explain the decline of the Spanish Empire. 17. Explain the rise of the Netherlands as a political and economic power. 18. What revolutions were taking place in Europe during this time period? 19. A growing Europe was a study in contradictions, explain how. 20. Explain how a growing Europe fits into the global context. Unit IV Text Questions: Chapter 17 The Diversity of American Colonial Societies, 1530-1770 Section One: The Columbian Exchange 1. What was the Columbian Exchange? 2. What impact did disease have on the various peoples of Latin America? 3. What was the most deadly disease? What other diseases arrived? 4. What brought over the deadliest form of malaria? 5. What diseases killed Europeans also? 6. What crops were brought over from Europe, Asia, and Africa? 7. What crops were taken back to the Old World? 8. What animals were brought over by the Europeans? What impact did they have? 9. What impact did the horse have on American peoples? Section Two: Spanish America and Brazil 1. What lands were under control of the Spanish? Portuguese? 2. How did native culture continue? 3. Explain the importance of the Council of the Indies of 1524. 4. Who had the most power in New Spain? 5. What areas were under the control of the Viceroyalty of New Spain? Of Peru? 6. Explain the structure of the viceroyalty? 7. Explain how Portugal established control over its New World colony. 8. What was the primary method of introducing Christianity to the people? 9. Using the map, what products were gained from new world? 10. Using the map, What four viceroyalties did Spain have and where were they located? 11. Using the map, what area in South America was not under Spain or Portugal rule? 12. Who was Bartolome de Las Cases and what impact did he have? 13. Explain how Christianity and native beliefs synthesized together. 14. What dominated the economic development of colonial Latin America? 15. How did silver impact Latin America? 16. What was the encomienda? the mita? 17. What crop came to dominate Latin America? What led to importation of African slaves? 18. Explain how silver impacted world trade. 19. Explain in detail the social structure of colonial Latin America and the roles each played in it. 20. Explain what slavery was like in the New World. 21. Who were the mestizos, mulattos, and castas? Section Three: English and French Colonies in North America 1. What proved crucial to the development of all four colonial empires? 2. What differences existed between North American colonial development and Latin American? 3. What early attempts were made by the English to colonize? 4. What impact did Ireland have on English colonization? 5. Explain the role of the Virginia Company in colonization. 6. Explain in detail the English means of forced labor. 7. How did indentured servitude impact English colonization? 8. What early forms of government were found? 9. What was the impact of colonization on the indigenous peoples? 10. Explain the differences in the economies of various regions of the area. 11. Explain the social structure in colonial South Carolina. 12. Who were some of the early settlers to New England? Why did the come? 13. Explain the political structures found in New England. 14. How did New England differ from the southern economy? 15. What role did the Middle Atlantic region play in the development of the English colonies? Explain in detail 16. Who was James Cartier and what role did he play in French colonialism? 17. Explain the role of and the process France used in colonizing North America in detail. Section Four: Colonial Expansion and Conflict 1. What efforts were taken by colonial governments to strengthen themselves? 2. What reforms did Philip V undertake in regards to its colonies? 3. In what ways did the Spanish government contribute to its decline? 4. Who was Tupac Amaru II and what impact did he have in Peru? 5. Explain the efforts and results of England trying to reform and reorganize its colonies. Unit IV Text Questions Chapter 18: The Atlantic System and Africa, 1550-1800 Section One: Plantations in the West Indies 1. What three things made the Caribbean a major center of the Atlantic economy? 2. Explain what effects did chartered companies have on the New World. 3. How did the introduction of sugar cane changed the labor structure in the New World? 4. Explain the impact of the Dutch West India Company on the New World. 5. What was a momentous turning point in the history of the Atlantic economy? 6. By 1700, what area had surpassed Brazil as a sugar producer? 7. What did a sharp rise in sugar plantations involve? 8. Using the chart, where did most slaves arrive in the New World? 9. Why did plantation owners switch to slave labor? 10. What is the third to the last word in this section? Section Two: Plantation Life in the Eighteenth Century 1. Who took Jamaica from the Spanish? 2. What area did France seize for sugar? What is its current name? 3. EXPLAIN the sugar cultivation process. 4. Why did plantations increase in size? 5. In what two ways was sugar cultivation damaging to the environment? 6. What changes took place in the Caribbean in regards to flora and fauna, as well as people? 7. During the 18th century, ____% of the population were slaves. 8. Explain the roles that slaves took on in the Caribbean plantations. 9. Explain what the life of a slave was like in various areas. 10. What was the greatest killer of slaves? 11. How many died during seasoning? 12. Why did European try to end African heritage among the slaves? 13. What were the three groups of free people? 14. In what areas were free blacks more numerous? 15. Who were the maroons? Section Three: Creating the Atlantic Economy 1. The success of the Atlantic economy owe much to what? 2. What is capitalism? 3. How did capitalism influence the Atlantic trade? 4. Explain how joint stock companies affected the Atlantic trade. 5. How did mercantilism affect the Atlantic trade? 6. What in the world is mercantilism by the way? 7. What effect did chartered companies have on the Atlantic trade? 8. How were the Dutch driven out of the area? 9. What three countries found the Atlantic trade most important? 10. What was the only country that found Asian trade of greater importance? 11. What is the Atlantic circuit? 12. What was the first leg and what was traded/shipped? 13. What was the Middle Passage and what was traded/shipped? 14. What was traded/shipped on the third leg? 15. What was the “Triangular Trade”? 16. During the first 150 years after the European discovery of the New World, how many slaves were taken? 17. Between 1650 and 1800, how many were taken? Section Four: Africa, the Atlantic, and Islam 1. What were the Africans greatest demands from the Europeans? 2. Explain the role of the Oyo kingdom in the slave trade. 3. What two areas did European powers establish colonial beachheads? 4. Who controlled North Africa? 5. Until 1590, what was the geographic barrier that prevented invasion into Africa from the north? 6. Explain in detail the rise of Songhai and Morocco in the African trading economy. 7. Most slaves in the Islamic world were what? 8. To what extent had Islam and Christianity moved into Africa? 9. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL the impact of the slave trade on Africa. 10. What is the twentieth letter from the end of the conclusion? Unit IV Text Questions Chapter 19: Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750 Section One: The Ottoman Empire to 1750 1. Who stood in the way of the Ottomans from attacking Iran from the north? 2. What large Islamic Empire arose during this time period? Until what year? 3. What three factors led to the growth of the Ottoman Empire? 4. What happened at the Battle of Kosovo? 5. Explain in detail the process of the fall of Constantinople. 6. Explain in detail how the Ottomans territorial reach continued to grow. 7. What saved Vienna from Suleiman? 8. What two groups stifled Ottoman maritime power? 9. What is the Ayn Sofya or Hagia Sophia? 10. Explain in detail the significance of the Janissarys. 11. Explain in detail the significance of the devshirme. 12. What was Osmanli? 13. Who were the askeri? The raya? 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Explain how the land grant system provided political order in the Empire. Explain in detail why the Empire started to decline from 1585 to 1650. Explain in detail the changes that took place after 1650 in the Ottoman Empire. What was the Tulip Period? Explain how the weakness at the center of the empire led to decay elsewhere. Section Two: The Safavid Empire 1502-1722 1. In what ways was the Safavid Empire like the Ottoman? 2. Who was Ismail? 3. What form of Islam did he practice? 4. Who were the qizilbash? 5. How did Iran differ in language and writing from other Muslim nations? 6. What impact did the Mongol invasion have on the development of Persian Iran? 7. What is the Hidden Imam? 8. What was Isfahan? Istanbul? 9. Explain in detail what a woman’s life was like at this time. 10. Explain in detail how Iran’s economy worsened and its effects. Section Three: The Mughal Empire 1526-1761 1. Who was Babur? Why did he have the Mongol designation? 2. What happened at the Battle of Panipat in 1526? 3. Who was Akbar? What did he accomplish? 4. Who were the mansabs? The rajputs? What was the significance of both? 5. How did Akbar foster tolerance? 6. How did Urdu or Hindi develop? 7. Explain in detail the three theories as to why Islam spread in Indian. 8. Explain in detail the religion Sikhism. 9. Who were the Marathas and what was their significance? 10. Who was Dupleix and why in the world was he significant? Section Four: Trade Empires in the Indian Ocean, 1600 – 1729 1. Why did land-based empires decline? 2. Explain why the Islamic trading community spread. Why didn’t the Christian trading community? 3. Explain in detail the role of Muslims in the East Indies. 4. Explain in detail the role of the Muslims in East Africa. 5. What are five conclusions reached in the conclusion of this chapter? 6. What is the meaning of life? Unit IV Text Questions 1. 2. 3. Chapter 20: Northern Eurasia, 1500 – 1800 Who overthrew the Ming Dynasty? What happened to the last Ming emperor? What did the Manchu do to the Ming? Section One: Japanese Reunification 1. What three challenges did Japan face between 1500 and 1800? 2. What had happened to Japan in the 12th century? 3. Explain the daimyo, samurai, and the social/political structure. 4. Who was Hideyoshi? What did he do and what were the effects? 5. How did Hideyoshi indirectly assist the Manchu? 6. What was the name of the new government that emerged from Japan’s civil war? 7. What effect did the new capitol at Edo have? 8. How was economic integration more of a feature than political in Tokugawa Japan? 9. In what areas did Japanese artisanship excel? 10. What experts assisted the Japanese? 11. How did the Japanese merchants gain the upper hand after being on the bottom so long? 12. What was the first major impact of the Europeans on the Japanese? 13. What is meant by “gunpowder revolution”? 14. Explain how the spread of Christianity was also a political force in Japan and the results. 15. What European power was allowed limited trading with Japan? 16. What factors caused destabilization of the Tokugawa government? 17. Why were merchants looked down upon? 18. Explain the “Forty-Seven Incident”. Section Two: The Later Ming and Early Qing Empires 1. Explain how the Ming created an economic boom in China. 2. Explain how “china” dishware got its name. 3. How did world trade affect China? 4. What metal poured into China? From where? To what effect? 5. How did the Little Ice Age affect China? 6. What other problems did the Ming Dynasty face? 7. Explain how Mongolia regained its power. 8. Explain the process in which the Manchu gained power in China. 9. What did the Manchu do regarding Chinese institutions and policies? 10. What two lures existed for European traders in Asia? 11. What country was the first to reach China? Where was its first trading base in China? 12. Where was Spain’s trade conducted from? 13. What island did the Qing or Manchu take in 1662? 14. How did the Dutch East India Company gain the upper hand in Chinese trade? 15. What impact did the Christian missionaries have on China? 16. In what ways did early emperors help China to recover? 17. Using the map, what were the tributary states of Qing China? 18. Using the map, what was the main coastal trading city in southern China? 19. What two things is Kangxi’s rule known for? 20. What country was expanding eastward in the north? 21. How did the Chinese use the Christian missionaries? 22. How did Christianity syncretinize with the Chinese to be accepted? 23. What Chinese products were in demand by Europeans? 24. What was the purpose of only one market point for each foreign sector? Where was the Europeans? 25. Why and how did the British takeover from the Dutch in China? 26. What was cha? te? 27. What effect did the loss of the American colonies have on British trade interests? 28. What was the Macartney mission? 29. How did a growing population affect China? 30. Why was the Qing not up to the task of governing China? Section Three: The Russian Empire 1. Who were the Russians? And who dominated them until 1480? 2. What was the most important political/trading city under the Mongols? 3. Who defeated the Mongols? 4. The Russian ruler’s title was what? 5. Why did Russia expand east? 6. Who were the Strogonovs? The Sibirs? 7. What did the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689 accomplish? 8. What three effects did Russian expansion have? 9. Who were the Cossacks? What effects did they have on Russian history? 10. Explain how the Romanovs gained power. 11. Explain what effect the economic and political transformations had on the peasants. 12. Explain the process in which peasants became serfs and what this meant for them. 13. Who was the greatest Romanov leader and what is he remembered for? 14. What features did Peter find that helped European success? 15. In what two areas did Peter expand in the west? 16. What city became the new capitol of Russia? 17. What western ways did Peter bring into the social area of Russian life? 18. How did he break the power of the boyars? 19. How did Peter strengthen the role of the Tsar and Russia? 20. Who was Captain Vitus Bering? 21. What impact did Catherine the great have for Russia? Section Four: Comparative Perspectives 1. Explain in detail the political comparisons of China, Japan, and Russia. 2. Explain in details the cultural, social, & economic comparisons of these three countries. 3. How is the Tokugawa an example of change from within? 4. How was China an example of both change from within and form the outside? 5. Explain why it is hard to determine if Russia was from within or externally changed.