Ch 4: the Empire in Transition

Ch 4: the Empire in Transition
Loosening Ties
A Decentralized Empire
Decentralized Colonial Administration
Assertive Colonial Assemblies
The Colonies Divided
Albany Plan (1754)
The Struggle for the Continent
Seven Years’ War (1756-1763)
New France and the Iroquois Nation
France’s Colonial Empire
The Powerful Iroquois Confederacy
Anglo-French Conflicts
King George’s War (1744-1748)
Fort Necessity
The Great War for the Empire
William Pitt Takes Command
Peace of Paris (1763)
British Resentment
Disastrous Consequences for Native Americans
The New Imperialism
Burdens of Empire
Britain’s Staggering War Debt
George III
George Grenville
The British and the Tribes
Failure of the Proclamation of 1763
Battles over Trade and Taxes
Sugar, Stamp, and Currency Acts
Paxton Boys
Persistent Colonial Grievances
Stirrings of Revolt
Stamp Act Crisis
“Virginia Resolves”
Stamp Act Repealed
Townshend Program
Mutiny Act
Townshend Duties
Non-importation Agreement
Boston Massacre (1770)
Rebellious Boston
“Committee of Correspondence”
Philosophy of Revolt
Sources of Revolutionary Ideology
“No Taxation without Representation”
“Virtual” and “Actual” Representation
Sovereignty Debated
Sites of Resistance
Political Importance of Colonial Taverns
The Tea Excitement
The Tea Act
Daughters of Liberty
The Boston Tea Party (1773)
Consequences of the Coercive Acts (1774)
Cooperation and War
New Sources of Authority
The First Continental Congress
Lexington and Concord
General Thomas Gage
War for Independence begins