Prompt 2011 1984_writing_prompt.doc



Writing Prompt

Satire: A literary genre that sometimes uses irony, wit, and sarcasm to expose humanity’s vices (foolishness/shortcomings) in an attempt to create change or recognition of our faults. Satire differs from pure comedy because it ultimately has a moral purpose.

“How does Orwell use satire in 1984 and how does it help support his overall purpose for the book?”

Your thesis should look like: In George Orwell’s satiric novel, 1984, he uses satire in an effort to illustrate his ultimate moral purpose of _________________.

Step I-

Identify what George Orwell’s ultimate moral purpose is in his novel


Step IIChoose any three (3) of the quotes from the book that provide evidence for your argument.

Step III-Formulate an outline on a separate sheet of paper

(a template is on the backside) for the following assignment:

-For this assignment you need to, in a well-organized and concise fashion, write a three-paragraph essay that is comprised of:

1. An introductory paragraph (using a "grabber" quote from outside of the novel to begin the essay) followed by an “Outside” to “Inside” transition that ends with a clear thesis statement detailing the central point of your essay.

2. One body paragraph that begins with a clear topic sentence followed by a minimum of 3 properly integrated quotes (set-up, citation, 2 sent. of explanation) from the novel that provides specific evidence to support your claim. It should end with a clincher .

3. A conclusion paragraph that restates the thesis in a different manner then transitions from

“Inside” back to “Outside” and ends with a final judgment that relates back to the "grabber" quote to make the essay relative and whole.

-This should be representative of the highest quality work of which you are capable and must include evidence of prefabricated thought and organization. It will be scored on a detailed rubric and is worth

100 points + 50 pts. for the rough draft and 25 pts. for the outline.


1. Have a Clear Thesis that is supported by your body paragraphs all 3 of your Body Quotes have a: Lead in, Set-up, proper

text notes, two-sentences of Explanation, and Transitions between chunks

3. Superior Spelling, Capitalization, and use correct homonyms (there, their, they’re)

4. No “you”s , “I”s , gots, alots, or contractions, Focus on possessive S use,

5. Make sure you have proper MLA Formatting, heading, double spaced

6. Use consistent Verb Tense (Past or Present) through the whole paper

1984 -

3 Paragraph Lit. Analysis Essay Outline

I. Introduction Paragraph-

Grabber Quote (must text note / should be thematic) ______________________________________________

(1 sent) Transition between G.Q. and Outside info.______________________________________________

Appropriate Outside Information (must text note) _________________________________________________

(1 sent) Transition between Outside and Inside Info.

___ __________________________________________

Appropriate and Relative Inside Information______________________________________________________

Thesis Statement: Focused and Complete_________________________________________________________

II. Body Paragraph-

(1 sent) Topic Sentence (briefly introduced your paragraph)


(2+ sent) Detailed Lead-in & Set up for Quote #1_______________________________________________

Quote #1 ________________________________________________________________________________


(2+ sent) Explanation: This is satiric because…and helps establish Orwell’s ultimate moral purpose by…


(1-sent) Transition _________________________________________________________________________

(2+ sent) Detailed Lead-in & Set up for quote #2_______________________________________________

Quote #2 ________________________________________________________________________________


(2+ sent) Explanation: This is satiric because…and helps establish Orwell’s ultimate moral purpose by…


(1-sent) Transition: __________________________________________________________________________

(2+ sent) Detailed Lead-in & Set up for quote #3 _______________________________________________

Quote #3 ________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________(Orwell ____).

(2+ sent) Explanation: This is satiric because…and helps establish Orwell’s ultimate moral purpose by…


(1 sent) Clincher sentence (briefly state what you demonstrated in your paragraph) _____________________

III. Conclusion Paragraph

(1-2 sent) Restated Thesis__________________________________________________________________

(1 sent) Transition ______________________________________________________________________

(1-2 sent) Inside info______________________________________________________________________

(1 sent) Transition ______________________________________________________________________

(1 sent) Outside Info. (must cite) ____________________________________________________________

(1 sent) Final Statement: Directly tie back to grabber quote ________________________________________

IV. Works Cited Page

1) 1984

2) Grabber Quote source

1 . Have a Clear Thesis that is supported by your body paragraphs

2 . Make sure all 3 of your Body Quotes have a: Lead in & Set-up, proper

3) Outside Information source(s)

text notes, two-sentences of Explanation, and Transitions between chunks

3. Make sure you have a Proper Work Cited page with a minimum of 3 sources

4. No “you”s , “I”s got, a lot, or contractions

5. Make sure you have proper MLA Formatting, heading, double spaced

6. Use consistent Verb Tense (Past or Present) through the whole paper

FYI: a great place to get outside information is at

Username: bonn54603

Password: bonn_log

Go to literature recourse center on the bottom of the 1 st screen then type in the search field “1984” “Orwell”
