Sociology 101 Film Essay Film Essay: “Indictment” Assignment: Based on your viewing of the video, “Indictment”, discuss the implications of labeling on the main characters of the film. Who are the agents of socialization, who labeled the main characters? Discuss the adage “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” Is it true? Support: The film, book, personal experiences Format: 3 double-spaced pages Due date: MARCH 17 Introduction o Catch the reader’s attention (quote, statistics, personal story) o The reader should be able to know what to expect for the rest of the essay Body o A: Agents of socialization [pg 67, 72] Define and describe agents of socialization Give examples from the movie Talk about the importance and implications of agents of socialization for the characters in the film o B: Labeling Define and describe labeling [pg 136] Discuss labeling theory and how it relates to the characters in the film How does this relate to discrimination [pg 210] and stereotypes Give examples from the movie o C: Implications of labeling [remember, “You can’t judge a book by its cover.”] How do people respond to labels? [reject, embrace, and the power of labels, pg 136-139] Give examples from the movie Conclusion o Wrap up the essay o What did you learn? What was the message of the film o Link the movie to society 1 Sociology 101 Film Essay Important Terms: Agents of Socialization Labeling Theory Rejecting Labels Techniques of Neutralization Denial of Responsibility – “I’m not responsible because…” Denial of Injury – “What I did wasn’t wrong because no one got hurt.” Denial of a Victim – “The victim deserved what they got.” Condemnation of the Condemners – “Who are you to accuse me?” Appeal to Higher Loyalties – “I had to help my friends.” Embracing Labels The Power of Labels Stereotypes and Discrimination 2