Examination of themes in Catcher in the Rye/ Mrs. Breaux Instructions: In your groups, you will explore the assigned theme below in Catcher in the Rye. Complete the following: One person should record what the group is doing; all parts of the discussion. Then, one person should take home the draft you created in class; email it to members of the group; and print out a copy for me with your group members’ names, your group number, and date in the upper left-hand corner. Begin by discussing how you think this theme operates in Catcher… Don’t skimp on this portion, as the ideas that you come up with will most likely end up being the main crux of your argument in your thesis statements. WRITE ALL OF THIS DISCUSSION DOWN! Make a list of the different events in the book that emphasize this theme. Cover not only the most obvious events, but also the more subtle events. Keep a list of page numbers with partial quotations that back up this quotation. Make two columns; one with the partial/full quotation on the left and your SPECIFIC analysis on the right. Explain what the overall quotation means, but also what each word means. Does Salinger use any literary devices here? Dig beyond the surface, with the understanding that your theme relates to novel’s overall meaning. Then created a thesis statement that explains how the theme is used in Catcher and WHY Salinger chose this theme. Example: In Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield, exemplifies the epitome of loneliness and alienation; Salinger seems to be pointing out to the reader that alienation results from a lack of willingness and desire to conform to society’s mores. After you have created your thesis statement, bullet all your evidence underneath as reasons to back up your argument as to why your assigned theme is a prominent theme in Catcher. Attach your paper in the following order: thesis statement and bulleted evidence as to why this is a theme in Catcher/next page: quotation/analysis/next page: notes from all discussion you had. Group #: 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Theme Assignment: Hatred of “phonies” Suspicion towards authority figures Disregard for conventional social rules Romanticizing nature and longing for innocence Alienation and Loneliness Failure Guilt and innocence sexuality