SIXTH GRADE ENGLISH DESCRIPTIVE WRITING RUBRIC A GLIMPSE OF SCA Name ________________________________ Date __________________________ # _____ In this assignment, you will write a descriptive essay describing a thing, place, or an event that helps to define St. Clare of Assisi School. Upon completion of these essays, we will create a book of our descriptive works and artwork/pictures. Descriptive Writing Creates a picture of a person, place, thing or event that allows the reader to become a part of the story – in our case, only thing, place, or event. Includes details that appeal to one or more of the five senses. Creates a link between those senses and the feelings or memories that they inspire. Is clear, detailed, and vivid. TIMELINE Monday, September 26, 2011 Class –Introduction, Descriptive Essay Rubric, Read pp.8285 and 108-109 Homework –Topic, Finish reading the above pages, Parent signature on Rubric Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Due – Topic, Parent Signature Class – Prewriting, Sensory Chart, Read pp. 88-90, Drafting pp.110-111 Homework – Sensory Chart, Finish reading above pages Monday, October 3, 2011 Due – Sensory Chart Class – Drafting, Type Rough Draft using NEO2s, Rough Draft Checklist Homework - Begin Photo/Artwork/Picture - due Wednesday, October 12 Wednesday, October 5, 2011 *May complete in Computer Due – Nothing Class – Drafting, Finish typing Rough Draft, pp. 92-95, Thesaurus pp. 100-102 Homework – Finish typing and printing Rough Draft Monday, October 10, 2011 Due – Hard copy of Rough Draft, Rough Draft Checklist Class – Revising, Highlight long and short sentences, first word of each sentence, RIP and overused words. Number sentences in each paragraph. Revising Conference, Revising Checklist Homework – Finish the above, parent signs for checker, CUPS Wednesday, October12, 2011 Due - Revising Checklist and CUPS Class – Editing, Editing Checklist, Editing and CUPS Conference Homework - Complete the above, parent signature for checker Type Final Draft in Computer Lab Monday, October 17, 2011 Due - Editing Checklist, Photo/artwork/picture, Rubric Final Draft Due Assignments Prewriting – Parent signature on Rubric, Topic due Prewriting - Sensory Chart due Drafting - Rough Draft with Checklist due Revising – highlighting and numbering, Revising Checklist due Editing – Editing Checklist due Publishing - Final Draft including photo/artwork due Due Date Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Monday, October 3, 2011 Monday, October 10, 2011 Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Monday, October 17, 2011 Monday, October 17, 2011 Point Value 5 points 10 points 15 points 10 points 10 points 40 points IF YOU ARE ABSENT ON ANY OF THE WRITING DAYS, PLEASE CHECK THE TIMELINE AND CHART ABOVE FOR CLASSWORK AND HOMEWORK DUE DATES. Name __________________________________ Date ______________________ # ________ SIXTH GRADE DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY ROUGH DRAFT CHECKLIST: A GLIMPSE OF SCA 15 POINTS TOTAL Focus: Descriptive Essay (6 points) Each of the 5 senses Include a simile or metaphor Describes a thing, place, event regarding SCA An overall feeling about the topic A memory relating to the topic Why the thing, place, event is important to SCA Organization: Paragraph I: Introduction (2 points) Introduce the topic in a way that grabs the reader’s attention. Topic sentence Paragraph II: (1 point) Begin your writing about the topic focusing on the senses Paragraph III: (1 point) Continue your essay in as many paragraphs (at least 4) Spatial or Chronological Order Paragraph IV: Conclusion (2 points) Why is this place, thing, or event important to SCA Format: (2 points) 12 point font Times New Roman or the Default Font 1 inch margins Heading (single spaced) Body (double spaced) Checklist returned (1 point) SIXTH GRADE ENGLISH DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY FINAL DRAFT RUBRIC 40 TOTAL POINTS Name _________________________________ Date __________________________ # _____ Ideas – shows a distinct focus (2 points) Organization (9 points) Includes 4 paragraphs or more (2 points) Constructs paragraphs in logical order (1 point) Format (6 points) Heading (single spaced) Typed – Times New Roman or Default font 12 point font 1 inch margins Body - Double spaced Word Choice (6 points) Uses vivid adjectives and verbs (2 points) Provides rich sensory details (2 points) Uses simile or metaphor effectively (2 points) Sentence Fluency (8 points) Uses a variety of sentences (2 points) Uses tradition words to show logical order (2 points) Conventions – CUPS ( 8 points) Photo/Artwork/Picture (5 points) Chart, Checklists, Rubric attached (2 points) (Sensory Chart, Rough Draft Checklist, Revising Checklist, Editing Checklist, Rubric) SIXTH GRADE ENGLISH DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY FINAL DRAFT RUBRIC 40 TOTAL POINTS Name _________________________________ Date __________________________ # _____ _____ Ideas – shows a distinct focus (2 points) _____ Organization (9 points) _____ Includes 4 paragraphs or more (2 points) _____ Constructs paragraphs in logical order (1 point) _____ Format (6 points) _____ Heading (single spaced) _____ Typed – Times New Roman or Default font _____ 12 point font _____ 1 inch margins _____ Body - Double spaced _____ Word Choice (6 points) _____ Uses vivid adjectives and verbs (2 points) _____ Provides rich sensory details (2 points) _____ Uses simile or metaphor effectively (2 points) _____ Sentence Fluency (8) _____ Uses a variety of sentences (2 points) _____ Uses tradition words to show logical order (2 points) _____ Conventions – CUPS (8 points) _____ Photo/Artwork/Picture (5 points) _____ Chart, Checklists, Rubric attached (2 points) (Sensory Chart, Rough Draft Checklist, Revising Checklist, Editing Checklist, Rubric) Your Points: _____ Name __________________________________ Date ______________________ # ________ SIXTH GRADE DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY ROUGH DRAFT GRADE SHEET: A GLIMPSE OF SCA 15 POINTS TOTAL _____ Focus: Descriptive Essay (6 points) Each of the 5 senses Include a simile or metaphor Describes a thing, place, event regarding SCA An overall feeling about the topic A memory relating to the topic Why the thing, place, event is important to SCA Organization: _____ Paragraph I: Introduction (2 points) Introduce the topic in a way that grabs the reader’s attention. Topic sentence _____ Paragraph II: (1point) Begin your writing about the topic focusing on the senses _____ Paragraph III: (1 point) Continue your essay in as many paragraphs (at least 4) _____ Paragraph IV: Conclusion (2 points) Why is this place, thing, or event important to SCA _____ Format: (2 points) Rough Draft is handwritten in composition notebook. Skip lines _____ Checklist returned (1 point) Your Points: _____ SIXTH GRADE ENGLISH DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY REVISING CHECKLIST 10 POINTS TOTAL _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Does the introduction grab the reader’s attention? Is there a good use of sensory language? Does the description use spatial order or chronological order? Are there any misused, confusing, or RIP words? Can any of the descriptive words be improved by using a thesaurus? Is there a satisfying conclusion? Are a variety of sentences used? Are transition words used to show logical order? At the bottom and/or on the back, the checker will ask questions, for clarification, for rewording, etc. of paragraphs. Identify the sentence/sentences on which the question relates using (P1, S4) – Paragraph 1, Sentence 4. Writer’s Name _________________________________________________________________ Checker’s Name ________________________________________________________________ SIXTH GRADE ENGLISH DESCRIPTION EDITING CHECKLIST 10 POINTS TOTAL _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ CUPS Are there overused or RIP words that could be replaced with synonyms? Are vivid adjectives and verbs used? Are sentences structurally logical and grammatically correct? Does the writer avoid wordiness? “There are a lot of people who…” should be “There are many…” Does the writer use proper subject/verb agreement? “Each are” should be “Each is”. Does the writer include contractions abbreviations, or slang? “Can’t” should be “cannot”. Unless in dialogue. Does the writer avoid grammatical errors? “No one had their” should be “No one had his or her”. Does the writer use strong descriptions? “It is warm today” should be “The heat swallowed my energy today”. Are the plurals and the possessives correct? “the boys book” and “the boy’s work” should be “the boy’s book” and the boys work”. Writer’s Name _________________________________________________________________ Checker’s Name _______________________________________________________________