‘Pick ‘n’ Mix’ - Variety of Activities: ‘And so’ statements 1 - 2 - 4 paired discussion 3 minute design task 30 seconds to say without hesitation 3D sculpture 5 experts, 5 groups - teach groups and solve problem A day in the life of Accurate marking out Acting Actions Adding up Adult led AFL - thumbs traffic light AFL ball game Air-balloon debate All put response on a post it Alphabet singing Anagrams Analyse/interpret Analysing pictures Analysing text Animal sounds Animation Annotating Answering questions Antiques Roadshow Apply a new skill to a scenario Argue Around the world Art work Artistic expression of ideas Ask the audience Ask the expert Assess other’s work Assessing Assumed identity Audio Audio tapes Back to back draws Back to the board Baking (e.g. to work out ratios) Ball games, e.g. as starter Balloon debate BBC Newsround Beads Beat the teacher Being in role Big question Big write Bingo type games Blockbusters Blockbusters on IWB Blogging Board games Board room style presentation Book review Book work Booklet Books Boxing up Brain gym Brainstorm Breaking rules Building database Calculations Call and response Cameras Campaigns Card games Card matching Card sorts Carousel Carousel of Creation Cartoon strips Cartooning Case study Cat and mouse Catching/throwing Categorising Ceramics Chain questions - one leads to the next Chain races Chair building (DT) Chalk and talk Challenge! Chanting Characters Charades Child as expert Child initiated Children making powerpoints Chinese whispers Choosing time Circle time Class assemblies Class brainstorm Class enquiry (P4C) Class feedback on post its Class reading Class still image photo Class survey Clay Clip observation Close eyes - listen to sound effects Cloze procedure Coach Coaching - children as coach Collage Collect and stick Collecting Collective voice Colour coding Colouring Colouring by numbers Colouring in Communicating Compare bears Comparing Competition Composition of songs Comprehension - auditory and reading Computing Conscience alley Construction Contrast Controlled assessment Converting pictures into words Cookery Cool experiments Co-operative rally Copy an artwork Copy with left hand Copying from board Count down Countdown games Counting Craft making Crawling Create a play Create own learning objectives Creating a word document Creating board games Creative writing, e.g. diary Criss-cross Critical friend Criticise/criticism Critics Cross curricular activities/learning Crosswords Cryptogram Cut and glue - ordering Cut and stick Cut and stick matching Cutting and sequencing Cutting out Cutting paper, designing ideas Dancing and performance Darts Debate Decision alley/line Decision making exercise Define Define key words Demonstration and analysis Demonstration and do Demonstrations Describe Describe a photograph - anything you can think of Describing pictures Descriptive talk partners Descriptive writing Desert Island Discs Design Design a board game Designing and making objects linked to topic Designing products Desk graffiti Develop strategy/tactics Devising a song Diagrams Dialogue Dialogue alley Diary entry Dice Dictating Didactic teaching Different operations Different voices Digging Directing a discussion Discovery through play Discuss in pairs Discussion Display work Dissecting Dissemination Distillation Distributing Dividing DJ-ing Do a survey Do it in an alternative style Do some sums Documentary Doing a craft Dominoes Dominoes - match answers to question Drama - physical Drama - talking hats Draw a graph Draw a graph of how you think the lesson went or is going Draw from memory Draw what is described Draw with a long brush and a stick Draw without taking hand off page Drawing and labelling Drawing maps and planning journeys Drilling Driving test Drumming DVDs Eating Elections Electronics Emails Empathy Empower students Enquiry Envoys Equations Essay questions Essay writing Evaluation Exam papers Exam practice Exam prep Exam/test Experience Experiment Experimenting Explain Explanations Extended topic Extended writing Eye spy Family fortunes Feature race Feeding back Feeling Feely bags Fictional story Field work Fill in missing words Fill in the blanks Filling in sheets Film an activity Films Find a quote Find it grab it Finding places on a map Finish off each other’s sentences Finishing off First hand experience - playing Flash animations Flash cards Flow chart Follow me Follow on from what last person said Football Forest school Forest school cooking Forum theatre Freeze frame Frequency tables Fruit salad Games Games @ whiteboard Gap filling Gluing Going around the school Going on a hunt/journey Grading questions Grammar gym Graphology Graphs & charts Group - 1 person stays Group analysis of text Group debate Group discussion Group drama Group feedback Group improvisation Group performance Group presentation Group Q&As Group quiz Group reading Group reading of a play Group task Group work Group work on whiteboards Group writing Grow Guess my … (post it note on head) Guess the … Guess the object Guess the similes/metaphors in a box Guess who Guessing Guided fantasy Guided reading/writing Hairdressing Hammering Handwriting Hangman Hat making Headlines Heads and tails Here’s the answer, what’s the question Highlighting Hopping Hot potatoes Hot seating How to fight a boss as Zelda Human photocopies Human scale Hypothesis testing ICT, computers Ideas drops Identify Illustration Imagination Imagination box Improvisation Independent activity Independent learning Independent learning posters Independent writing Indian dribble around the cones Individual ‘mini’ whiteboards Individual routine Individual work Information carousel Information hunt Instruments Interactive games Interactive whiteboard Internet research Interview Interview a character Investigation - fact finding Isolation exercises IT competition IWB games Jigsaws Jigsawing Job share Jot down your favourite subject Judge Jumping Junk modelling Just a minute Key words Knitting Labelling diagrams Large pieces of paper for students to write on Laughing Layout, plan, design, prototype Leaflet Learn a new skill Learn key words Learn to teach Learning leaders Learning partners Learning review Learning through songs/rhymes Lego Lesson planning for student Letter to a friend Letter writing Letting the children choose what they want to learn Linear order Linguascope games Linking Listen Listen and repeat Listening activity Listening and drawing picture Listening to a CD Listening to music Listing Lolly stick or pen group debate Lolly sticks Looking Loop cards Loop game Lotto game Make a cartoon Make a documentary Make a game Make a mask Make a model Make a video Make notes Make someone a manager Make the link - linking words and phrases Make-up Making films Making music Making own resource Making up rhymes to remember facts Mantle of the expert Map work Mapping Mapping from memory Mark making Market place Mask making Mastermind Match in pairs Matching activity Matching definitions & answers Matching pairs on post its around the room Maths trail Measuring Measuring objects Memorising Memory challenge Memory games Mental maths Mentoring Messy play Millionaire Miming Mind maps Mini whiteboards Mini whiteboards for maths Mirroring Mixed ability Mnemonics Model answers Modelling Modelling exam answers Modelling physically with pupils Models Modifying Monkey talk Monologue Mood board Moulding Movement Movie Maker Movie making Multiple choice (who wants to be a millionaire) Multiple choice cards Q&A Multiplying Murder to solve Music Music - write a song Musical chairs Musical response Mystery Negotiating News bug News report Newspaper article Note taking Noughts and crosses Number shark Objects Observational drawing Observe partner Observing Obstacle course Officiate Online blog Ordering Origami Outdoor activities Outside classroom Outside environment, e.g. tessellation in the outside Outside speakers P4C (Philosophy for Children) Paint using one colour and white Painting Pair work Paired reading Paired sequence Paired speaking Paired talk Paired teaching Pairs - think, share Pairs cards Papier mache Parachute Pass talking stick Pass the ball Pass the book Pass the parcel Past papers Pastels Pay me back PE Peer assessment Peer assessment after a class performance Peer marking Peer mentoring Peer teaching Peer tutor Perfecting Performance Persuasive writing Philosophy for children (P4C) Phone a friend Phonics Phonics full circle Photographs Photography Physical activities Physical assessment Pick a person, pass it on Pictionary Pictionary race Picture editing Ping pong type games Pint with Plan Planning Planting seeds Plasticine Plasticine explanations Play-doh Playing an instrument Playing with sand Podcast Poem writing Poetry Pond dipping Post it ideas Posters Pottery Powerpoint presentation PQE charts Practical investigation Practicals Practise exam questions Practising problems Preparing Presentations Presenting answers to questions as poster/info Printing Problem solving Problem solving scenarios Problem solving through fantasy (e.g. as knights) Projects Props set up Punctuation exercises Pupil demonstrations Pupil explanation Pupil participation Pupil teachers Pupil teaches a tense at the board Pupils explain methods Pupils generate objectives/outcomes Pupils work on board Puppets Puzzles Q&A Question of maths/geography, etc. Question wall Questioning Questionnaires - collecting data Questions - pass the ball Quilting Quiz Quiz busters Quizdom Races Radio broadcast Radio show Rally Rally robin Randomly generated learning buddies Range of different materials Range of objects Ranking Rapping Ratio (using cubes) Reading Reading aloud Reading an image (painting/photo) Reading for meaning Reading race Reciprocal teaching Reciting Recording scenes Recording work - visual/audio Reflecting Reflection Relate theory to real life (e.g. go to Tesco on trip and actually buy with money) Relaxing, e.g. yoga Relays Remembering Repeating - range of voices Report Research Research - computers Research projects Review/evaluate Revising Revision posters Ring words Role play Role play - dressing up, miming, reenacting Rope of opinion Rotate groups Round robin Run a race Running dictation Sand/water trays Sanding Sawing Science experiments Scientific models Scrabble Scripting stories Sculpture Select: leader, coach, umpire Self assessment Self assessment - record Self evaluation Send children to collect data Sensory analysis Sentence building Sequencing Set out Set targets Sewing Shadowing Share ideas Shared reading Shared writing Shop - adding/subtracting Shouting Show and tell Show of hands Silent maths Silent reading Silent think Similes Simon Says Simulated activities Singing Singing times table songs Singing to teach concepts Sitting quietly, working Sketching Skill development Skills showcase Skinny Q Fact Q Skipping Sleeping Small group work Small world play Smart board activities and games Smelling Smile Snap Snowballing Social thinking Soldering Solve quadratic equations Sometimes always never Song! Sorting Sorting activity - poetic devices Speaking Speed dating Speed typing Spelling Spelling strategies Spider grams Spider graph Spider map Spinners SPLAT Splat the board Sports Spot the difference Spreadsheet Stand and share Standing in line (to show levels of agreement) Star of the week Statements that they have to choose Statues Stealing numbers Sticking Still image Stimulus (object) Stories Story board Story boxes Story mapping - book talk Story telling Stream of consciousness Student as teacher: 2 - 5 minutes Student interviews Student led Student presentations Students plan own session Students prepare a topic/question to show class Students teaching lessons Students writing questions for each other Summarising Summary sentence Survey Swimming Symmetrical patterns Synthesising TA as ‘teacher’ Table aerobics Tableau Taboo Take 10 Take on a new role - organiser/coach Take photos Taking on a role Talk to class Talking partners Tally charts Tasting Teach another pupil a skill quickly Teach the lesson Teach the teacher Teach your group Teacher assessment Teacher in role Teacher led Teaching partners Team games Team teaching Team work Tell me what you don’t know Telling latest jokes Tennis Test Testing Text book Text conversion Text messaging Text someone what you’ve learned Theorising Think, pair, share Thinking Thinking circle Thinking hat games Thinking hats Thinking time This is the answer, what is the question? Thought bubble Thought out loud Thought showers Thought track Threading Throw Throw the ball Throwing paper planes to share ideas Throwing the ball to student to answer questions Thumbs up Tick list Tidy up time to song Tidying Timed competitions Timed task Times table challenge Top trumps Topic sentences Touching/feeling Trade an idea Traffic lights Translating Travelling Tray game Treasure hunt - clues Trick question Triominoes - key/stem word in middle, facts around it in triangle Trips True and false Turn a table into a graph Turn subject content into a poem/song TV advert TV interviews TV report TV video TV/DVDs Twenty questions Two stars and a wish Typing practice Under/over Use games’ principles across a variety of games Use of equipment Using compasses Using environment Using photos as stimulus Using post its Variation on ‘guess who’ with numbers Verb recital Verbal football Video Video analysis Video production Videos - You tube Visitors Visual aids Visual resources Visual word link Vocabulary matching Voiceover on a silent video clip Voting buttons Wake and shake - kick start Walk around to ‘evaluate’ pieces of work Walks - what shapes can they see? Wanted posters Warm up/cool down Watch a clip Watch a video Water play Watercolour painting Weaving Weighing Welding What to do sheet What’s wrong? Whispering Whistling Whiteboard Who am I? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who’s Who? Whole class discussion Whole class in role Whole class reading Whole part whole Whoosh Wii Wikis Wink murder Woodwork Word association game Word chains Word search Word shark Worksheets Write a letter Write a play Write a script Write a song Write a story about … Write a test Write an acrostic Write an essay Write and run Write learning objectives Write questions for others Writing a story in pairs Writing frames Writing ideas on a post it Writing questions Written essay Yoga You say we pay You Tube Zoo keeping