Asher/Matzek “Baby Think It Over” Essay Questions After taking home Baby, answer the following questions. This will be in an essay format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. You should have about five paragraphs in your body to answer the following questions. 1. In what way was caring for Baby like caring for a real infant? In what way was caring for Baby not like caring for a real infant? 2. In what ways was caring for Baby easier than you expected? In what ways was caring for Baby harder than you expected? 3. How has the experience with Baby affected your plans for your life? 4. How did having Baby help you discuss parenting with your parents/family? 5. What did you learn from this experience? Rubric: 5 The teacher is clear on your answers on the above questions. 4 The teacher is pretty clear on your answers on the above questions. Student included thorough discussion on each required topic, including content learned in class Student included good discussion on each required topic and included content learned in class. Paper was well written, organized and followed basic writing standards Paper was organized and followed basic writing standards Student is very clear and put a lot of effort into writing the paper. Student is clear and put thought and effort into paper regarding topics Comments: 3 The teacher is somewhat clear on your answers on the above questions. Student included some discussion on each required topic and included some content learned in class. Paper was somewhat organized and followed some basic writing standards Student put some thought and effort into addressing topics 2 Hard to understand your answers on the above questions. 1 The teacher is not clear on your answers on the above questions. Total x3= Student included minimal discussion on each required topic with little to no content from class. Paper was well written, unorganized and followed minimal writing standards Student did not include discussion on each required topic x3= Paper was poorly written, unorganized and did not follow basic writing standards x2= Student put minimal thought and effort into addressing topics Student did not put thought or effort into completing the requirements for the paper x2= Total _______/50 Asher/Matzek “Baby Think It Over” Rubric Name_______________________________ World class parent (4) Care Quality Spotless parental reputation Date:_____________ Amateur parent (3) Good parental reputation Class Period:____________ Indifferent parent (2) Possible referral for child abuse Abusive parent (1) Evidence of child abuse Missed Care 11 points 8 points 5 points 2 points Three or less Four instances Five instances Six or more instances instances Head Support 11 points 8 points 5 points 2 points Five or less Six instances Seven instances Eight or more instances instances Rough Handling Shaken Baby Baby condition Wristband condition Car seat condition Diaper bag condition Responsibility 11 points 8 points 5 points 2 points Two or less Three instances Four instances Five or more instances instances 11 points 8points 5 points 2 points Zero instances Zero instances One instance Two or more instances 11 points 8 points 5 points 2 points Returned Baby in Returned Baby in Returned Baby Returned baby great condition OK condition with dirt or marks unusable 8 points 5 points 3 points 1 point Wristband and ID Wristband and ID Wristband is Wristband is in great condition in OK condition damaged missing or removed 8 points 5 points 3 points 0 points Completely clean OK condition Instructor needs to Parts missing, and spotless clean it needs repair 8 points 5 points 3 points 0 point Completely clean OK condition and One item is More than one and all items all items returned missing, broken, item is missing, returned or dirty broken, or dirty 8 points 5 points 3 points 0 point All items returned All items returned All items returned Incomplete or one on time later in the day one day late with a day or more late with a reasonable note from parent excuse 8 points Total 95 = 100% 5 points Total 65 = 75% 3 points Total 40 = 50% 0 point Total 11 = 25%