Mini-Lesson on Proper Classroom Essay Format Andrew Deveaux Desired Outcomes: This mini-lesson will be used to demonstrate how essays will be formatted in the future of this class. It is important that during this mini-lesson I clearly explain exactly what I am going to be looking for in written assignments and how all necessary techniques on Microsoft Word can be implemented. I am going to assume that the high school I am teaching at has the advantage program so that students will be able to use them for the mini-lesson, but even if they don’t have computers in front of them, the lesson will still be relevant. The computer skills and essay writing skills will be required for the remainder of the course so clear explanation will be imperative. Grade/Class: Grade 12 English Class Materials: Rather then getting caught up with technology I will just use the chalk board and chalk since this is only meant to be a small lesson on essay format. Instructions: To begin, I will explain that students should access Microsoft Word or copy down instructions as a resource for assignments. I will explain exactly how a title page should be structured with emphasis on spacing, title, name and date placement. After students have a clear understanding how the title page is structured I will explain that the next page should begin with the title again, page number one and an introduction to what will be contained. The idea of creating a thesis statement will be explained. A brief explanation of the “three point essay” will be made so that students will have a viable option for organizing their material. The importance of having a strong conclusion that not only wraps up what is said but answers the thesis statement will be required and particular detail to what that entails must be given. Rationale: Before I begin to teach about format I will clarify with the students that my essay format is only one way that essays can be formatted. This does not mean that every teacher they meet will require the same format. The obvious question to be expected from students is, “If they are all different then why enforce them so strictly?” If this is the case then it should be explained that format is taught so that students will start off on an equal footing when it comes to the structuring of there paper. The content is far more important to me as a teacher then the format but if the format used is confusing then it will be an annoyance when reading. With all students following this format, essays should be much easier for students to organize. The structure will lead to clarity and enhance the papers on a whole. The computer skills are going to be important because as grade twelve students, some of which will be attending university the following year, essay writing will be fundamental. Formatting essays will be an essential skill to make the transition to university smoother.