doc - Chaffey College

In this section, you will find handouts
that MIGHT be assigned for homework
or MIGHT be done in class.
Pay Attention to
Class Announcements
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date.
Some people believe that
getting credit in an ESL
class is nearly impossible,
but it is not that difficult. If
you work hard, pay
attention and talk to your
teacher, you will be fine.
(your name here)
Type this paragraph
Highlight it and change the FONT to Arial
Change the size to 36, aligned LEFT
Highlight the word “nearly” and make it BOLD
Then highlight the word difficult and underline
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date.
My name is _______
My home country is ____
I enjoy __________, __________ and
Someday, I want to _______________.
Type these sentences
Highlight them and change the
FONT to Times New Roman
Change the size to 24, aligned
Finish the sentences with words of
your own. (About YOU!!)
Double Space
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date.
About ME
(your name)
(Write at least 1 paragraph about yourself here. Where did you grow up? When did
you move away from your hometown? Were you happy there? Were you happy to move?
Where did you go? Did you get married? Did you have children? What do you hope to have
accomplished in five years? What do you want to do in the future? Answer some or all of
these questions in a paragraph about YOU.)
Type the title “About ME”
Type your name
Highlight them and change the
FONT to Bell MT, 16, BOLD,
Type a paragraph about yourself
(Bell MT, 12, not bold, LEFT)
Fill the page??
Double Space
Cut & Paste
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date.
Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many
days in the year as you make use of. Charles Richards.
Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many
days in the year as you make use of. Charles Richards.
Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many
days in the year as you make use of. Charles Richards.
Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many
days in the year as you make use of. Charles Richards.
Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many
days in the year as you make use of. Charles Richards.
Type the first sentence.
Highlight it and change the FONT to Comic
Sans MS
Change the size to 16, aligned CENTER
Highlight the sentences and click “COPY”
Put a return after the period and click “PASTE”
PASTE x 5 times!! / Type your name & print
Cut & Paste
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has
always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem
invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS. Ghandi
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has
always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem
invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS. Ghandi
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has
always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem
invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS. Ghandi
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has
always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem
invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS. Ghandi
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has
always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem
invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS. Ghandi
Type the first paragraph.
Highlight it and change the FONT to Century
Change the size to 11, aligned LEFT
Highlight the sentences and click “COPY”
Put 2 returns after the period and click “PASTE”
PASTE x 5 times!! / Type your name & print
Cut & Paste
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler,
long I stood and looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both and be one
traveler, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both and be
one traveler, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could to where it bent 14
in the undergrowth.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel
both and be one traveler, long I stood and looked down one as far as I
could to where it bent in the undergrowth.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not
travel both and be one traveler, long I stood and looked down
one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth.
Type the first paragraph.
Highlight it and change the FONT to Times New Roman.
Highlight the sentence and click “COPY”
Put 2 returns after the period and click “PASTE”
PASTE x 5 times!!
Go back and change the size to the size noted on the right side.
Add Underlining and Bold to two paragraphs.
Text Boxes / Formatting
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Your name
A. The dog was brown and it lived under the bridge by
the church.
B. The happy dog.
C. The happy dog.
The happy dog.
A. 16, bold, verdana
B. Times, 26, italic, center
C. Harrington, 24, bold,
Box= center, verdana 16, 3 pt
edge, dashed
Print AND save to
your flash drive
Text Boxes / Formatting
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Your name
Sunsets are Amazing
I love to COOK!!
I love my dog
3 boxes
Use different text styles in each
Choose your own words
Use a different border/fill on each one
Clip Art (simple flyer)
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Come To Our
Birthday Party!
When: 8pm Saturday
At: Maria’s house: 1234 Haven Ave
Bring: Food and Diet Coke
Make a simple Birthday FLYER.
Add some Clip Art.
Make it as simple or extraordinary as you
Clip Art (complex flyer)
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Come To Our
Halloween Party~!
1234 Haven Ave
Rancho Cucamonga 92344
Make a more COMPLEX FLYER.
Add WORD ART if you can.
MS Word
Other Pictures
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Join Luis and I for nonalcoholic drinks by the
pool and lots of music and
Bring the kids!!!
Your name
Make a flyer using pictures off of Google
Images. Be Careful!!!
Also use a textbox, border, and cool font.
Using your skills: About Me
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Continue your “About Me” essay. You
should have about 1-2 pages with pictures of
you and/ or your family. You may include a
border if you like. Use whatever font and size
you like.
Using your skills: About My Country
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Continue your “About My Country” essay. You should
have about 1-2 pages with pictures of your country from the
internet. You may include a border if you like. Use whatever
font and size you like.
DUE ________
the one on the next page:(use
in Lessons
the directions
in the grey
box below. Type
your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Other Word HW
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Other Word HW
DUE ________
Follow the directions in the grey box below. Type your name on your paper. Print it and bring it in on
the due date. (Save to your flash drive as well.)
Internet: Chaffey Website 1
DUE ________
the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
– Go to
– On the left, you will see a list or RED topics
– Click on the 4th topic: ATHLETICS
– By using the topics on the left and any links you can find, try
to answer these questions:
1. When is the next game that a Chaffey
team is playing _______________________
2. What kind of sport is that game?
3. What is the name of the coach? __________________
4. Who is the “Sports Information Director”?
What is his/her phone number?
Internet: ESL Listening Lab 1
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Go to
On the Medium list of exercises, click on A Fun Day
Click on the driver’s License and go to next page
On part II. Listening Exercises, you will see a button
(click on it.)
 List carefully and try to answer these questions:
1. Where does the young girl want to go with her father?
A. to the park
B. to the movies
C. to the swimming pool
2. Who are they going with?
A. the girl's mother
B. the girl's best friend
C. the girl's older brother
3. Based on the conversation, what time will they most likely leave?
A. 9:30 AM
B. 12:45 PM
C. 2:00 PM
4. What does the girl want to do later?
A. She wants to walk to the ice cream store.
B. She wants to swim at the park.
C. She wants to go down to the beach.
5. What does the father suggest they do at the end of the day?
A. go to a restaurant
B. watch a fireworks display
C. play a board game
Internet: ESL Listening Lab 2
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Go to
On the Medium list of exercises, click on Driver's License
Click on the driver’s License and go to next page
On part II. Listening Exercises, you will see a button
(click on it.)
 List carefully and try to answer these questions:
1. Why is the girl excited at the beginning of the conversation?
A. She has just started driver's education classes at school.
B. She is taking her driver's license road test today.
C. She has her license and wants to drive now.
2. Which statement is an example of why the father created rule number 1?
A. Young drivers sometimes drink and drive.
B. Teenagers often drive at high speeds.
C. Some kids drive before obtaining a license.
3. Why does the father ask the daughter not to drive at night?
A. The roads tend to become icy and slippery.
B. It is more difficult to see obstacles in the road.
C. The girl might fall asleep at the wheel.
4. Why does the daughter dismiss, or not take seriously, rule number 4?
A. The father doesn't obey the rule either.
B. The rule is an old traffic law that has changed.
C. The girl tells the dad the rule doesn't apply to her.
5. How does the conversation end?
A. The father and daughter get in a big fight.
B. The girl persuades the father to let her drive the car.
C. The mom decides to drive the daughter to school.
Internet: Target
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Go to
On the left and on the bottom, you will see a list of topics
On the bottom, click on: HOME OFFICE FURNITURE
Then, click on deals of the day
By using the topics on the left and bottom plus any links you can find, try
to answer these questions:
1) Does target have home – office storage items? Name at least 3 kinds
2) What does target offer on deals of the day? Name at least 3 items
3) What kind of office chairs does target have? Name at least 4
4) What do I have to do to open a REDcard?
5) If I have questions about the application process to get a REDcard, what
number should I call?
Internet: Wal Mart
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Go to
On the left, you will see a list of topics
Click on the 4th topic: FOR THE HOME
Then, on the left click on furniture
On the bottom, you will see different categories of furniture
Click on home entertainment
By using the topics on the left and any links you can find, try to answer
these questions:
1) What are the different kinds of furniture that Walmart has? Name at least 3
2) Does Walmart allow you to buy TV Stands online?
3) What does Walmart offer on Christmas Decor? Name at least 4 items:
4) Does Walmart have special offers? Name at least 2 items with the prices:
________________ $_______
_____________ $________
5) Does Walmart have classifieds? Name 4 categories:
Internet: Google Search 1
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Go to
Using the search box, find the answers to these questions:
1. Question: Where was Abraham Lincoln born?
In search box: birthplace Abraham Lincoln
2. Question: Who was the 27th president of the United States?
In search box: 27th president of the United States
3. Question: Who wrote the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
In search box: author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
4. Question: What is the population of China?
In search box: China’s population
Internet: Google Search 2
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Go to
Using the search box, find the answers to these questions:
1. Question: What is the capital city of Nebraska?
In search box: ________________________________
2. Question: Who was the 25th president of the United States?
In search box: ________________________________
3. Question: Who wrote the book The Call of the Wild?
In search box: ________________________________
4. Question: What mountain range is in Europe?
In search box: ________________________________
Internet: City of Fontana
DUE ________
Checking schedules for classes
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
City of Fontana
Above is the first page after you have successfully connected to the
Click City Departments > In the Community Services Category, click
on one of the brochures listed (winter 2009? Summer 2010?)
Then you can see the classes and activities offered at the city!
When you click one of the blue letters from the brochure index, you
can see the information about the class. If you want to take a look at
the whole brochure, click Complete Brochure.
Now, scroll down the screen, click on Adult Sports on the list of the
categories, and answer the questions below.
1. Write the name of a child’s basketball class:
2. What time is the class? How much does it cost?
Go back to the category list, click Arts & Crafts, and answer
questions below.
3. Write the name of one of the DRAWING classes.
4. What time does the class start and end?
5. How long is the class for? (how many weeks?)
Internet: City of Rancho Cucamonga
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Above is the first page you will see when you have successfully
connected to the website.
Click on “Classes”
Then you can see the classes and activities by categories.
When you click one of the Adobe Reader files, you can see the list of
classes that Rancho Cucamonga Service Department offers to the
For example, the picture on the
left is one of the computer
classes. The bold title is the
class’s name, and the following
paragraph is a description of
the class. There is information
about what you will learn from
the class, the center where the
class will be taught, dates, time,
and fees.
Now, click Music on the list of the categories, and answer the
questions below.
Q1. Suzie wants to register a piano class for her 10-year-old daughter,
Ann. If Ann only has time on Monday, then what class can she take?
Write the class name below.
Q2. What time on Monday does the class offer?
Q3. Ann is the resident of Rancho Cucamonga City. How much does
she have to pay for the tuition including material fee?
Internet: RC 2
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Rancho Cucamonga Community Services Website
- Go to
- On the left and right, you will see a list of BLUE topics
- Click on the 5th topic: Volunteers
By using the topics on the bottom and
any links you can find, try to answer
these questions:
1) What kind of volunteer work is available? Write
at least 3 kinds:
2) Click on one of the volunteer’s works that you are interesting in.
What is its contact phone? _________________
3) Name 2 requirements to become a volunteer
4) For more information, what number should I call?
Internet: Amazon
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Go to
On the left, you will see a list of topics
Click on the 1st topic: BOOKS
Then, on the top type on search for Kite Runner Paperback
Click on the 1st book the kite Runner Illustrated Edition
By using the topics on the left and any links you can find, try to answer
these questions:
1) Who is the author of this book?
2) What was the original price of it?
3) Now, how much do I save? ________________________
4) How many new books do they have? From how much $? __________
5) How many used books do they have available? _________________
Click on the “New and Used from $____” link
6) What is the lowest price of a “used” copy? _____________
7) What is the name of that seller? _____________
8) What is their % approval rating? ______________%
Internet: English the Easy Way
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
Go to
On the left, you will see a list of topics
Click on the 8th topic: PREPOSITIONS
On the right and in the middle, you will see a list of options
Click on the 1st option: WHAT IS A PREPOSITION?
Then, by using the topics on the left and any links you can find, try to
answer these questions:
1) How can I define preposition?
2) What are the different types of prepositions?
3) Which prepositions can I use to define time?
4) Write a sentence using one of the time prepositions.
5) What are place prepositions?
6) Write an example using place prepositions.
Internet: EBay
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
 Go to
 In the search box, on the left, type “silver necklace”
 Find where you can sort by “price”, “ending first” etc. It is a drop
down menu near the center of the screen.
 Sort by price + shipping: lowest first
 Look at the items
 Click on the picture of the one you like the best
 Read about the item (Where did it come from? Is it valuable?)
 Click on “back to list of items”
 Look through the list again. Write in what you find:
Internet: EBay 2
DUE ________
Follow the instructions and fill in the missing information. If the website has changed, navigate
around and let Charmaine know about any problems you have. TRY to find the answers even if the
route is different. Get help if you need it. Do not wait until the last minute.
 Go to
 In the search box, on the left, type the title of an item you want
to look for
 Think of something you need for your house or family.
 Write it here ___________________________ (Gold watch,
DVD Titanic, Lecture Ready 2, Wine glasses)
 Click SEARCH
 What did you find?
Power Point 1
DUE ________
Copy the slide presentation below. Use your own words and your own pictures / colors. Save your
presentation to your flash drive and bring the flash drive to class on the due date.
 4 Slides minimum
 Topic: About YOU
1. My Presentation – by ….
2. I am from…
3. I am a ….(mother, lawyer,
teacher, cook?)
4. I like…..
 You must have Color
 Save to flash drive
Power Point 2
DUE ________
Copy the slide presentation below. Use your own words and your own pictures / colors. Save your
presentation to your flash drive and bring the flash drive to class on the due date.
 5 Slides minimum
 Topic: About your favorite foods
1. My Presentation – by ….
2. I like __________ (with picture)
3. I like __________ (with picture)
4. I like __________ (with picture)
5. I like __________ (with picture)
 You must have Color
 You must have CLIP ART
 Save to flash drive
Power Point 3
DUE ________
Copy the slide presentation below. Use your own words and your own pictures / colors. Save your
presentation to your flash drive and bring the flash drive to class on the due date.
 5 Slides minimum
 Topic: About ONE Animal that you
Choose what to put on each slide about the
ONE animal
 You must have Color
 You must have CLIP ART
 You must put the picture that I email
you somewhere in the presentation.
 Save to flash drive
Power Point 4
DUE ________
Copy the slide presentation below. Use your own words and your own pictures / colors. Save your
presentation to your flash drive and bring the flash drive to class on the due date.
 5 Slides minimum
 Topic: About ONE Sport that you
Choose what to put on each slide about the
ONE sport
 You must have Color
 You must have CLIP ART
 You must have pictures from google
 Save to flash drive
Power Point 5
DUE ________
Copy the slide presentation below. Use your own words and your own pictures / colors. Save your
presentation to your flash drive and bring the flash drive to class on the due date.
 5 Slides minimum
 Topic: About ONE Hobby that you
like. (reading, cooking, sewing, dancing?)
Choose what to put on each slide about the
ONE hobby
 You must have Color
 You must have CLIP ART
 You must have pictures from google
 You must have slide transition
 Save to flash drive
Power Point 6
DUE ________
Copy the slide presentation below. Use your own words and your own pictures / colors. Save your
presentation to your flash drive and bring the flash drive to class on the due date.
 5 Slides minimum
 Topic: About a place you want to
visit someday. (You’ve never been there.)
Choose what to put on each slide – about the
ONE place
 You must have Color
 You must have CLIP ART
 You must have pictures from google
 You must have slide transition and
 Save to flash drive
Power Point 7
DUE ________
Copy the slide presentation below. Use your own words and your own pictures / colors. Save your
presentation to your flash drive and bring the flash drive to class on the due date.
 5 Slides minimum
 Topic: About a profession that
interests you.
Choose what to put on each slide – about
ONE profession (doctor, nurse, lawyer,
 You must have Color
 You must have CLIP ART
 You must have pictures from google
 You must have slide transition and
 Save to flash drive
Power Point
DUE ________
Copy the slide presentation below. Use your own words and your own pictures / colors. Save your
presentation to your flash drive and bring the flash drive to class on the due date.
Examples of Homework
Charmaine Phipps
About Me
I grew up in La Puente, CA. I have two older brothers
and one older sister. I grew up mostly happy except
my brothers tormented me by making me play sports
a lot. My sister and I sometimes got along, and
sometimes we didn’t like each other.
We didn’t have much money when I was young.
My father worked and went to college at the same
time. When I was in 5th grade, my father graduated
college and became a lawyer. We had more money after that.
In La Puente, the population is mostly
Hispanic. There were only three white families
in my neighborhood. All of my friends were
Mexican or Black. There were a lot of gangs in
La Puente and walking to school and home from
school was sometimes dangerous. The “chola”
girls sometimes threatened to beat me up.
They called me “white girl”. My whole childhood I was “white girl.”
Even though I felt out of place, I liked that the people in my schools
were from many different cultures. I also liked that most people were kind
to each other and just seemed to want to work and provide for their
When I was ready for college, I wanted to move away from the LA
area and all the freeways. I chose Cal State University Stanislaus. It’s in
central California and doesn’t have a lot of traffic. It was also conservative.
I didn’t like that.
I attended CSUS for four years and then one month after I
graduated with a BA degree, I got married. I was twenty two. We moved to
Sonoma County, CA which is up north of San Francisco. I worked as a
secretary. I always edited everyone’s writing. Sonoma County has beautiful
vineyards, nice weather and not a lot of traffic. However, the people there
were mostly white and sometimes racist. I didn’t like that.
After a few years, we moved to the LA area. I was very sad at first.
But I was also happy to be back near my family. I decided to go back to
school and become an English teacher. I wanted to help people express
themselves. I learned how to teach writing and grammar. Six months after I
finished college, on July 19, 2001, I had a baby girl.
Becoming a mother was exciting
but it was also very scary. I didn’t think
Sage Mackenzie Smith
I was a good mother and I was always
afraid of making mistakes. My daughter
cried a lot and didn’t sleep very much. My
husband and I were tired all the time,
and we decided that my daughter would be an only child.
In 2002, I got a job at Chaffey College teaching ESL. I fell in love
with this profession. I was able to meet people from many places and help
them communicate through pronunciation and writing. It was a dream job!
In 2005, my husband and I had been married for eleven years and my
daughter was four years old. My husband and I had not been happily married
for a long time though. We decided to separate. I rented an apartment in
San Dimas and we began splitting custody of our daughter 50/50. She would
stay with me half the time and with him half the time. My husband and I
decided together that a divorce would be best for us.
My daughter, Sage, and I were very happy living in San Dimas. In the
fall of 2007, I began hiking and dancing with a new friend, Ken. We hiked
and danced for six months and then he finally asked me on a real date. We
started dating on April 19th, 2008. That summer, I bought my own town
house. It has two bedrooms and 1200 square feet. On August 1st, 2008, my
daughter and I moved in.
Now, I take my daughter to soccer games and socialize with my exhusband and his new girlfriend, Sarah, while I am there. They are both really
nice people. I spend every other weekend with my
daughter and we go for walks and play games. Then on
the weekends when she is not with me, I
spend time with my boyfriend and doing
work for school.
I have a very blessed life and
a lot of gifts. I am grateful for my
My Mother
supportive family, my wonderful
friends and my amazing students. I
come to work everyday, grateful to
be a part of my students’ lives. I go
home every night, thankful that my daughter is healthy and happy.
I am also grateful to have found love when I thought that it was
not going to be in my life again.
My Angel
My Little House
My Boyfriend, Ken
Examples of Homework
My Country – Venezuela
By Nohely Gonzalez
Venezuela’s history records that Christopher Columbus was the first European to
come to Venezuela in 1498 during his third voyage. More explorers followed him.
The country got its name from one of them, Alonso de Ojeda. The Spanish
established their first settlement, Nueva Cadiz, a year later. This was later
destroyed in tsunami.
Colonization in Venezuela was not much strong in the first half. Spain was
indifferent to it. But the whole scenario changed when massive oil reserve was
discovered. It has been quite a outpost on the edge of Spanish empire. But the
man who later turned the empire on his head on his head was born here. He was
Simon Bolivar. With the help of British mercenaries he did the task of liberating
Colombia in 1819, Venezuela in 1821 and Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia in 1825.
Geographically, most observers describe Venezuela in terms of four fairly welldefined regions:
The Maracaibo lowlands form a large spoon-shaped oval bounded by
mountains on three sides and open to the Caribbean on the north. The area is
remarkably flat with only a gentle slope toward the center and away from the
mountains that border the region. Lago de Maracaibo occupies much of the
lower-lying territory.
The mountains bordering the Caribbean
Sea are actually the northeastern most
extension of the Andes chain. Broken by
several gaps, these high mountains
have peaks over 4,500 meters; the
fertile valleys between the ranges
contain most
industry, and
The great expanse of lowlands known as the
Orinoco plains extends westward from the
Caribbean coast to the Colombian border between
the northern mountains and the Río Orinoco. This
region is commonly known as the llanos (plains), although it also contains
large stretches of swampland in the Orinoco Delta and near the Colombian
The most conspicuous topographical feature of the region is the Gran
Sabana, a large, deeply eroded high plateau that rises from surrounding
areas in abrupt cliffs up to 800 meters high. Above the rolling surface of the
Gran Sabana massive, flat-topped bluffs emerge; many of these bluffs
(referred to as tepuis by the Venezuelans) reach considerable altitudes. The
most famous tepui contains Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall.